This module contains a minimal docker-compose environment to facilitate demonstrations and evaluations from a single-node system (e.g. from your laptop).
A functional docker-compose and enough storage (~4GB) and RAM (~4GB) to run the environment.
First, navigate to the demo/basic
Then execute the following commands.
To start the services:
docker-compose up -d
To monitor the services:
docker-compose logs -f
To stop the services:
docker-compose down
Once the server is running, navigate to http://localhost:9080/openapi/ui to explore the server endpoints.
The LinuxForHealth FHIR Server can be extended with conformance resources from FHIR implementation guides as described at
If the LinuxForHealth FHIR Server team has already packaged the desired implementation guide, you can use a command like the following to ask Maven to download the latest version of this IG jar to the mounted userlib directory:
mvn dependency:copy -DoutputDirectory=fhir/userlib -Dartifact=org.linuxforhealth.fhir:fhir-ig-us-core:LATEST
To speed up the schema deployment and keep the schema size down, this demo environment is limited to the following resource types:
- AllergyIntolerance
- CarePlan
- CareTeam
- CodeSystem
- Condition
- Coverage
- Device
- DiagnosticReport
- DocumentReference
- Encounter
- ExplanationOfBenefit
- Goal
- Group
- Immunization
- List
- Location
- Medication
- MedicationAdministration
- MedicationDispense
- MedicationRequest
- Observation
- Organization
- Patient
- Practitioner
- PractitionerRole
- Procedure
- Provenance
- StructureDefinition
- ValueSet
To adjust the list of supported resource types, change the resourceTypes
property in start command of the fhir-server in docker-compose.yml. To support all resource types, you can omit the resourceTypes property entirely.
In addition, the set of supported resource endpoints must be adjusted in the server config at fhir/config/default/fhir-server-config.json
. Add entries for each resource type you wish to support, or set fhirServer/resources/open
to true
to support all resource types. See the User's Guide for more information.
Finally, to update the OpenAPI, you may use the fhir-swagger-generator
to generate a new definition and use that to replace the openapi.json
that is mounted via docker-compose.