This section describes the steps to be performed for transforming a newly installed system into a fully operational machine.
Generate and add an SSH key checkout / push changes from GitHub ( (
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
Alternative: Copy the .ssh
directory from another mac
- Open system preferences -> Spotlight
- Restrict search results to "Applications" and "System Preferences"
- Untick "Help Apple Improve Search"
- Under "Privacy" add all other local disks to prevent them to be indexed
- system preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Spotlight -> remove both shortcuts x Untick "Allow Spotlight Suggestions in Look up"
- Open system preferences -> Sharing
- Allow "Remote Login" (access only for Administrators)
- Open transmit and add the new installation
- Copy Dropbox directory / .extra file
- Check that the right licensed version is in use (7)
- Used 1password before, sync over icloud
- Answer all questions
- Search for "1password 7" and double-click on the license attachment to register
- Install the browser extensions (Safari + Chrome)
- Safari: open "Safari" -> "Safari Extensions"
- Chrome: install the plugin / extension
- Enable selective sync
- Change dropbox location to "~/Sync" (will create a "Dropbox" directory)
- Configure "Notifications"
To speed-up the first sync, quit the application after the first successful login and overwrite the created dir by a local copy of the DB folder
- Activate Powerpack using key in 1password
- "Advanced" -> "Set preference folder" -> set the dropbox folder
- launch at login
- Preference -> General -> change Alfred Hotkey
-> install mirror displays ( install --global alfred-mirror-displays
-> Register Spotify extension (
- simple modification: assign from caps_lock to key "F16" on all keyboards and configure alfred to be launched by F16
- make sure that the "German" (not "German - Standard" keyboard is in use)
for external mac keyboard switch assignments: pqrs-org/Karabiner-Elements#1426
- Open Dock & Menu Bar and set ...
- Show date "NEVER"
- Disable "Show the day of the week"
- Set "Use a 24-hour clock"
- Set "Display the time with seconds"
- Disable other options
- Tick "Launch Bartender at login" box
- Add license
- Configure manually (from another mac) and shift icons
- Add license
- File -> Import settings from dropbox
- Open and finish install
- Change shortcut for fullscreen (alt+command+-)
- Launch at login
- Enter license key
- Activate Panic Sync to get the latest configuration
- Launch at login
- Configure apparence
- Login using the atlassian account & GitHub one
- Activate Things cloud
- Right click: open at login
- Preferences -> Quick Entry -> Disable quick entry
- Connect account
- Configure apparence and notifications
- Login
- Register
- Privacy -> disable all
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install and configure Power10k according to
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
echo 'source ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme' >>~/.zshrc
Download "Hack" and "" from here:
Then unzip and execute open *.ttf
to install the font on MacOS.
Follow these instructions:
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "Hack Nerd Font",
"": "/bin/zsh"
- Sync plugins and bookmarks with sync mechanism
- Import "Awesome" shortcuts for the home page
- Use "Settings Sync" extension ( to load the latest extensions and settings
- Log into Copilot
iTerm2 -> Make default terminal
iTerm2 -> Install shell integration (curl -L | bash)
iTerm2 -> Preferences -> General -> Load preferences from a custom folder or URL (select DropBox folder)
Terminal -> Shell -> Open (from Dropbox folder)
Terminal -> Shell -> Use Settings as Default
Change the used bash (
$ sudo bash -c 'echo /usr/local/Cellar/bash/5.1.8/bin/bash >> /etc/shells'
chsh -s /bin/zsh
# This would change the default shell
## chsh -s /usr/local/Cellar/bash/5.1.8/bin/bash
Configure the software by importing the database.
- Downalod, configure & register from the web page
- Login
- Preferences -> General -> untick "Show dock icon"
Install send to kindle:
- Login
- run the installer manually in "/usr/local/Caskroom/parafon-ntfs/15/Install/..‚"
- login & restart
- Foobar2000 (
- Hauptwerk + organs
- Midi interface
- Cakewalk
- CaptureOne -> install manually as cask has been removed & register
- Photo Mechanic (
- Photo Lemur ( -
- Topaz Denoise
- MySides (
- Open, download the installer and follow the instructions to add the WLAN scanner
- Download and install nuance pdf for man: -> redirect to "kofax"
Start and launch Synchronization
Turn off the Optimize Storage option. Apple menu > System Preferences > Apple ID > Optimize Mac Storage.
- General -> Use dark menu bar and Dockbash
- Date & Time -> "Clock" -> don't show the day of the week, show the seconds, 24-hour clock
- Keyboard -> Key repeat: fastest & Delay until repeat: shortest
- Trackpad -> Look up & data detectors -> Off (disables dictionnary - see
Group apps by creating folders and app symlinks, for example:
ln -s ../../
Add icons to the folders
Import / export dock icons - add separators
defaults write persistent-apps -array-add '{"tile-type"="small-spacer-tile";}'
killall Dock
- Captvty (See
- WebCam Driver
- Docfetcher
- Tinker Tool (not TT System) (
- GCViewer (
- Snap Camera
- Ruby (latest version):
- Sony Imaging Edge:
- BAT themes:
- Gradle:
sdk install gradle
- Kubernetes CLI:
brew install kubernetes-cli
Applescript to add a date shortcut:,for%20the%20first%20time%20only.
on run {input, parameters}
set thedate to (do shell script "date \"+%Y.%m.%d\"") as string
tell application "System Events"
keystroke thedate
end tell
end run
brew install awscli
Azure CLI
brew install azure-cli
brew cask install google-cloud-sdk
CloudFoundry CLI
brew tap cloudfoundry/tap
brew install bosh-cli
brew install cf-cli
brew install credhub-cli
brew install bbl
brew install bbr
Pivotal CLI
brew tap nevenc/tap
brew install pivnet-cli
brew install om-cli
brew install pace-cli
brew install mysql
brew install mongodb
brew install elasticsearch