A set of playgrounds that explains a Swift topic.
These playgrounds cover a technical topic of Swift with examples. All explanations are in French.
Here's the list:
- @(non)escaping closures
- @autoclosure
- @discardableResult
- ARC & Memory Leaks
- ARC, Retain Cycle & Memory Leaks
- Access Control
- Array extensions & tricks
- Async & Await (WIP – waiting for the release of Swift 5.5)
- Custom Prefix, Postfix, Infix Operators
- Defer
- Dependency Injection
- Enum extensions & tricks
- ExpressibleByStringLiteral
- Grand Central Dispatch
- High Order Functions
- Keypath
- Lazy Property
- Literal Expression & Log function
- Opaque Return Type
- Property Observers
- Protocols
- RawRepresentable
- Static properties & functions
- Strings extensions & tricks
- Typealias
- URLComponents + URLRequest
- Unit Tests
- init, init?, convenience init, requiered init
- private(set)
- try, throws & rethrows
Some playgrounds need to be reworked to provide a better quality.
Here's the list:
- ARC & Memory Leaks ∪ ARC, Retain Cycle & Memory Leaks
- init, init?, convenience init, requiered init
Lucas Abijmil, lucas.abijmil@gmail.com.
You can also reach me on Twitter.