Make sure Hydra builds normally via catkin
Make a virtual environment (you can use
or whatever you want):
mkdir /path/to/environment
cd /path/to/environment
python3 -m virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 --download hydra # or some other environment name
- Install the python package (n.b., this installs a non-editable version):
source /path/to/hydra/environment/bin/activate
# required to expose DSG python bindings
pip install "/path/to/catkin_ws/src/spark_dsg[viz]" # can also be editable if desired
pip install -r python/build_requirements.txt
pip install .
Optionally, to install an editable version:
source /path/to/hydra/environment/bin/activate
pip install "/path/to/catkin_ws/src/spark_dsg[viz]" # can also be editable if desired
pip install -r python/build_requirements.txt
pip install git+https://github.com/ros/catkin.git@noetic-devel
pip install -e .
Set up habitat via conda
For Nathan: LXC requires configuring EGL. Make the file usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/10_nvidia.json
containing (see here):
"file_format_version" : "1.0.0",
"ICD" : {
"library_path" : "libEGL_nvidia.so.0"
As long as you have mp3d set up on your machine and, then source your virtual environment and:
hydra habitat run /path/to/habitat/mp3d/17DRP5sb8fy/17DRP5sb8fy.glb
You can enable the open3d visualizer via:
hydra habitat run /path/to/habitat/mp3d/17DRP5sb8fy/17DRP5sb8fy.glb -v
and then running (in a different terminal):
hydra visualize
For some reason it appears habitat and the open3d visualizer are incompatible (if the open3d visualizer is launched as a child process of the process running habitat).