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Docker (not supported)

Quick Start

1. Install Docker

2. Clone this repo to your desired location

git clone

3. Build the docker file within the cloned directory

docker build -f docker/wsl/Dockerfile -t macrover/rover:wsl .

This may take a while the first time you run it.

4. Start the macrover/rover docker container


Windows Install (Windows 10 v2004+)

1. Set up WSL 2 on Windows

2. Install Docker for Windows

3. Install an X server for Windows

4. Configure VcXsrv to work with your Ubuntu WSL install

  • In your Ubuntu terminal prompt (Should be able to search for "Ubuntu" in the start menu to find this), type:

    nano ~/.bashrc

    Don't delete anything, but paste the following lines at the end of the file (use arrow keys to scroll down):

    # Connect to Windows X11 server
    export DISPLAY=`grep -oP "(?<=nameserver ).+" /etc/resolv.conf`:0.0

    Press Ctl+X and then Y to save and exit.

    Finally, run

    source ~/.bashrc
  • Open XLaunch on Windows (search for XLaunch in the start menu)

    Select Multiple Windows and set display number to -1. Click next.

    xlaunch 1st prompt

    Select Start no client. Click next.

    Uncheck Native OpenGL and check Disable access control. Click next.

    xlaunch prompt 2

    Save the configuration file somewhere you can remember. Next time you can just open this and skip the config options. Click finish.

    If you get a prompt from Windows firewall, make sure to allow permissions on both private and public networks.

5. Clone this Rover repo to your Ubuntu WSL distro

  • In the terminal on Ubuntu, type:

    git clone
  • You can clone it to wherever you want in your Linux install, just make sure you know where it is.

  • After cloning, cd into the repo

    cd Rover

6. Build the Docker image

  • Inside the git repo (where you should already be), type:

    docker build -f docker/wsl/Dockerfile -t macrover/rover:wsl .

    If you run into issues where the docker command is not found, make sure docker is running and that you've set up integration with your Ubuntu distro. If all else fails, try rebooting and see if it works. Just make sure to start up the X11 server (using the saved config file from before), start up docker, and cd into the cloned Rover git repository again when the computer completes the reboot.

    Now you're ready to start the docker container. Type the following into your Ubuntu terminal window:


    The extra flags here allow the X11 server running on Windows to interact with the docker container. To start the container in the background, replace the -it flag with -d.

    NOTE: Sometimes after a reboot of your computer the DISPLAY variable will change. If this happens, the X11 link will stop working and you won't be able to open any GUI elements. To fix this you will have to create a new docker container using the same docker run command above the new DISPLAY variable will be used automatically.

7. VSCode Integration (optional but useful)

  • Download and install VSCode

  • Download and install the Remote Development Extension Pack

  • Open the Remote Explorer pane. Select Containers in the dropdown and open the macrover/rover container. If it's not already running, VSCode will start the container.

    open containers vscode

    From here you can open /root/Rover or /root/Rover/ROS_WS.

  • If you open the latter (/root/Rover/ROS_WS), you are in the catkin workspace. This means the VSCode ROS extension will automatically detect your version.

    ros on vscode

Linux Install

Docker & Nvidia Hardware acceleration

This set of instructions applies only if running on linux with and nvidia gpu. This install assumes you have the most recent nvidia GPU drivers (v440+)

1. Install docker


  • Install prerequisites

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
  • Add gpg key and verify

    curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
  • Add docker repository

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64]$(lsb_release -cs)stable"
  • Install docker engine

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
  • Check that docker install works

    sudo docker run hello-world

    Note: you may experience a permissions error here. This means you must add your current user to the docker group. To do this, do the following:

    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

    And then reload the groups to register the changes:

    newgrp docker

    Try running the hello-world image again and it should work.

2. Install nvidia cuda support

  • Follow the deb (network) instructions found here

  • For Ubuntu 20.04, the installation commands are:

    $ wget
    $ sudo mv /etc/apt/preferences.d/cuda-repository-pin-600
    $ sudo apt-key adv --fetch-keys
    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb /"
    $ sudo apt update
    $ sudo apt -y install cuda
  • Please check the website for your specific install commands

3. Install nvidia-docker2

  • Add nvidia repos
    curl -s -L | sudo apt-key add -
    distribution=$(. /etc/os-release;echo $ID$VERSION_ID)
    curl -s -L$distribution/nvidia-docker.list | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-docker.list
    sudo apt update
  • Install nvidia-docker2
    sudo apt install nvidia-docker2
  • Restart docker daemon
    sudo systemctl restart docker
  • Verify that nvidia-docker2 works
    docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.2 nvidia-smi
    If your installed CUDA release is not 10.2, check the verison using the following command:
    nvcc --version
    and replace nvidia/cuda:10.2 with your installed release.

4. Clone the Rover repo and build the docker container

  • Clone the current repo
    git clone
  • cd into the repo and build the dockerfile
    cd Rover
    docker build -f docker/nvidia/Dockerfile -t macrover/rover:nvidia .

5. Start the container

  • There is a special script to start the docker container with X11 forwarding

    chmod +x docker/nvidia/start_nvidia_docker.bash
  • To test that the X11 forwarding works. In a new terminal pane type:

    docker exec -it macrover /bin/bash

    Rviz should open. If it fails shut down the container, run

    sudo rm -rf /tmp/.docker.xauth

    and then run the start script again.


    This means that shutting down the container without commiting changes will delete all progress you have done inside the container!

    To disable this "feature", remove the --rm flag and the --name flag from start_nvidia_docker.bash.