Queuing theory (or queueing theory) refers to the mathematical study of the formation, function, and congestion of waiting lines, or queues. The study of queues comes under a discipline of Operations Research called Queueing Theory and is a primary methodological framework for evaluating resource performance besides simulation. Queueing theory is generally considered a branch of operations research because the results are often used when making business decisions about the resources needed to provide a service.
At its core, a queuing situation involves two parts:
- Someone or something that requests a service—usually referred to as the customer, job, or request.
- Someone or something that completes or delivers the services—usually referred to as the server.
Queueing theory is used in software development for purposes such as project management kanban boards, inter-process communication message queues, and devops continuous deployment pipelines. A queueing model is constructed so that queue lengths and waiting time can be predicted.
Queueing theory uses notation with Greek letters. We use some of the popular notation; we also add some custom notion that help us with software projects.
David G. Kendall devised a shorthand notation to describe a queueing system containing a single waiting queue: (A / B / X / Y / Z).
- A : Customer arriving pattern (Inter-arrival-time distribution).
- B : Service pattern (Service-time distribution).
- X : Number of parallel servers.
- Y : System capacity.
- Z : Queueing discipline.
- M / M / 1 / ∞ / FCFS
- M / M / 1 / K
The most important notation:
- λ: inter-arrival rate. This measures how fast new customers are coming into the queue.
- μ: service rate. This measures how fast customers in the queue are being handled.
- σ: dropout rate. This measures how fast customers are skipping out the queue unhandled.
- λ = μ means the arrival rate equals the service rate; the queue is staying the same size, other than dropouts.
- λ > μ means the arrival rate is greater than the service rate; the queue is getting larger, other than dropouts.
- λ < μ means the arrival rate is less than the service rate; the queue is getting smaller, other than dropouts.
The most important notation that summarizes a queue:
- ρ: utilization ratio = λ / μ
- ρ = 1 means the arrival rate is equal to the service rate; the queue is staying the same size.
- ρ > 1 means the arrival rate is greater than the service rate; the queue is getting larger.
- ρ < 1 means the arrival rate is less than the service rate; the queue is getting smaller.
We count customers often, and we use this notation:
- κ: count (capacity of the system).
- κ = 100 means there are 100 customers.
- κ > 100 means there are more than 100 customers.
- κ ≫ 100 means there are many more than 100 customers.
Standard notations for queueing theory also uses these symbols:
- n: the customer number in the system.
- C: the number of parallel servers.
- M: the initial number of customers.
The understanding and prediction of the stochastic behavior of these queues will provide a theoretical insight into the dynamics of these shared resources and how they can be designed to provide better utilization. And the modeling and analysis of waiting queues/networks is the main implemented subject in this project.
We implemented, using Java and JavaFX GUI, the Deterministic and Stochastic Models:
- Model D/D/1/K-1
- Model M/M/1
- Model M/M/1/K
- Model M/M/C
- Model M/M/C/K
Including graph result (if exists for a model), ending up with a cool CSS style!
Based on the model you choose and the inputs you have, the project can asnwer you the following questions:
- Sketching number of the customers at time (t), (Only for Model D/D/1/K-1).
- Expected number of the customers in the system (L).
- Expected number of the customers in the queue (Lq).
- Expected waiting time spent in the system (W).
- Expected waiting time spent in the queue (Wq).
After downloading the project and running it, it would be very easy steps:
- You will get the home application page, as shown in the screenshots below.
- Choose the model you want to make analysis with.
- Once you've chosen a model, only the needed parameters will be enabled.
- Only Model D/D/1/K-1 can be sketched. Also, you can make a query in.
- Enjoy!
This project exists thanks to all wonderful people who contribute: