To help us understand and resolve your issue, please fill out the form to the best of your ability. You can feel free to delete the sections that do not apply.
Bug summary
- A short 1-2 sentences that succinctly describes the bug
Code for reproduction
- A minimum code snippet required to reproduce the bug, also minimizing the number of dependencies required
# Paste your code here
Actual outcome
- The output produced by the above code, which may be a screenshot, console output, etc.
# If applicable, paste the console output here
Expected outcome
- A description of the expected outcome from the code snippet
- If this used to work in an earlier version of Matplotlib, please note the version it used to work on
Matplotlib version
- Matplotlib version, Python version and Platform (Windows, OSX, Linux ...)
- How did you install Matplotlib and Python (pip, anaconda, from source ...)