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All tools for a great experience at Epitech !

Read to the end ! (There are some point - some different theme)


You can find a norminette to check your coding style on your C projects.

You can find different versions of norminette on GitHub.

It's very important to respect the norm ! So learn quickly to write code without the norminette !

Follow a norm for pushes too !

exemple : [ADD] main - [UPD] main - [DEL] .o - [MOV] image - [RENAME] mani into main

Setup Docker Epitests

Install docker, its dependencies and to activate the docker service. You'll need:

  • docker-ce : docker community edition
  • docker-compose : complementary tool to simplify the creation of images and containers


First, remove these packages if installed on your dump:

sudo dnf remove docker                   \
                docker-client            \
                docker-client-latest     \
                docker-common            \
                docker-latest            \
                docker-latest-logrotate  \
                docker-logrotate         \
                docker-selinux           \
                docker-engine-selinux    \

Then for fedora, install docker-ce:

# To add the docker repository to dnf
sudo dnf -y install dnf-plugins-core
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

# To install docker's latest version:
sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

If you're not on fedora, a tutorial for other distros is available

To install docker-compose:

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Enable docker

Once the installation is complete, start the docker service with sudo systemctl start docker

If you want Docker to run every time you start your computer, run sudo systemctl enable docker

For this workshop, you have to run your docker commands with sudo, if you find a command on the Internet without it, it will not work without adding your user to the docker group (which requires logging out of your session, which we will not do).

Fedora 31+

⚠️ If you are running fedora 31 or above, you'll probably have cgroups errors like:

docker: Error response from daemon: cgroups: cannot found cgroup mount destination: unknown.

To fix them, follow this solution on docker's github. This solution requires to be executed each time you reboot


Finally, download the EPITECH's "moulinette" 's image with sudo docker pull epitechcontent/epitest-docker.

Script to auto start a project (and auto first push)

How to use it

Check into the folder named tools

To use the script just change the path in the script.

Then give permissions to the script with this command chmod 777

Finally, execute this script ./ "gitclone repo" "name of this repo"

exemple : ./ EpitechTools

Why should you use it ?

This script copies a perfect Makefile, a src folder with a main for your language (C or C++), a include folder with an include, a tests folder for your Unit_tests (that you should write ;) ), .gitignore file and .github/worflows/test.yaml to have a github action (check this repo for an exemple of github action).

With this script you can choose your language to have the good Makefile - main and include in your project. You can also enter the binary name of your project and it is directly added in your Makefile

This script automatically pushes the Makefile, .gitignore,, src/main.c or src/Main.cpp and include/main.h or include/Main.hpp and create automatically a new branch called dev. If you need help with branches check this.

If you have any questions ask them to your Astek or APE.

Here is the result :


Create a tools folder

It's cool to have a tools folder to group all tools like this : toolsfolder

This script creates automatically the tools folder at HOME (equivalent of cd) and creates delivery/tools folder

Install ZSH

Is the best terminal better when bash (sorry to purists)

ZSH add some colors and indicates the branch you work on in your promt terminal.

You can use tab to complete commands too !

Command to install Zsh : $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

You can find more information here

Install Visual Studio Code

You can install Visual Studio Code on your computer but only if you can debug your code by yourself. VSCode has a debugger mode and some extensions and IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to know how to debug your code without a debugger.

VSCode is great to switch between files when you are working, instead of opening and closing your files.

You can find some extensions for all languages to debug or auto-completion. And you can personalise your terminal ! (glassIt Vs :) to have a semi-transparent interface and you can read your subject(s) while you are working) And you can see which file was modified or not etc.

You can install Vscode with this command : sudo dnf install code

To run Vscode use the command code ./ (with a folder as an argument)

To have a good intra !

Use stylish extension

You can find this extension for chrome and firefox.

With this extension you can apply a theme on your intra !

I use this theme

Use an extension to show your XP HUB !

You can find all information on the original GitHub

Alert activity

This Chrome extension can alert you before an activity, it's cool to skip a -21 :)

You can find it here

Sync your planning

You can find many GitHubs or extensions to link your planning on the intra and your Google calendar or Outlook calendar

To have a good !

Add percentage to the projects

Before 2021 had a percentage for each project.

It's been deleted because students were clinging on it too much and gave up on the idea to pass as much tests as possible in as much categories as possible whereas just making an error handling and get 50% on the project (yes it can happen...)

You can find this theme here

Create your style or extension

You can create your own style just learn the languages and do it ! (you can find intra API on GitHub)

You can make this project count for your scholarship by making it a Project Maker or a Project Bidouille

Good luck to you and work hard :)