Docker image suitable for local development and compiling Elixir applications for ARM64 architecture. Tested with docker-in-docker CI for GitLab.
You can pull this image from the Docker Hub Registry:
docker pull lucidmodules/docker-elixir-phoenix-dart-sass:latest
Link to the lucidmodules/docker-elixir-phoenix-dart-sass container repository.
There is a Dart Sass library for Elixir Phoenix:
It doesn't support precompiled Dart/Sass unless it is directly downloaded from the main branch. In your mix.exs add:
{:dart_sass, git: "", runtime: Mix.env() == :dev}
in the config.exs, specify paths for the Dart and Sass as environment variables:
config :dart_sass,
sass_path: System.get_env("MIX_SASS_PATH"),
dart_path: System.get_env("MIX_SASS_DART_PATH"),
You can preview dart and sass location using these commands:
which dart
which sass
As for the latest version of this image, these are default locations where sass and dart are installed:
- /root/.pub-cache/bin/sass
- /usr/lib/dart/bin/dart