- Setting up sanity:
1.a. Install Sanity: npm install -g @sanity/cli
1.b. Initiallize Sanity sanity init --coupon javascriptmastery2022
1.c. Create Schemas in the schema folder example: -- create testimonials schema by defining the below: --- first export default { within here you write the below properties} ----name, title, type: 'document', fields: [its an array of objects {objects have name, title, type: string, image..etc}]
create the react frontend npx create-react-app frontend_react
delete the src folder and add your own
3.1 add App.js -here you will declare the rafce to create react arrow function
3.2 add index.js here you will import the below:
- React
- ReactDOM
- App from ./App
- './index.css/
then create an object to render the app object in the root index.html ReactDOM.render(, document.getElementById('root'));
- 3.3 add index.css will hold all global styles
install all the dependances within the react folder npm install @sanity/client @sanity/image-url framer-motion node-sass react-icons
Our CSS uses BEM methodology to organize our css names
connecting Sanity to React
need to create a client file with the below info: import sanityClient from "@sanity/client"; import imageUrlBuilder from "@sanity/image-url";
export const client = sanityClient({ projectId: '', dataset: "", apiVersion: "", useCdn: true, token: '', });
const builder = imageUrlBuilder(client);
export const urlFor = (source) => builder.image(source);
using sanity in components: within the component function need to add the below to query over the data type u need for the specified component const [anyname, setAnyName] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const query = '*[_type == "anyname"]';
client.fetch(query).then((data) => setAnyName(data));
}, []);
we map over the items within the sanity db: