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Greg Kolinski edited this page Nov 27, 2017 · 15 revisions

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public partial class CarbonCopyIDInfo {
        public int CarbonCopyID {get;set;}
        public int NetworkID {get;set;}      
        public int MailboxID {get;set;}       
        public DateTime Created {get;set;}    
        public DateTime Modified {get;set;}
        public Status Status {get;set;}
        public ECGridIDInfo OriginalFrom {get;set;}
        public ECGridIDInfo OriginalTo {get;set;}
        public ECGridIDInfo CCFrom {get;set;}
        public ECGridIDInfo CCTo {get;set;}
        public string TransactionSet {get;set;}

Public Properties

  • CarbonCopyID - Integer: The value assigned to a specific Carbon Copy entry.
  • NetworkID - Integer: The NetworkID of the Network owning the Carbon Copy.
  • MailboxID - Integer: The MailboxID assigned to a Mailbox owning the Carbon Copy.
  • Created - DateTime: The date/time (UTC) the record was created.
  • Modified - DateTime: The date/time (UTC) the record was last modified.
  • Status - Enum Status: A numeric value representing the entry's status.
  • OriginalFrom - Object ECGridIDInfo: An ECGridIDInfo Object matching the Original interchange Sender.
  • OriginalTo - Object ECGridIDInfo: An ECGridIDInfo Object matching the Original interchange Receiver.
  • CCFrom - Object ECGridIDInfo: An ECGridIDInfo Object matching the Carbon Copy interchange Sender.
  • CCTo - Object ECGridIDInfo: An ECGridIDInfo Object matching the Carbon Copy interchange Receiver.
  • TransactionSet - String: String to match the Transaction Set type, standard dependant.

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