A self-hosted, customizable, easy-to-implement and user-friendly captcha.
Introducing IconCaptcha, a self-hosted captcha solution that's designed to be fast, user-friendly, and highly customizable. Unlike other captchas, IconCaptcha spares users the need of deciphering hard-to-read text images, solving complex math problems, or engaging with perplexing puzzle games. Instead, with IconCaptcha it's as straightforward as comparing up to 8 icons and selecting the least common one.
IconCaptcha doesn't just prioritize users; it's also developer-friendly. In just a few steps, you can have IconCaptcha integrated into your website. Even if you're new to ASP.NET and JavaScript, installing IconCaptcha is a straightforward process. The included demo pages in this repository provide all the necessary code to get IconCaptcha up and running. For more in-depth insights, take a moment to explore the information provided on this page and the wiki.
Using PHP instead? Try IconCaptcha for PHP
Package Manager: Install-Package IconCaptcha
.NET CLI: dotnet add package IconCaptcha
Once the package has been installed, continue with the remaining setup instructions.
- User Friendly: The captcha uses easily understandable images instead of hard to read texts to complete the captcha.
- Server-side Validation: All validation done by the captcha will be performed on the server-side instead of the client-side.
- Self Hosted: Because IconCaptcha is a self-hosted plugin, you are not relying on any third party.
- No Data Sharing: Unlike captchas such as Google ReCaptcha, no user data will be stored or sold to third parties.
- jQuery Support: IconCaptcha is written in plain JavaScript, but hooks into jQuery to allow you to integrate it in your jQuery code.
- Modern Design: The look and feel of IconCaptcha fits every modern website design.
- Events: Events are triggered at various points in the code, allowing you to hook into them and execute custom code if necessary.
- Themes: Select the design of the captcha without having to ever touch a stylesheet, or create your own custom theme.
- SASS: The project contains a SASS file, allowing you to easily style and compile the stylesheet.
- IE 10+ Support: IconCaptcha has been tested in Internet Explorer 10 & 11 and is functional in both versions.
In version 3 of IconCaptcha, the whole plugin got an overhaul - both client-side and server-side. With better security features, more customizations/options, new themes, no more jQuery dependency and 250 icons, version 3 is the biggest change to IconCaptcha yet.
- No longer required to use jQuery, although IconCaptcha can still be used with jQuery.
- More captcha image generation options to increase the difficulty.
- Automatic captcha invalidation after a period of no user interaction.
- Automatic timeouts when too many incorrect selections were made by the user.
- New light and dark themes with more modern designs, with improved support for custom themes.
- Includes 250 new modern icons, created by BlendIcons.
- Better stability, general code improvements and bug fixes.
For information on how to install, implement and configure IconCaptcha, please check the wiki pages.
The icons used in this project are made by BlendIcons.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.