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This is a R package for 16S visualization. Including dada2 reads track, stacked bar plot, alpha diversity, beta diversity and log2 fold change.

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visual16S package demo


Install dependencies

Before install the visual16S, there are some packages needed to be manually install from Bioconductor.

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install(c("dada2", "phyloseq", "DESeq2", "EnhancedVolcano"))

Install and load package


You need to run install from the parent working directory that contains the visual16S folder.


If you can't install package in R Console, try this: open visual16S.Rproj first, then use RStudio → Build → Install and Restart.

Load package and demo data.

demo_phyloseq_object <- visual16S::demo_phyloseq_object
demo_dada2_result <- visual16S::demo_dada2_result

Data status



DADA2 filter parameters:

dada2::filterAndTrim(truncLen=c(0,0), maxEE=c(2,2))

DADA2 taxonomy database:



SampleID diagnosis
s17118657 healthy
s17118661 healthy
s17118667 healthy
s17118714 healthy
s17118646 intestinal cancer
s17118664 intestinal cancer
s17118669 intestinal cancer
s17118686 intestinal cancer
s17118647 liver cancer
s17118684 liver cancer
s17118715 liver cancer
s17118730 liver cancer
s17118650 lung cancer
s17118680 lung cancer
s17118691 lung cancer
s17118703 lung cancer

DADA2 workflow reads track

First use the track_reads_dada2 function to check reads drop associated with every step in DADA2.


You can plot reads track in either absolute abundance or relative abundance.

If the sample size is too large to show on legend, set legend_position to "none".

track_reads_dada2(demo_dada2_result$reads_track, single_end = FALSE, 
                  relative_abundance = TRUE, legend_position = "top")

Stacked barplot of phylogenetic composition

Use plot_stacked_bar function to plot the taxonomy level abundance in every sample. You can change the 'level' argument to plot abundance in different level, or change the 'feature' to choose different feature you want to show in x-axis.

Minimum usage

plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, level = "Family")

If legends are too many to show, set legend_position to "none"

plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, level = "Family", 
                 legend_position = "none")

If you want to show feature information in x-axis, set "feature" parameter

plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, level = "Family", 
                 legend_position = "none", 
                 feature = "diagnosis")

If you want the sample in specific order, pass ordered sample names to "order" parameter

sample_order <- sample_names(demo_phyloseq_object)
plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, level = "Family", 
                 legend_position = "none", 
                 feature = "diagnosis", 
                 order = sample_order)

You can also plot in relative abundance by setting "relative_abundance" to "TRUE"

sample_order <- sample_names(demo_phyloseq_object)
plot_stacked_bar(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, level = "Family", 
                 legend_position = "none", 
                 feature = "diagnosis", 
                 order = sample_order, 
                 relative_abundance = TRUE)

Alpha diversity

Use plot_alpha_diversity to plot alpha diversity.

All alpha diversity

plot_alpha_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, 
                     feature = "diagnosis") %>% 
  # Show result in a table in markdown
diagnosis samples Observed Chao1 ACE Shannon Simpson InvSimpson Fisher
healthy s17118657 256 259.5000 259.7298 3.886926 0.9528851 21.224687 32.61626
healthy s17118661 236 238.8125 241.4922 3.583856 0.9452327 18.259087 30.78986
healthy s17118667 214 225.0000 220.5107 2.379044 0.6687893 3.019226 27.28225
healthy s17118714 265 274.0000 269.1680 3.405226 0.8781308 8.205520 34.21672
intestinal cancer s17118646 317 322.0000 321.9582 3.840584 0.9298637 14.257945 41.17106
intestinal cancer s17118664 383 408.0000 398.4252 4.615068 0.9716829 35.314377 53.15833
intestinal cancer s17118669 280 314.0000 288.6257 3.642227 0.9299103 14.267425 36.75522
intestinal cancer s17118686 463 499.9091 479.0042 4.765762 0.9826985 57.798311 66.58539
liver cancer s17118647 246 252.8750 252.3801 3.885810 0.9543788 21.919626 32.03147
liver cancer s17118684 416 426.9091 422.5903 4.762457 0.9827857 58.091385 60.36914
liver cancer s17118715 325 377.5000 335.9106 4.119560 0.9571293 23.325945 43.60859
liver cancer s17118730 265 268.7500 269.9306 3.901370 0.9587435 24.238613 35.69064
lung cancer s17118650 258 266.2727 266.3957 1.928436 0.4850172 1.941812 33.23692
lung cancer s17118680 344 359.1111 353.7075 4.479324 0.9733006 37.453969 46.98003
lung cancer s17118691 197 213.5000 204.0969 3.331857 0.9208330 12.631526 24.27305
lung cancer s17118703 286 293.2000 289.6606 4.050606 0.9521931 20.917464 37.23602

Or you can change 'measures' argument to use different measurement.


plot_alpha_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, feature = "diagnosis", 
                     measures = "Chao1", p_test = "kruskal")

Beta diversity

Use plot_beta_diversity to plot beta diversity. Change 'method' to draw different beta diversity plot. You can locate specific sample in beta diversity plot by the table printed to the screen.


plot_beta_diversity(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, feature = "diagnosis", 
                    method = "bray")
##     SampleID         diagnosis          PC1          PC2
## 1  s17118646 intestinal cancer  0.236062504 -0.027898721
## 2  s17118647      liver cancer -0.026290448  0.190685061
## 3  s17118650       lung cancer -0.136990056 -0.527612428
## 4  s17118657           healthy -0.290927341  0.072252800
## 5  s17118661           healthy -0.307596849 -0.036986534
## 6  s17118664 intestinal cancer -0.080723593  0.126565760
## 7  s17118667           healthy -0.212996044  0.005072186
## 8  s17118669 intestinal cancer  0.283441638 -0.026430612
## 9  s17118680       lung cancer  0.004727498  0.113546285
## 10 s17118684      liver cancer -0.134091098  0.129184659
## 11 s17118686 intestinal cancer -0.147153213  0.094026537
## 12 s17118691       lung cancer  0.236329177 -0.076007805
## 13 s17118703       lung cancer  0.169754263  0.094608425
## 14 s17118714           healthy  0.221843750  0.030950997
## 15 s17118715      liver cancer  0.118559730  0.078255342
## 16 s17118730      liver cancer  0.066050081 -0.240211951

Log2 fold change

Use log2fc function to show differential analysis result.

log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, feature = "diagnosis", p_value = 0.05)
## [1] "log2 fold change (MLE): diagnosis lung.cancer vs healthy"
##      OTU log2FoldChange         padj
## 1 OTU154       22.40152 2.806171e-11
## 4 OTU164       21.85581 5.133843e-05
## 5 OTU312       20.74025 1.658810e-04
## 8 OTU228       19.48117 4.637397e-04
## 6 OTU331      -18.93621 1.699443e-04
## 7 OTU282      -20.06961 2.784319e-04
## 3 OTU109      -22.19975 1.731359e-06
## 2 OTU152      -25.34458 1.312528e-08

Choose log2fc reference and treatment by 'reference' and 'treatment' parameters. Both should be one of the levels in 'feature'.

log2fc(phyloseq = demo_phyloseq_object, feature = "diagnosis", level = NA, 
       p_value = 0.05, reference = 'healthy', treatment = 'liver cancer')
## [1] "log2 fold change (MLE): diagnosis liver cancer vs healthy"
##       OTU log2FoldChange         padj
## 5  OTU228       22.02247 1.956392e-05
## 6  OTU342       20.01652 1.949445e-04
## 1  OTU154       19.98696 6.976726e-09
## 7  OTU349       19.72481 2.352799e-04
## 8  OTU312       19.59086 2.405934e-04
## 9  OTU164       18.40405 8.190781e-04
## 11 OTU138      -10.69069 1.397755e-02
## 10  OTU32      -13.83664 4.581684e-03
## 4  OTU355      -22.15072 1.691639e-05
## 3  OTU131      -23.65191 3.727929e-06
## 2   OTU36      -27.48653 1.053817e-08


This is a R package for 16S visualization. Including dada2 reads track, stacked bar plot, alpha diversity, beta diversity and log2 fold change.






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