Some shortcut commands for using kubectl faster and easier. I've found these commands useful in my experiences with k8s, I hope it will be for ohters too.
Feel free to fork and create your own. making PRs is also welcome.
NEW: Auto-complete on commands!
ke <pod/deployment-name-pattern>
Filters the pods that have names match the input pattern and then select one of them randomly. finally, it gets the shell using kubectl exec -it <selected pod> bash
klogs <deployment-name-pattern> [ any kubectl logs param/option ]
Filters the pods that have names match the input pattern and print the logs of them separated, using kubectl logs <pod> $* --follow=false
kbackup <resource type> <output format{default=yaml}>
Creates a backup of given resource in K8S_BACKUP_DIR{default=~/.k8s_backups}
with given format. e.g.
~/.k8s_backups/<date>-<resource type>/<name>.backup
Also I've selected some aliases that I think are handier. like:
-> kubectlkd
-> kubectl describekswitch
-> kubectl config use-context
If you are using oh-my-zsh, You should just clone the repository and then symlink your
file in the custom dir with .zsh
extension. e.g.
ln -s /<path-to-repo>/ ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/quick-k8s.zsh