title | summary | category | aliases | |
Column and DDL Type Codes |
Learn the column and DDL type codes. |
reference |
The column and DDL type codes are encodings defined by TiCDC Open Protocol. The column type code identifies the column data type in Row Changed Events. The DDL type code identifies the DDL statement type in DDL Events.
Type | Code | Output example | Note |
Decimal | 0 | {"t":0,"v":"129012.1230000"} | |
Tiny/Bool | 1 | {"t":1,"v":1} | |
Short | 2 | {"t":2,"v":1} | |
Long | 3 | {"t":3,"v":123} | |
Float | 4 | {"t":4,"v":153.123} | |
Double | 5 | {"t":5,"v":153.123} | |
Null | 6 | {"t":6,"v":null} | |
Timestamp | 7 | {"t":7,"v":"1973-12-30 15:30:00"} | |
Longlong | 8 | {"t":8,"v":123} | |
Int24 | 9 | {"t":9,"v":123} | |
Date | 10 | {"t":10,"v":"2000-01-01"} | |
Duration | 11 | {"t":11,"v":"23:59:59"} | |
Datetime | 12 | {"t":12,"v":"2015-12-20 23:58:58"} | |
Year | 13 | {"t":13,"v":1970} | |
New Date | 14 | {"t":14,"v":"2000-01-01"} | |
Varchar | 15 | {"t":15,"v":"test"} | The value is encoded in UTF-8. |
Bit | 16 | {"t":16,"v":81} | |
JSON | 245 | {"t":245,"v":"{\"key1\": \"value1\"}"} | |
New Decimal | 246 | {"t":246,"v":"129012.1230000"} | |
Enum | 247 | {"t":247,"v":1} | |
Set | 248 | {"t":248,"v":3} | |
Tiny Blob | 249 | {"t":249,"v":"5rWL6K+VdGV4dA=="} | The value is encoded in Base64. |
Medium Blob | 250 | {"t":250,"v":"5rWL6K+VdGV4dA=="} | The value is encoded in Base64. |
Long Blob | 251 | {"t":251,"v":"5rWL6K+VdGV4dA=="} | The value is encoded in Base64. |
Blob | 252 | {"t":252,"v":"5rWL6K+VdGV4dA=="} | The value is encoded in Base64. |
Var String | 253 | {"t":253,"v":"test"} | The value is encoded in UTF-8. |
String | 254 | {"t":254,"v":"test"} | The value is encoded in UTF-8. |
Geometry | 255 | Unsupported type |
Type | Code |
Create Schema | 1 |
Drop Schema | 2 |
Create Table | 3 |
Drop Table | 4 |
Add Column | 5 |
Drop Column | 6 |
Add Index | 7 |
Drop Index | 8 |
Add Foreign Key | 9 |
Drop Foreign Key | 10 |
Truncate Table | 11 |
Modify Column | 12 |
Rebase Auto ID | 13 |
Rename Table | 14 |
Set Default Value | 15 |
Shard RowID | 16 |
Modify Table Comment | 17 |
Rename Index | 18 |
Add Table Partition | 19 |
Drop Table Partition | 20 |
Create View | 21 |
Modify Table Charset And Collate | 22 |
Truncate Table Partition | 23 |
Drop View | 24 |
Recover Table | 25 |
Modify Schema Charset And Collate | 26 |
Lock Table | 27 |
Unlock Table | 28 |
Repair Table | 29 |
Set TiFlash Replica | 30 |
Update TiFlash Replica Status | 31 |
Add Primary Key | 32 |
Drop Primary Key | 33 |
Create Sequence | 34 |
Alter Sequence | 35 |
Drop Sequence | 36 |