MapReduce with Adapted Algorithms to Heterogeneous Environments, is based on MRSG Project. On September 2016 was concluded the update of MRA++ to the volatile environment, adding failure-recovery mechanisms. MRA++ now is called MapReduce with Adapted Algorithms to Volatile and Heterogeneous Environments.
To run the example, follow these steps:
Make sure you have installed SimGrid (3.14.159 recommended). (
Inside MRA's root and examples directories, edit the Makefiles and change the INSTALL_PATH variable to match your SimGrid installation path (e.g. /usr).
Compile MRA with 'make' in the command line, and then do the same for the example.
Execute the example (./
Into examples folder, has platform samples. Install the python before for running, in order to create another platforms.
Syntax: platform_file.xml num_workers cores_per_node_min[:numCores_max] cpu_min[:cpu_max] latency_min[:latency_max] bw_min[:bw_max]'
./ platform_file.xml 5 2 1e9 1e-4 1.25e8'
Or: ./ platform_file.xml 10 2 4e9:7e9 1e-4 1.25e8
Or: ./ platform_file.xml 10 2 7e9 1e-4 1.25e6:1.25e8
Or: ./ platform_file.xml 10 2 7e9 1e-4:1e-2 1.25e8
Or: ./ platform_file.xml 10 2 7e9 1e-4:1e-2 1.25e6:1.25e8
Or: ./ platform_file.xml 10 2 4e9:7e9 1e-4:1e-2 1.25e6:1.25e8
./ platform_file.xml
After you need to change user functions on hello.c