J M Chaudhary Sarvajanik Vidhyalaya, Mehsana
- Movies
- Binge Watching TV Shows
- Web Development
- Graphic Designing
- Travelling
- Reading articles on Medium
- Photography
- Developed my brain to watch good movies and recommend it to others.
- Cyber Chat a web chat application,with basic chat functionality.
- Onine Personal Dictionary A simple dictionary app with add and remove terms functionality
- Countdown Page A Countdown timer page for My Portfolio Site
- FindWiki This a web page that searches for wikipidia articles for a given query.
- TwitchCheck This is a webpage that checks whether the given list of channels are streaming currently.
- [Random Quote Generator] (https://github.com/skywalker212/Random-Quote-Generator) A web page that generates quote for your inspiration when you press the button.
- [Tiny Shell] (https://github.com/skywalker212/tinyShell) An Assignment for my course of System Software