A simple C program to draw Spiral of Theodorus (also known as root spiral) written using Raylib for rendering
- right arrow to increase the number of triangles
- left arrow to decrease the number of triangles
- scroll to zoom in/out
- ESC to exit program
Install Raylib (see https://github.com/raysan5/raylib)
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/LxAlessandroLx/theodorus-spiral.git
Move into the directory
cd theodorus-spiral
Build the project
And execute it
make run
Usage: TheodorusSpiral [options] Options: -t, --triangles number of triangles of the spiral (default = 50) -a, --antialiasing activate antialiasing: 1 to disable, 2 to enable (default = 1) -z, --zoom zoom scale (default = 60)