Welcome to the GitHub page for pyC8, a Python driver for the Digital Edge Fabric.
- Clean Pythonic interface.
- Lightweight.
- Python versions 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 are supported.
To build,
$ python setup.py build
To install locally,
$ python setup.py build
Here is an overview example:
from c8 import C8Client
import time
import warnings
region = "qa1-us-east-1.eng2.macrometa.io"
demo_tenant = "demo"
demo_fabric = "demofabric"
demo_user = "demouser"
demo_collection = "employees"
demo_stream = "demostream"
print("Create C8Client Connection...")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=region, port=443)
print("Create under demotenant, demofabric, demouser and assign permissions...")
demotenant = client.tenant(name=demo_tenant, fabricname='_system', username='root', password='demo')
fabric = client.tenant(name=demo_tenant, fabricname='_system', username='root', password='demo')
if not demotenant.has_user(demo_user):
demotenant.create_user(username=demo_user, password='demouser', active=True)
if not fabric.has_fabric(demo_fabric):
fabric.create_fabric(name=demo_fabric, dclist=demotenant.dclist(detail=False))
demotenant.update_permission(username=demo_user, permission='rw', fabric=demo_fabric)
print("Create and populate employees collection in demofabric...")
fabric = client.fabric(tenant=demo_tenant, name=demo_fabric, username=demo_user, password='demouser')
#get fabric detail
employees = fabric.create_collection('employees') # Create a new collection named "employees".
employees.add_hash_index(fields=['email'], unique=True) # Add a hash index to the collection.
employees.insert({'firstname': 'Jean', 'lastname':'Picard', 'email':'jean.picard@macrometa.io'})
employees.insert({'firstname': 'James', 'lastname':'Kirk', 'email':'james.kirk@macrometa.io'})
employees.insert({'firstname': 'Han', 'lastname':'Solo', 'email':'han.solo@macrometa.io'})
employees.insert({'firstname': 'Bruce', 'lastname':'Wayne', 'email':'bruce.wayne@macrometa.io'})
# insert data from a CSV file
# path to csv file should be an absolute path
print("query employees collection...")
cursor = fabric.c8ql.execute('FOR employee IN employees RETURN employee') # Execute a C8QL query
docs = [document for document in cursor]
print("Create global & local streams in demofabric...")
fabric.create_stream(demo_stream, local=False)
fabric.create_stream(demo_stream, local=True)
streams = fabric.streams()
print("streams:", streams)
Example to query a given fabric:
from c8 import C8Client
import json
import warnings
region = "qa1-us-east-1.ops.aws.macrometa.io"
print("query employees collection...")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=region, port=443)
fabric = client.fabric(tenant="demotenant", name="demofabric", username="demouser", password='poweruser')
cursor = fabric.c8ql.execute('FOR employee IN employees RETURN employee') # Execute a C8QL query
docs = [document for document in cursor]
Example for real-time updates from a collection in fabric:
from c8 import C8Client
import warnings
region = "qa1-us-east-1.ops.aws.macrometa.io"
def callback_fn(event):
print("Subscribe to employees collection...")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=region, port=443)
fabric = client.fabric(tenant="demotenant", name="demofabric", username="demouser", password='poweruser')
fabric.on_change("employees", callback=callback_fn)
Example to publish documents to a stream:
from c8 import C8Client
import time
import warnings
region = "qa1-us-east-1.ops.aws.macrometa.io"
print("publish messages to stream...")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=region, port=443)
fabric = client.fabric(tenant="demotenant", name="demofabric", username="demouser", password='poweruser')
stream = fabric.stream()
producer = stream.create_producer("demostream", local=False)
for i in range(10):
msg = "Hello from " + region + "("+ str(i) +")"
time.sleep(10) # 10 sec
Example to subscribe documents from a stream:
from c8 import C8Client
import warnings
region = "qa1-us-east-1.ops.aws.macrometa.io"
print("consume messages from stream...")
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=region, port=443)
fabric = client.fabric(tenant="demotenant", name="demofabric", username="demouser", password='poweruser')
stream = fabric.stream()
#you can subscribe using consumer_types option.
subscriber = stream.subscribe("demostream", local=False, subscription_name="demosub", consumer_type= stream.CONSUMER_TYPES.EXCLUSIVE)
for i in range(10):
msg = subscriber.receive()
print("Received message '{}' id='{}'".format(msg.data(), msg.message_id()))
Example: stream management:
stream_collection = fabric.stream()
stream_collection.get_stream_stats('demostream', local=False) #for global persistent stream
#Skip all messages on a stream subscription
stream_collection.skip_all_messages_for_subscription('demostream', 'demosub')
#Skip num messages on a topic subscription
stream_collection.skip_messages_for_subscription('demostream', 'demosub', 10)
#Expire messages for a given subscription of a stream.
#expire time is in seconds
stream_collection.expire_messages_for_subscription('demostream', 'demosub', 2)
#Expire messages on all subscriptions of stream
#Reset subscription to message position to closest timestamp
#time is in milli-seconds
stream_collection.reset_message_subscription_by_timestamp('demostream','demosub', 5)
#Reset subscription to message position closest to given position
#stream_collection.reset_message_for_subscription('demostream', 'demosub')
#stream_collection.reset_message_subscription_by_position('demostream','demosub', 4)
#Unsubscribes the given subscription on all streams on a stream fabric
#delete subscription of a stream
#stream_collection.delete_stream_subscription('demostream', 'demosub' , local=False)
Workflow of Spot Collections
from c8 import C8Client
# Initialize the client for C8DB.
client = C8Client(protocol='http', host='localhost', port=8529)
#Step 1: Make one of the regions in the fed as the Spot Region
# Connect to System admin
sys_tenant = client.tenant(name=macrometa-admin, fabricname='_system', username='root', password=macrometa-password)
#Make REGION-1 as spot-region
#Make REGION-2 as spot-region
#Step 2: Create a geo-fabric and pass one of the spot regions. You can use the SPOT_CREATION_TYPES for the same. If you use AUTOMATIC, a random spot region will be assigned by the system.
# If you specify None, a geo-fabric is created without the spot properties. If you specify spot region,pass the corresponding spot region in the spot_dc parameter.
dcl = sys_tenant.dclist(detail=False)
fabric = client.fabric(tenant='guest', name='_system', username='root', password='guest')
fabric.create_fabric('spot-geo-fabric', dclist=dcl,spot_creation_type= fabric.SPOT_CREATION_TYPES.SPOT_REGION, spot_dc='REGION-1')
#Step 3: Create spot collection in 'spot-geo-fabric'
spot_collection = fabric.create_collection('spot-collection', spot_collection=True)
#Step 4: Update Spot primary region of the geo-fabric. To change it, we need system admin credentials
sys_fabric = client.fabric(tenant=macrometa-admin, name='_system', username='root', password=macrometa-password)
sys_fabric.update_spot_region('guest', 'spot-geo-fabric', 'REGION-2')
Example for restql operations:
from c8 import C8Client
import json
import warnings
client = C8Client(protocol='https', host=region, port=443)
fabric = client.fabric(tenant="demo_tenant", name='_system',
username='root', password='demo')
print("save restql...")
data = {
"query": {
"parameter": {},
"name": "demo",
"value": "FOR employee IN employees RETURN employee"
response = fabric.save_restql(data)
print("execute restql without bindVars...")
response = fabric.execute_restql("demo")
print("execute restql with bindVars...")
response = fabric.execute_restql("demo",
{"bindVars": {"name": "guest.root"}})
print("get all restql...")
response = fabric.get_all_restql()
print("update restql...")
data = {
"query": {
"parameter": {},
"value": "FOR employee IN employees Filter doc.name=@name RETURN employee"
response = fabric.update_restql("demo", data)
print("delete restql...")
response = fabric.delete_restql("demo")