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Guide: Pushing a Directory from Linux Shell to Github

  1. Create a directory:
mkdir <folder-name>
  1. Go inside the directory:
cd <folder-name>
  1. You can create a README file:
  1. Initializes that directory as a Git repository by creating a .git subdirectory that contains all the necessary Git metadata for the repository:
git init
  1. Staging all changes in the current directory for the next commit:
git add .
  1. Commit with a message:
git commit -m "your message"
  1. In your Github account, create a new empty repository and copy the URL.
  2. Add the Github repository URL as a remote repository to your local repository(your directory):
git remote add origin <URL>
  1. Connect to Github using SSH:
  • Generate SSH key:
    ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<your_email@example>.com"
  • Show and Copy SSH key:
    cat ~/.ssh/
  • Put SSH key in your Github account:
    • Settings -> SSH keys and GPG keys -> New SSH keys
  1. Change the remote URL for your local repository, to
    (Make sure you have the necessary SSH key set up on GitHub to authenticate with this new URL)
git remote set-url origin<username>/<repository>.git
  1. Verify the change:
git remote -v
  1. Push commited changes to Github:
    (If remote-branch-name already exist, choose a different one)
git push -u origin <remote-branch-name>

Author: LuciaHeredia


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