Django Field that implement the following features:
- Django-Storages compatible (S3)
- Resize images to different sizes
- Access thumbnails on model level, no template tags required
- Preserves original image
- Restrict accepted image dimensions
- Allow image deletion
- Rename files to a standardized name (using a callable upload_to)
Install latest PIL - there is really no reason to use this package without it
easy_install django-stdimage
pip django-stdimage
Put 'stdimage' in the INSTALLED_APPS
Import it in your project, and use in your models.
from stdimage import StdImageField class MyClass(models.Model): # works as ImageField image1 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img') # can be deleted through admin image2 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', blank=True) # creates a thumbnail resized to maximum size to fit a 100x75 area image3 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', variations={'thumbnail': (100, 75)}) # creates a thumbnail resized to 100x100 croping if necessary image4 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', variations={'thumbnail': (100, 100, True)}) # creates a thumbnail resized to 100x100 croping if necessary and excepts only image greater than 1920x1080px image5 = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', variations={'thumbnail': (100, 100, True)}, min_size(1920, 1080)) # all previous features in one declaration image_all = StdImageField(upload_to='path/to/img', blank=True, variations={'large': (640, 480), 'thumbnail': (100, 100, True)})
For using generated thumbnail in templates use "myimagefield.thumbnail". Example:
<a href="{{ object.myimage.url }}"><img alt="" src="{{ object.myimage.thumbnail.url }}"/></a>
By default StdImageField stores images without modifying the file name. If you want to use more consistent file names you can use the build in upload functions. Example:
from stdimage import StdImageField, UPLOAD_TO_CLASS_NAME, UPLOAD_TO_CLASS_NAME_UUID, UPLOAD_TO_UUID from functools import partial class MyClass(models.Model) # Gets saved to MEDIA_ROOT/myclass/#FILENAME#.#EXT# image1 = StdImageField(upload_to=UPLOAD_TO_CLASS_NAME) # Gets saved to MEDIA_ROOT/myclass/pic.#EXT# image2 = StdImageField(upload_to=partial(UPLOAD_TO_CLASS_NAME, name='pic')) # Gets saved to MEDIA_ROOT/images/#UUID#.#EXT# image3 = StdImageField(upload_to=partial(UPLOAD_TO_UUID, path='images')) # Gets saved to MEDIA_ROOT/myclass/#UUID#.#EXT# image4 = StdImageField(upload_to=UPLOAD_TO_CLASS_NAME_UUID)
You can restrict the upload dimension of images using min_size and max_size. Both arguments accept a (width, height) tuple. By default, the minimum resolution is set to the biggest variation. CAUTION: The max_size should be used with caution. As storage isn't expensive, you shouldn't restrict upload dimensions. If you seek prevent users form overflowing your memory you should restrict the HTTP upload body size.