- Install Eclipse from https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
- Start Eclipse in a new workspace, just to be safe to not mess up my other work in any pre-existing workspace.
- Install xtext in that workspace by following instructions at: https://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/download.html
- See xtext documentation: https://www.eclipse.org/Xtext/documentation/index.html
- Checkout or pull lingua-franca repo: https://github.com/icyphy/lingua-franca.git
- Start Eclipse in a new workspace.
- In Eclipse, select File->Import->Team->Team Project Set
- Browse to lingua-franca/xtext and select one of the Project Set Files (.psf) files:
- LinguaFrancaProjectSetHTTPS.psf - most users will select this one to use https to access github
- LinguaFrancaProjectSetSSH.pdf - users with ssh set up to access github will select this file
- Close the Eclipse welcome page (which obscures the projects)
- You should have five projects. Open org.icyphy.linguafranca
- Note that Eclipse puts the source files in into $(HOME)/git/lingua-franca
- While in the org.icyphy.linguafranca project, browse to src->org.icyphy->LinguaFranca.xtext (double click to open)
- You should see the latest Lingua-Franca grammar specification.
- Right click in that grammar file editor, select Run As->Generate Xtext Artifacts.
- Right click on the first project in the PackageExplorer, org.icyphy.linguafranca and select Run As->Eclipse Application
- This should start a new Eclipse.
- In the new Eclipse, select File->New->Java Project
- Give the project a name, like "test"
- Open the project, and on the src directory, select New->File
- Give the new a name like "test.lf" (with .lf extension).
- IMPORTANT: A dialog appears: Do you want to convert 'test' to an Xtext Project? Say YES.
- Start typing in Lingua-Franca!
- When you save, generated code goes into
relative to your Eclipse workspace directory
- In the new Eclipse, select File->New->Project (a General Project is adequate)
- Unselect "Use default location"
- Navigate to the test directory, e.g. lingua-franca/xtext/org.icyphy.linguafranca/src/test/C
This will create a directory called src-gen in the same directory, open all the test .lf files, and generate code from them into the src-gen directory.
- The grammar is in src->org.icyphy->LinguaFranca.xtext
- The code generator for the C target is in src->org.icyphy.generator->CGenerator.xtend
- The code generator for the Accessor target is in src->org.icyphy.generator->AccessorGenerator.xtend
- To add a code generator for a new target, edit src->org.icyphy.generator->LinguaFrancaGenerator.xtend
org.icyphy.linguafranca.diagram is a work in progress. To build it, we need to install Kieler Lightweight Diagram
- Choose Help -> Install New Software... from the menu bar
- In the Add.... entry, enter in http://rtsys.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~kieler/updatesite/
- Hit the enter key
- Under Kieler Lightweight Diagrams:
- Select KIELER Lightweight Diagrams Generic Diagram View
- Select KIELER Lightweight Diagrams Runtime
- Click Next
- Accept the licenses
- Accept the unsigned content
- Restart Eclipse
- Project -> Clean -> Clean
- Importing the Team Project Set from
will result in Eclipse cloning a fresh copy of the lingua-franca repository; the clone will be located in~/git/lingua-franca
(it will not use the clone that you obtained theLinguaFrancaProjectSet.psf
from!) Note that, if you already have a clone in~/git/lingua-franca
, that will simply be reused (not overwritten).
- [maven.md](Lingua-Franca Maven)