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Sep 6th, 2021. Kruise v0.10.0 is RELEASED! It provides new controllers like WorkloadSpread and PodUnavailableBudget, please check the CHANGELOG for details. |
May 20th, 2021. Kruise v0.9.0 is RELEASED! It provides great features such as ContainerRecreate and DeletionProtection, please check the CHANGELOG for details. |
Mar 4th, 2021. Kruise v0.8.0 is RELEASED! It provides refactoring SidecarSet, Deployment hosted by UnitedDeployment, and a new kruise-daemon component which supports image pre-download, please check the CHANGELOG for details. |
OpenKruise (official site: https://openkruise.io) is now hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a Sandbox Level Project. It consists of several controllers which extend and complement the Kubernetes core controllers for workload and application management.
Typical Workloads
Typical Workloads can help you manage applications of stateless, stateful and daemon.
They all support not only the basic features which are similar to the original Workloads in Kubernetes, but also more advanced abilities like in-place update, configurable scale/upgrade strategies, parallel operations.
Job Workloads
Sidecar container Management
The Sidecar containers can be simply defined in the SidecarSet custom resource and Kruise will inject them into all Pods matched.
The implementation is done by using Kubernetes mutating webhooks, similar to what istio does. However, it allows you to explicitly manage your own sidecars.
Multi-domain Management
This can help you manage applications over nodes with multiple domains, such as different node pools, available zones, architectures(x86 & arm) or node types(kubelet & virtual kubelet).
Here we provide two different ways:
Enhanced Operations
Application Protection
We strongly recommend you to use Kruise with Kubernetes version >= 1.16. For these clusters, you can simply install Kruise with helm v3.1.0+:
helm install kruise https://github.com/openkruise/kruise/releases/download/v0.10.0/kruise-chart.tgz
Note that installing this chart directly means it will use the default template values for the kruise-manager. You may have to set your specific configurations when it is deployed into a production cluster or you want to configure feature-gates.
For more install/upgrade details or older Kubernetes versions, please read this doc.
You can view the full documentation from the OpenKruise website.
Registration: Who is using Kruise
- Alibaba Group, Ant Group, DouyuTV, Sto, Boss直聘
- hangyinxiaofei, vanyitech, Dmall, Bringg, 佐疆科技
- Lyft, Ctrip, 享住智慧, VIPKID, zhangmen
- xiaohongshu, bixin, 永辉科技中心, 跟谁学, 哈啰出行
- Spectro Cloud, ihomefnt, Arkane Systems, Deepexi, 火花思维
- OPPO, Suning.cn, joyy, Mobvista
You are warmly welcome to hack on Kruise. We have prepared a detailed guide CONTRIBUTING.md.
Active communication channels:
- Slack: OpenKruise channel (English)
- DingTalk:Search Group ID
(Chinese) - Bi-weekly Community Meeting (APAC, Chinese):
- Thursday 19:00 GMT+8 (Asia/Shanghai), Calendar
- Meeting Link(zoom)
- Notes and agenda
- Bi-weekly Community Meeting (English): TODO
Kruise is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.