Allows specifying a window (spatial subset) of either pixel coordinates or geographical coordinates, so that, instead of first opening a full product and then subsetting it to a region of interest, the reader will open directly the region of interest as a full-fledged product.
This module is upgraded so that it can accommodate in a flexible way any type of sensor (radar, optical, atmospheric, etc.). In addition, the display / interaction of / with product frames or quicklooks can be done on a 3D visualisation of Earth (NASA WorldWind).
The possibility to access (and search for) remote data was introduced by regarding remote data sources as independent SNAP plugins. This allows building a flexible GUI for searching products on the remote sources. Besides the parametrized search (with parameters in the form of values), it also handles the selection of the area of interest on the 3D visualisation of Earth.
New remote data source modules are added to SNAP as plugins addressing the following remote repositories: * Copernicus Scientific Data Hub (SciHub): for Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 data * Amazon Web Services (AWS): for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data * Alaska Satellite Facility (ASF): for Sentinel-1 and ALOS data * US Geological Survey (USGS): for Landsat-8 data The searched products can be downloaded in parallel from several remote repositories (but parallel search is not allowed).
The GDAL version is updated to 3.0.0 in order to be able to write COG GeoTiff through the GDAL writer. Also, GDAL binaries for MacOSX are added. (they were missing in the past) Allow usage of installed GDAL distribution on OS (supported versions from 2.0.X to 3.0.X). Allow setting which GDAL distribution is used by SNAP (installed or internal distribution).
* [SIITBX-290] - Radiometric Index Operators do not handle GeoCoding correctly
* [SIITBX-297] - Unit not correct after Reflectance-to-radiance conversion
* [SIITBX-335] - Jaxa Forest Land Cover download fails
* [SIITBX-374] - Kompsat2 data is missing wavelength information
* [SIITBX-375] - GeoLocation of WorldView2 products not correct
* [SIITBX-376] - WorldView2 products are missing wavelength information
* [SIITBX-406] - JP2 reader: color model is not set on bands source images
* [SIITBX-416] - Generic Region Merging Operator tests have different behavior on Linux and Windows
* [SIITBX-418] - GDAL reader - windowed reading issues
* [SIITBX-419] - Geometry bands in Reflectance to Radiance operator cause NullPointerException
* [SIITBX-420] - Casting Error when opening the B1 and B9 of a Sentinel 2 products on SNAP-Desktop
* [SIITBX-421] - Export S2 product to GDAL generates an error
* [SIITBX-422] - Masks are not correctly extracted in certain cases
* [SIITBX-424] - [GPT] Casting Error with Sentinel 2 products
* [SIITBX-425] - Unable to view S2 bands
* [SNAP-1285] - ConversionException generated when opening a Beam Dimap product (Unknown type in attribute descriptor 'geometry:Point')
* [SNAP-1289] - GeoTiff reader fails to read Float32 bands
* [SNAP-1298] - "Advanced" button (from file chooser dialog) should not be visibile for File -> Export GDAL option
* [SNAP-1195] - Fix operators order in the menu of the Graph Builder
* [SNAP-1168] - Fix SubsetUI reference band issue
* [SNAP-1169] - Fix Subset operator for multi-resolution products
* [SNAP-1152] - Subset operator uses tie-point grids correctly
* [STEP-12, SIITBX-373] - Parameters for Reader Plugins
* [STEP-5, SIITBX-373] - Windowed Reading of Products
* [STEP-13, SNAP-1161] - Product Library GUI Enhancements
* [STEP-14, SNAP-1162] - SciHub Search UI Enhancement in Product Library
* [STEP-15, SNAP-1163] - Support for New External Data Access Sources via Product Library
* [SNAP-1225] - Implement change detection validation trigger for Graph Builder
* [SNAP-1109] - Possibility to fix random seed value to reproduce results based on aleatory processing
* [SNAP-1166] - Subset operator updates scenegeocoding for single size products
* [SIITBX-413] - Allow GPT tests to fail graciously in a controlled way
* [SNAP-1013] - Implement automated reports web service
* [SNAP-1160] - Allow custom S3 VFS parameters for AWS headers
* [SIITBX-283] - Remove UI dependencies from jp2-reader and s2tbx-commons
* [SIITBX-383] - Update the GDAL version
* [SIITBX-379] - Adapt Operators to use doExecute correctly (part 1)
* [SIITBX-380, SIITBX-384] - Adapt Operators to use doExecute correctly (part 2)
* [SIITBX-407] - Revise help material
* [SIITBX-409] - Clean up dependencies on 3rd-party libraries (CSRO)
* [SIITBX-431] - Improve reading time of a product/bands within a product for readers using JP2
* [SIITBX-432] - Improve reading time of a product/bands within a product for readers using GeoTiff
* [STEP-30, SIITBX-315] - Revise initialise method in operator implementations
* Moving SNAP development and deployment chain to Zulu OpenJDK 8
* Moving SNAP installer to install4j 8
* [STEP-38] - Wiki shall be used to provide MPR to ESA
* [STEP-39] - Unassigned issues in JIRA shall be checked
* [STEP-40] - Update JIRA tickets to create proper roadmap
* [STEP-41] - List of GUI tests should be established
* [STEP-43] - STEP website - SEOM link and logo to be replaced with EO Science for Society
* [SIITBX-387] - Ignored tests shall be properly annotated
* [SIITBX-388] - Tests need to be defined well in advance of releases
* [SIITBX-389] - Graphical test coverage for release 8 needs to agree on early
* [SIITBX-390] - Check skipped tests because of missing data (wrong path)
* [SIITBX-428] - Update S2TBX about dialog with new ESA images
* [SNAP-1262] - Create wiki on test syntax and functionality
* [SIITBX-401] - Clean up dependencies on 3rd-party libraries
* [SIITBX-402] - Check separation between UI and Engine components
* [SIITBX-322] - Integrate S2TBX tests
It is now possible to download directly from SNAP the current version of SNAPHU.
The Forest Cover Change Processor is a multi-steps iterative process that transform two date images into one forest change product. The overall principle of the algorithm is to identify the forest objects showing higher reflectance differences between the two images than the other forest objects.
This module enables the Sentinel Toolbox to read Pleiades data products.
This module enables the Sentinel Toolbox to read Kompsat2 data products.
This module enables the Sentinel Toolbox to read WorldView-2 data products.
Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) is a physically-based spectral classification that uses an n-D angle to match pixels to reference spectra. The algorithm determines the spectral similarity between two spectra by calculating the angle between the spectra and treating them as vectors in a space with dimensionality equal to the number of bands.
The GeFolki algorithm allows the registration of images in a nonparametric and dense way. GeFolki is based on a local method of optical flow derived from the Lucas-Kanade algorithm, with a multiscale implementation, and a specific filtering including rank filtering, rolling guidance filtering and local contrast inversion.
This module enables the Sentinel Toolbox to read IKONOS data products.
This module enables the Sentinel Toolbox to read ALOS AVNIR-2 data products.
This module enables the Sentinel Toolbox to read ALOS PRISM data products.
* Pleiades Reader, raster operations (resample, reprojection, subset) return error.
* Pleiades Reader tests are not passed.
* Kompsat2 Reader, pixels values are incorrectly calculated.
* WorldView-2 Reader tests are not passed.
* Spectral Angle Mapper help images are not displayed in Linux.
* [SIITBX-299] - Negative values getting lost when reading jp2 files (direct mode)
* [SIITBX-303] - Datatype uint16 is wrongly read as int16 from jp2 files
* [SIITBX-305] - Help link does not work from menu.
* [SIITBX-340] - Check REIP processor formula
* [SIITBX-341] - Check WDVI processor
* [SIITBX-345] - GeFolki Co-registration Operator not working in gpt
* [SIITBX-347] - RapidEye reader not working in gpt
* [SIITBX-348] - Spot reader not working in gpt
* [SIITBX-350] - MCARI processor formula incorrect in help
* [SIITBX-351] - TSAVI processor incorrect formula
* [SIITBX-352] - MSAVI2 processor incorrect formula
* [SIITBX-353] - NDPI (Normalized Difference Pond Index) processor incorrect formula
* [SIITBX-366] - Muscate reader takes too long time to open product from both locally and VFS
* [SIITBX-367] - Decode qualification not correctly evaluated by Sentinel-2 reader with relative path
* [SIITBX-372] - Ikonos and AVNIR-2 RGBProfiles are allows shown
* [SIITBX-141] - Add PLEIADES reader
* [STEP-7] - WorldView Product Reader (ESA archive format)
* [STEP-8] - IKONOS Product Reader
* [STEP-29] - ALOS AVNIR-2 / PRISM Reader
* [SIITBX-304] - Use object tag for external link.
* [SIITBX-306] - Entry in ToC of Help should be renamed.
* [SIITBX-354] - Update S2TBX readers for VFS
* [SIITBX-359] - Spectral Angle Mapper usage from GPT
* [SIITBX-368] - Sentinel-2 L1B reader takes too long time to open zipped product due to JP2 reader bottleneck
* [SIITBX-371] - Allow WorldView2 reader to read zipped products
The MSI instrument of Sentinel-2 is composed by different detectors, which have a different viewing geometry. Some masks representing these detector for every band have been included in the reader, in order to identify from which detector is coming every pixel.
The Sentinel-2 reader is now able to read the zip products directly. It is no more needed to uncompress the product before working with it in SNAP.
The new Sentinel-2B products are also supported by the Sentinel-2 reader.
The Generic Region Merging Processor allows the segmentation of images of arbitrary size. It is based on the article A Scalable Tile-Based Framework for Region Merging Segmentation written by Pierre Lassale, Jordi Inglada, Julien Michel, Manuel Grizonnet, and Julien Malik.
A new algorithm that will be used when at least one of the input products is multisize, otherwise the original mosaic operator is called. This is fully operational for single granule Sentinel-2 products.
A new processor that allows to resample Sentinel-2 products having into account the particularities of the angle bands.
A new option for using a JNA wrapper for the popular OpenJpeg (OpenJp2) library has been included. To activate it, the user have to create a new properties in the s2tbx property file. It has to be added: use.openjp2.jna=true
Now, it is possible to configure more parameters when running sen2cor from SNAP. Before, the only parameter was the spatial resolution. Currently, the user can choose whether terrain correction should be applied or not, the aerosol type, the ozone, the visibility... and all the parameters available in the GIPP file of sen2cor.
It is now possible to download directly from SNAP the current version of sen2cor and use it without installing anything else. This beta version of the sen2cor plugin makes possible to execute sen2cor without installing Anaconda.
Added support for the new product format introduced in autumn 2016 (PSD 14).
* [SIITBX-248] - L2A SCL Masks do not appear to BandMath on GrephBuilder
* [SIITBX-251] - Reflectance2Radiance operator is not working with Sentinel-2 new format
* [SIITBX-253] - BaseProductReaderPlugIn getDecodeQualification is too slow
* [SIITBX-255] - S2 jpg2000 RGB issue
* [SIITBX-256] - GDAL reader interferes with other readers
* [SIITBX-257] - Help is broken after updating modules
* [SIITBX-258] - java.nio.file.ProviderNotFoundException when trying to open a *.tgz file
* [SIITBX-259] - Link to help does not work for S2 MCI processor
* [SIITBX-260] - Preset name in S2 MCI processor is wrong
* [SIITBX-261] - S2 cache clean-up not working
* [SIITBX-263] - "Generic Region Merging" help is disabled in the operator GUI.
* [SIITBX-265] - Image link not working properly in milti-size mosaic product
* [SIITBX-266] - In multi-size mosaic GUI, "Perform mosaic at native resolution" checkbox disables the "overlapping methods" combo
* [SIITBX-267] - In the Generic Region Merging operator the geocoding of the input product is not copied to the target product
* [SIITBX-268] - IllegalArgumentException in mosaic operator
* [SIITBX-269] - Changing the mosaic bounds has no effect in the ouput (module multi-size mosaic)
* [SIITBX-276] - Radiometric indices not working on not reprojected data
* [SIITBX-279] - (AP.8) Radiometric Indices have problems when used in a graph
* [SIITBX-280] - JP2 Reader is not able to open jp2 image generated with sen2cor at 10 or 20 m resolution
* [SIITBX-285] - S2 reader cannot open by folder name the L2A product with old naming convention
* [SIITBX-286] - S2 angles are not well computed when angle grids are not in order in the granule metadata file.
* [SIITBX-272] - Segmentation Processor should be implemented in S2TBX
* [SIITBX-273] - Multi-size mosaic not available in SNAP
* [SIITBX-281] - CCI Land Cover module for CCI 2015 global map cover
* [SIITBX-118] - S-2 MSI readers to use ZIP-files as input
* [SIITBX-120] - Read DETECTOR FOOTPRINT masks per detector
* [SIITBX-157] - S2-MSI reader is too slow
* [SIITBX-225] - Sen2Cor adapter should allow to set advanced GIPP parameters
* [SIITBX-235] - Improved error diagnosis for openjpeg executables
* [SIITBX-262] - Better support for *.ers files by GDAL reader
* [SIITBX-264] - Generic Region Merging default parameters.
* [SIITBX-271] - Help missing for Generic Region Merging operator
* [SIITBX-274] - Sen2Three - Support for PSD 14
* [SIITBX-275] - Download and installation of sen2cor tool from SNAP
In autumn 2016 a new product format will be introduced. This new format features the following main evolutions:
- The product naming (including the naming of folders and files inside the product structure) has been compacted
- The products distributed on the Sentinels Data Hub will embed one single tile of the tiling grid
- A full resolution True-Colour Image (TCI) will be included in every product
The Sentinel-2 reader is now able to support the test product (PSD 14) available at this date for both L1C and L2A levels. Other formats were implemented but could not be tested. PSD 13 products are supported as before.
More RGB profile are available: False-color Infrared, False-color Urban, Agriculture, Atmospheric penetration, Healthy Vegetation, Land/Water, Atmospherical Removal, Shortwave Infrared, Vegetation Analysis. RGB profiles over bands of different resolution can only be seen after resampling the product.
The different tiles/granules composing the full product overlap. Some "tile_id" bands and masks has been included to indicate the granule from which each pixel is extracted.
- Overview of the instrument
- Description of supported products
- Description of product format
- Description of some generated bands: angles, tile index
Granules can now be opened without reading the main XML file
Performance optimisations were performed, it is now much faster to open a product:
- New method for reading the GML masks
- New method for metadata reading
Clean properly cache
The Reflectance to Radiance Processor converts the Top Of Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance to radiance from a given product. The formula implemented is:
radiance = pixelValue * cosinus(radians(incidenceAngle)) * solarIrradiance * scale / (pi * d2)
(the variables are described in the SNAP help)
For Sentinel-2 the incidence angle is replaced with the values from the sun_zenith band.
The Sentinel-2 MCI Processor calculates the Maximum Chlorophyll Index by exploiting the height of a measurement over a specific baseline.
A new Sen2Three plugin is available to call Sen2Three from the S2TBX, based on generic StandAlone Tools Adapter.
Sen2Three is a level 3 processor for the Spatio-Temporal Synthesis of bottom of atmosphere corrected Sentinel-2 level 2a images.
A example explaining how to access OTB C++ application via Python API inside a SNAP Operator Plugin has been created. The example demonstrates computing ndvi for a source product opened in SNAP through OTB
* [SIITBX-228] - S2-MSI reader does not load correctly the angles in some products
* [SIITBX-229] - Sen2Three progress is going over 100%
* [SIITBX-230] - SPOT-6 Reader test if failing
* [SIITBX-236] - View synchronization between bands and index masks does not work properly in Sentinel-2 products
* [SIITBX-240] - The Mosaic and SC map of Sentinel-2 level3 products are only available at one resolution
* [SIITBX-241] - The cache in memory is not properly cleaned when the user closes a Sentinel-2 product
* [SIITBX-243] - RGB image views do not update correctly on Mac OS X or even make OS unresponsive
* [SIITBX-245] - Cloud_Coverage_Assessment not represented in SNAP
* [SIITBX-111] - Sentinel-2 Reader documentation
* [SIITBX-180] - Add more RGB profiles
* [SIITBX-216] - Add a band keeping track of tile ids in L1C/L2A product
* [SIITBX-237] - Tile Index band : rename, group
* [SIITBX-239] - Support for opening a granule without needing files from the full product.
* [SIITBX-247] - Support for reading S2 products with new format (PSD14)
* [SIITBX-5] - Extension to diff. Language
* [SIITBX-6] - non-native API Wrapper
* [SIITBX-26] - Processor reflectance to radiance
* [SIITBX-28] - Processor L3
* [SIITBX-29] - Water Processor
Multiple fixes for minimizing the impact of the "Long Paths" issue on Windows OS. As long as you managed to uncompress a Sentinel-2 product on your HDD from the Windows Explorer, it will open correctly inside SNAP
The specific 10m, 20m and 60m readers have been removed. They were doing an automatic nearest neighbor resampling of any band to the target resolution, and this work is much better done with the Resampling operator, available via the Raster->Geometric Operations->Resampling menu. The Resampling operator allows for more choices of the target resolution, and allows one to choose the up and downsampling algorithms.
This also has the advantage that products where all granules are in the same UTM zone are read automatically by a single reader, so does not trigger the combo box for choosing the actual reader to use anymore. Products containing granules in several distincts UTM zones still require the user to choose which UTM zone to read.
The Level-2A reader, reading products produced by Sen2Cor, has been updated to provide multi-size products, in line with what is done for L1C products. It chooses the most precise resolution available for each band : L1C products processed by sen2cor up to 20m will have B1 and B9 at 60m, and all other bands at 20m. L1C products processed by sen2cor up to 10m will have B1 and B9 at 60m, B5/B6/B7/B8a/B11/B12 at 20m, and B2/B3/B4/B8 at 10m.
It is now possible to drag-and-drop the directory containing a S2 product into the Product Explorer window to open them. No need to go find the xml file anymore.
The scale factor of 10000 used to convert reflectance from their raw integer value to a meaningful reflectance value in [0, 1] is applied during product reading.
In the L2A product reader, appropriate scaling factors are applied to AOT and WVP bands to produce physical values.
The granule-specific metadata were not easily distinguishable. They now contain the MGRS tile identifier.
A small issue prevented L2A products from being used with the GPT. This is now fixed.
The angles are now read at their original resolution, as provided in the metadata (5000 m). This will reduce a lot the HDD space requirements when converting S2 products to other format (BEAM-DIMAP, GeoTIFF).
The angles grids of adjacent tiles are automatically mosaicked. Since their resolution (5000m) is not compatible with the distance between two adjacent tiles (99960m), adjacent angles grid are interpolated to produce a mosaic at 5000m resolution. This particular issue has been reported to the S2-MPC.
Viewing angles retrieval from the metadata was buggy in previous SNAP versions. Now the Sentinel-2 reader produces one viewing angle grid for each band independently, merging the different viewing angle grids of each detector into one single image. For ease of use, a mean viewing angle grid is also provided, which averages the data provided by each band-specific grid. Their actual use in processors is still problematic since S2 products do not provide precise enough information about the detector from which a reflectance band pixel has been interpolated from. In the neighborhood of a detector switch, the viewing angles thus cannot be trusted.
S2 products now include proper time information (Sensing start/stop time).
Masks are now grouped by category, to avoid the masks folder to be too populated.
##### Level-2A Scene Classification colors
The different indices of the Scene Classification now follow the Sen2Cor documentation. For consistency, the masks generated for each class in the Scene Classification band also follow the same colors.
Added support for the Level-3 products as generated by Sen2Three, the multitemporal synthesis processor, developed by Telespazio Vega Gmbh
OpenJPEG, the underlying tool which decompress the JP2 images has been updated to include important performance optimizations.
The reading of cloud masks (opaque_clouds and cirrus_clouds) available in L1C products, and copied as-is in L2A products by Sen2Cor, can be disabled in the preferences (Tools->Options->S2TBX). For cloudy S2 products, the loading time can be very high because of the reading of the cloud masks. In addition, L2A products provide a far more optimized opaque clouds/cirrus masks in raster format, as part of the Scene Classification band, making the cloud masks available in L1C products useless.
The interpretation of GML masks has been optimized
RGB rendering of Spot 6/7 products appeared overly dark. These has been fixed, by not using the histogram provided in the metadata.
The order of the bands has been fixed for the default profile.
The Sentinel-2 Toolbox caches uncompressed regions of the JPEG2000 files read by the Sentinel-2 reader, the generic JP2 reader and the Spot 6/7 reader. Those files are stored in the user home directory and can grow big.
The cache can now be emptied regularly at startup. The frequency of the cache clean up can be tuned in the preferences pane. The default behavior for new installation is to remove from the cache the files that are more-than-a-week old.
The Sentinel-2 Toolbox now provides a biophysical products processor, developped by CS and INRA.
The processor computes LAI, FAPAR, FCOVER, CWC, CCC from top-of-canopy reflectances.
The Sentinel-2 Toolbox now includes the Idepix Processor for Sentinel-2, developped by Brockmann Consult Gmbh.
The Idepix Processor provides a pixel classification into properties such as clear/cloudy, land/water, snow, ice etc.
The Sentinel-3 Toolbox provides similar functionnality for MODIS and Landsat-8 data.
The Sentinel-2 Toolbox now includes an important number of well-known radiometric indices processors, developped by CS-Romania.
The following indices are made available :
- Soil indices : SAVI, TSAVI, MSAVI, MSAVI2, BI, BI2, RI, CI
- Water indices : NDWI, NDWI2, MNDWI, NDPI, NDTI
* [SIITBX-100] - L1B reader does not read products with several datastrips correctly
* [SIITBX-114] - L2A readers says it is intended for all resolutions whatever the product type
* [SIITBX-165] - [L2A] Duplicated granule metadata
* [SIITBX-169] - Viewing angles mix data
* [SIITBX-175] - L1B from 10/12/2015 not opened corectly
* [SIITBX-181] - L1C products are missing time information
* [SIITBX-187] - Error opening S2 image : IllegalArgumentException: dataType out of range!
* [SIITBX-188] - Problem reading L2A files with GPT
* [SIITBX-191] - No intended reader for Spot 6 products
* [SIITBX-192] - L1B reader at 60m actually reads 20m bands
* [SIITBX-193] - S2 reader cannot read "old" 12 bpp product
* [SIITBX-194] - L2A scene classification has wrong colors
* [SIITBX-195] - JP2 reader cache should be versionned
* [SIITBX-196] - JP2 reader cache : use full paths of products
* [SIITBX-197] - JP2 reader cache : invalidate cache based on dates
* [SIITBX-202] - Infinite recursion when shortening Windows path
* [SIITBX-203] - Sentinel-2 MSI reader displays grey image with too long paths
* [SIITBX-204] - Milliseconds are read as microseconds
* [SIITBX-205] - An error occurs when a L1B product is opened with "all resolution" reader.
* [SIITBX-206] - Spot-6 images are black or dark
* [SIITBX-207] - Spot-6 unit is "nanometer"
* [SIITBX-208] - Wrong RGB profile for SPOT 6/7 Reader
* [SIITBX-209] - S2TBX Cache increases continuously
* [SIITBX-220] - Some acceptance tests for MSI reader are not passed.
* [SIITBX-117] - S-2 MSI readers to use directories as input
* [SIITBX-172] - [L2A] Implement multisize reader
* [SIITBX-199] - Better error report for OpenJPEG executable binary compatibility failure
* [SIITBX-200] - OpenJPEG binaries do not work on MacOSX 10.7
* [SIITBX-201] - OpenJPEG binaries deployed in auxdata should be versioned
* [SIITBX-211] - Change mono-resolution readers to be SUITABLE instead of INTENDED
* [SIITBX-212] - S2 tile metadata improvement
* [SIITBX-213] - Integrate multithreaded openjpeg
* [SIITBX-214] - L2A scl masks do not have the same color as their index coding palette
* [SIITBX-217] - Configuration of MSI readers
* [SIITBX-221] - Scale physical bands of S2 products
* [SIITBX-222] - Read Dark Dense Vegetation output when it is generated by sen2cor
* [SIITBX-223] - Implement L2B Biophysical Processor
* [SIITBX-20] - 4 segmentation algo
* [SIITBX-21] - Classification
- S2-MSI reader: many fixes and improvements, including
- Big S2 datasets could lead to "Too many file opened" exceptions.
- Angles grid now strictly fit to image in terms of size.
- The S2 and JP2 readers were not usable in a headless environment.
- Fixed description and units for S2 bands
- Resource leaks detected by Coverity ( fixed
- Better validation of Angles Grid data
- Color rendering of L2A Scene Classification now fits with PDD & ATBD
- Spot-6 Reader
- OTB tools integration via STA :
- HaralickTextureExtraction
- MeanShiftSmoothing
- MultivariateAlterationDetector
- Pansharpening-bayes
- Pansharpening-lmvm
- Pansharpening-rcs
- Rasterization-image
- Rasterization-manual
- Segmentation-cc
- Segmentation-meanshift
- Segmentation-mprofiles
- Segmentation-watershed
- SFSTextureExtraction
- [SIITBX-90] - 'Export mask definition(s) to XML file does not work
- [SIITBX-103] - Add Licences for each module
- [SIITBX-128] - Nicely handle products with subset of bands
- [SIITBX-144] - Unable to use openjpeg in a snap-engine only environment
- [SIITBX-145] - S2 readers : Missing band description
- [SIITBX-146] - S2 readers: missing band unit
- [SIITBX-153] - Angles of S2 product don't get saved correctly
- [SIITBX-154] - Geo-referencement of S2 product don't get saved correctly
- [SIITBX-161] - Decoding JPEG2000 files became slow
- [SIITBX-168] - [L2A] Wrong description/unit for quality bands
- [SIITBX-173] - "Too many open files" when reading big S2 datasets
- [SIITBX-176] - Can't producd RGB with product
- [SIITBX-177] - JP2 Reader has no unit tests
- [SIITBX-179] - Scottish effect when displaying 20m bands
- [SIITBX-182] - Sentinel-2 reader a bottleneck for generally opening products
- [SIITBX-184] - Problem with Spot 6 masks: memory consumption
- [SIITBX-185] - SPOT 6 masks are displayed by default
- [SIITBX-186] - Can't open product SPOT-6_1.5m_Ortho_Bundle_12_bits
- [SIITBX-189] - Issue to open/import/read directly jpeg2000 files on Linux
- [SIITBX-119] - Products read by S-2 MSI readers don't work well with spectrum view
- [SIITBX-133] - Use JP2 reader for implementing S2MSI reader
- [SIITBX-166] - Fix copyright headers in source code
- [SIITBX-167] - Missing description and Unit for sun/view angles grids
- [SIITBX-170] - [OpenJPEG] only deploy the binaries
- [SIITBX-171] - [OpenJPEG] Set permissions during deployment in auxdata folder
- [SIITBX-142] - Add SPOT 6-7 readers
- [SIITBX-190] - OpenJPEG 2.1 outputs TIF with wrong reflectance value
- S2-MSI reader
- L1C
- All spectral bands are read, either in native resolution, or resampled to a common resolution
- Support for the latest PSD
- Interpretation of all GML quality masks
- L2A
- All spectral bands are read by L2A reader, currently with resampling
- Reading of AOT, Water Vapour, Cloud & Snow Confidence, Scene Classification
- Support for products with tiles in different UTM zones, like in L1C reader
- All S2 readers
- Lots of code refactoring
- Optimization of the mosaic operators processing chain
- Fixed installation issues with OpenJPEG executables
- Migration to NetBeans platform
- Lots of bug fixes
- L1C
- Sen2Cor Standalone Tool Adapter
- Provided a new Sen2Cor plugin to call Sen2Cor from the S2TBX, based on generic StandAlone Tools Adapter
- SPOT reader
- SPOT 1/2/3/4/5 support (DIMAP & SpotView)
- SPOT4-Take5 & SPOT5-Take5 support
- RapidEye reader
- Deimos reader
* [SIITBX-38] - L1C Reader Implementation
* [SIITBX-39] - L2A Reader Implementation
* [SIITBX-40] - L1B Reader implementation
* [SIITBX-41] - Multi-Resolution support implementation
* [SIITBX-42] - Read product over severall UTM zones implementation
* [SIITBX-58] - Read GML masks
* [SIITBX-69] - Synchronize S-2 project with SNAP-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
* [SIITBX-70] - Check the Multi-Size product feature
* [SIITBX-71] - Adapt the S-2 reader to multi-resolution
* [SIITBX-72] - Update of the readers name
* [SIITBX-73] - Copyrights to fix
* [SIITBX-74] - Solar angles should be displayed properly
* [SIITBX-78] - Hard-code resolution information depending on the bands
* [SIITBX-1] - Export of S2 product to GeoTiff and ENVI fails for some combination of bands
* [SIITBX-43] - RapidEye reader misreading start time
* [SIITBX-82] - Check lines 4783 - 4789 with original ATCOR code and correct, if needed
* [SIITBX-87] - Sentinel-2 readers don't all appear in 'File --> Import --> Optical Sensors menu
* [SIITBX-88] - Wrong file filters for S2 products with File --> Open Product
* [SIITBX-91] - RGB Combination from generated bands does not work
* [SIITBX-94] - It is not possible anymore to open a single granule.
* [SIITBX-95] - Most graph builder operations are not working with S2 products
* [SIITBX-97] - Cannot read latest L1B product
* [SIITBX-98] - S2 reader tries to read dimap product
* [SIITBX-99] - Multi UTM zones support for L2A
* [SIITBX-102] - L1B granule width must be dynamically found
* [SIITBX-104] - Masks appear only when they contain polygons
* [SIITBX-106] - Sentinel-2 readers have NetBeans dependencies
* [SIITBX-107] - NPE occurs in J2kProductReaderPlugin when trying to open file without extension
* [SIITBX-108] - When opening a produt at 20 or 60m, references to 10m remains
* [SIITBX-112] - L2A bands can't be opened at 10m
* [SIITBX-123] - JP2 reader should use SNAP cache dir
* [SIITBX-126] - Band to Scene transform for Multi resolution products
* [SIITBX-127] - NPE when reading a L2A product via gpt
* [SIITBX-129] - L2A reader should read scene classification, WV and AOT bands
* [SIITBX-130] - L2A reader band names
* [SIITBX-131] - S2 masks have too complicated names
* [SIITBX-135] - Missing layer.xml for JP2 reader
* [SIITBX-143] - File->Import->Sentinel2 menu does not work anymore
* [SIITBX-147] - S2-L1C tile JP2 file not read correctly by JP2reader
* [SIITBX-148] - MacOSX exception when reading a product in beta8
* [SIITBX-149] - opening different instances with Sentinel-2 reader does not behave as expected
* [SIITBX-150] - Can't open product with "Import->OpticalSensors->Sentinel2->S2-MSI L1C"
* [SIITBX-152] - OpenJPEG can't decode some 20m bands
* [SIITBX-155] - opj_decompress cannot be found if s2tbx is installed after main intallation
* [SIITBX-156] - If S2TBX is installed via the plugin manager, S2 MSI Reader does not work
* [SIITBX-158] - Handle OpenJPEG decoding errors
* [SIITBX-159] - Multi-resolution reader on graph builder
* [SIITBX-160] - L1C Cloud masks generate NPE
* [SIITBX-162] - Synchronization of image views does not work correctly for MSI L1C products
* [SIITBX-163] - S2 masks all have the same colour
* [SIITBX-164] - Masks are available only for 10m bands in the mask manager
* [SIITBX-68] - Graph Builder: update the S-2 processors
* [SIITBX-75] - Fix the tests on S2
* [SIITBX-115] - Change the cache dir for S2 readers
* [SIITBX-2] - S2 L1C reader is resampling all bands at 10m
* [SIITBX-101] - L1B reader should adapt JP2 tiling scheme dynamically
* [SIITBX-116] - Missing S-2 MSI L1C reader that reads all bands at same size
* [SIITBX-124] - JP2 reader architecture update
* [SIITBX-134] - Mix of J2K and JP2 in J2K reader
* [SIITBX-3] - CLONE - RQT 87, Smart configurator
* [SIITBX-4] - S2 reader
* [SIITBX-7] - Standalone tool adapter
* [SIITBX-8] - 3rd party plugin
* [SIITBX-9] - Undo/Redo
* [SIITBX-10] - Progress indicator
* [SIITBX-18] - Read S2 GML masks
* [SIITBX-22] - Extract pixel value
* [SIITBX-25] - Basic image filtering
* [SIITBX-27] - Processor integrate L2A module
* [SIITBX-30] - Benchmark by optimizer
* [SIITBX-31] - Optimizer propose setup values
* [SIITBX-32] - Re-running the smart configurator
* [SIITBX-33] - Processing preview
* [SIITBX-35] - Performance Optimization (2/8)
* [SIITBX-36] - Predefined processing chains