This module collects a large number of FHIR examples into a single spot. The examples are organized into directories for convenience and generally follow the pattern format/category/filename
The resources under json/spec
and xml/spec
were downloaded from on 2022-05-11. The JSON spec examples appear as-is, but the XML example filenames were modified (removed parenthetical content) for congruity with the previous (FHIR 4.0.0) XML examples.
Additionally, the fhir-examples module includes Java helpers for working with these examples:
is an enum that mirrors the ".txt" files found atsrc/main/resources
has static helpers for obtaining a FileReader for both the index file and the example resources themselves
Strip parens from the XML filenames
for f in *'('*')'*; do mv "$f" $(echo $f | sed -e 's/[(].*[)]//'); done
List all files with their relative paths, one per row:
ls -d -1 */ibm/*/*
FHIR® is the registered trademark of HL7 and is used with the permission of HL7.