Last update: 2024/05/22
The purpose of this guide is to show how to boot an IRIX diskless workstation using Reanimator
Note: this guide is written according to This procedure is complex and laborious, even frustrating, and provides limited functionality. For a non-official diskless workstation suppport with full functionality, please visit IRIX-diskless-workstation.
- 1. IRIX/Linux administration and network administration skills.
- 2. Read the guide "Diskless Workstation Administration Guide" and understand the complete process. This guide contains too much literature and it is not very concrete, you can explain the same in 10 pages.
- 3. A sgi computer to work as diskless server, it will only generate the diskless tree. I will use an Octane2.
- 4. A sgi computer to work as diskless workstation, it could be the same than (3). I will use an Indy.
- 5. Raspberry Pi+Reanimator to work as diskless server, providing bootp and NFS server services, NFS will serve the diskless tree generated by (3). Reanimator on VirtualBox should work too. I will use a Raspberry Pi.
- 6. An optional but recommended NAS to improve performance.
I have tested three configurations:
C1. RBPi/VirtualBox working as bootp server and NFS server. This is the easiest configuration to test a diskless workstation, if using RBPi keep in mind that the SD card will reduce its expected life time, due to the excess of write cycles.
C2. (RBPi only) To avoid the SD problem and increase the throughput, you can connect an external hard disk to an USB port on RBPi and use it as storage instead the SD card.
C3. RBPi/VirtualBox working as bootp server and using a separated NFS NAS as storage (NFS 4.x disabled). I have used as NAS (Network-attached storage a think client with Debian GNU/Linux and NFS, you don't need to use a professional solution.
I assume that you are using a file system that is compatible with GNU/Linux file permissions, such as ext4.
You can use any of the three configurations, the procedure is the same, you only need to modify the directory paths.
According to my experience, shared tree generation over network is much slower, it's faster to backup the diskless directory with tar and restore it on the destination machine. Please, try both methods and decide yourself.
This is a complex, laborious and error-prone process, please pay attention to each step to minimize errors. C1. bootp+NFS. The directories /home/irix/i and /home/irix/i/diskless exist and are shared via NFS. You can choose between local shared tree generation (complex but faster) and shared tree generation over network (easier but slower):
graph TD;
Octane2([Octane2])--Option 1: local shared tree generation-->local_diskless[local /diskless directory]--Octane2: # tar cvf diskless.tar /diskless-->diskless.tar;
diskless.tar--copy to RBPi using scp or mounting RBPi:/home/irix/i on local /mnt-->RBPi:/home/irix/i--"Reanimator: $ sudo tar xvf diskless.tar; $ sudo chmod 777 diskless"-->RBPi[(RBPi:/home/irix/i/diskless)];
Octane2([Octane2])--Option 2: shared tree generation over network-->mount_RBPi[mount RBPi:/home/irix/i/diskless on /diskless]-->RBPi[(RBPi:/home/irix/i/diskless)];
RBPi[(RBPi:/home/irix/i/diskless)]--bootp and NFS-->Indy([Indy]);
C2. (RBPi only) bootp+NFS+USB drive. The directory /home/irix/i/sda1 is shared via NFS. You can choose between local shared tree generation (complex but faster) and shared tree generation over network (easier but slower).
The path can change depending on your usb device and mount point, if you use Reanimator's menus, the path is /home/iris/i/sda1. The directory diskless must be created on the mounted USB drive:
# drive mounted using Reanimator's default path /home/irix/i/sda1
$ sudo mkdir /home/irix/i/sda1/diskless
$ sudo chmod 777 /home/irix/i/sda1/diskless
# uncomment this line on /etc/exports and run "sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart" to apply changes
#/home/irix/i/sda1/diskless *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
# add this line on /etc/fstab to automount USB drive on boot
/dev/sda1 /home/irix/i/sda1 auto defaults 0 0
You can also use a custom path:
# drive mounted using a custom path
$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /my_path
$ sudo mkdir /my_path/diskless
$ sudo chmod 777 /my_path/diskless
# add the path on /etc/exports and run "sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart" to apply changes
/my_path/diskless *(rw,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)
# add this line on /etc/fstab to automount USB drive on boot
/dev/sda1 /my_path auto defaults 0 0
If you choose the shared tree generation over network, the USB drive must be mounted on /home/irix/i/sda1 (or /my_path). Keep in mind that nfs-kernel-server won't work if USB drive is not mountend on boot and the mount directories exported on /etc/exports, you must run "sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart" after mounting the USB drive
graph TD;
Octane2([Octane2])--Option 1: local shared tree generation-->local_diskless[local /diskless directory]--Octane2: # tar cvf diskless.tar /diskless-->diskless.tar;
diskless.tar--copy to RBPi using scp or mounting RBPi:/home/irix/i/sda1 on local /mnt-->RBPi:/home/irix/i/sda1--"RBPi: $ sudo tar xvf diskless.tar; $ sudo chmod 777 diskless"-->RBPi[(RBPi:/home/irix/i/sda1/diskless)];
Octane2([Octane2])--Option 2: shared tree generation over network-->mount_RBPi[mount RBPi:/home/irix/i/sda1/diskless on /diskless]-->RBPi[(RBPi:/home/irix/i/sda1/diskless)];
RBPi[(RBPi:/home/irix/i/sda1/diskless)]--bootp and NFS-->Indy([Indy]);
C3. bootp+separated NFS NAS storage. You can choose between local shared tree generation (complex but faster) and shared tree generation over network (easier but slower):
graph TD;
Octane2([Octane2])--Option 1: local shared tree generation-->local_diskless[local /diskless directory]--mount NAS_IP:/path on /mnt-->C[NAS_IP:/path];
local_diskless[local /diskless directory]--"# tar xvf /mnt/diskless.tar /diskless"-->C[NAS_IP:/path];
C[NAS_IP:/path]--"NAS: untar diskless.tar. If GNU/Linux: $ sudo tar xvf diskless.tar"-->B[NAS_IP:/path/diskless];
Octane2([Octane2])--mount NAS_IP:/path/diskless on /diskless-->B[NAS_IP:/path/diskless];
Octane2([Octane2])--Option 2: shared tree generation over network-->B[NAS_IP:/path/diskless];
# versions nfs
If the subsystem is not installed, you can install it from the media "ONC3/NFS Version 3 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, and 6.5".
Download this media on Reanimator(2. Download menu --> 7. Download IRIX 6.5.x) and proceed:
# inst
1. open
Type irix@rbpi:i/IRIX/irix65x/nfs/dist
keep *
install nfs.sw.dskless_server
- A diskless tree contains one shared tree for each release of IRIX that it supports.
- The shared tree contains the portion of the IRIX operating system that can be shared by a group of diskless clients.
- A client tree contains the IRIX kernel for an individual client, the specific hardware files that the client requires, and private files such as /etc/hosts, /etc/fstab, and /etc/sys_id.
- The swap tree provides the disk space that an individual client needs for virtual memory operations.
- A class is a group of workstations that contain identical CPU and graphics hardware. A class is generally (but not always) designated by a model name, such as O2™ or Octane™. A client class requires its own hardware-specific software modules. For this reason, a shared tree must contain all the hardware-specific modules needed to support every class in its client base. By contrast, a client tree contains only those hardware-specific modules needed to support the individual client that is using it.
Installation steps:
- Run share_setup to create a shared tree configuration file (share.dat).
- Run share_inst to install the shared tree.
- Run client_setup to create a client tree configuration file (client.dat).
- Run clone_client to reproduce the client and swap trees for additional clients.
- Boot each client and verify the installation.
# cd /var/boot
# ./share_setup
... (Storing share tree configuration file at /var/boot/6.5.22.dat)
... (Storing share tree configuration file at /var/boot/6.5.30.dat)
# ./share_inst -r 6.5.22
13. admin
15. load filename
Load selections from file: irix@rbpi:i/6.5.22.txt
11 done
Inst> keep *
Inst> install maintenance
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client
Inst> conflicts
(6.5.22 share tree installed at /diskless/share/6.5.22)
# ./share_inst -r 6.5.30
13. admin
15. load filename
Load selections from file: irix@rbpi:i/6.5.30.txt
11 done
Inst> keep *
Inst> install maintenance
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client
Inst> conflicts
(6.5.30 share tree installed at /diskless/share/6.5.30)
# ./client_setup
(Creating file indy.dat)
# ./client_setup
(Creating file octane2.dat)
# ./client_inst -h IRIS -r 6.5.22 -c indy
13. admin
15. load filename
Load selections from file: irix@rbpi:i/6.5.22.txt
11 done
Inst> keep *
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client
Inst> conflicts
(indy client tree installed to /diskless/client/indy)
# ./client_inst -h IRIS2 -r 6.5.30 -c octane2
13. admin
15. load filename
Load selections from file: irix@rbpi:i/6.5.30.txt
11 done
Inst> keep *
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client
Inst> conflicts
(octane client tree installed to /diskless/client/octane)
Example for 6.5.22 32 bits:
# cd /var/boot
# ./share_setup
This program will help you create a shared tree configuration file for a
single IRIX version. Create a separate shared tree configuration file for
a 32-bit and a 64-bit version of the same IRIX release.
Retrieving system information...
Hostname is octane2
If you wish to use a different interface name for this host, enter it now
(Press return if octane2 is ok):
Do you want client boot information stored on octane2 (y/n)? y --> SERVER_NIS="no" on .dat file
if "n":
Make sure octane2 is listed in the NIS server's /etc/updaters file.
Enter the root directory of the diskless tree
(e.g. /diskless) : /diskless
Enter the name of the share tree (e.g. IRIX65): 6.5.22
Share tree will be installed at /diskless/share/6.5.22
Enter the name of the share tree configuration file (no extension please): 6.5.22
Share tree configuration file will be written at /var/boot/6.5.22.dat
Press [Enter] to continue
If you are using a 32 bit machine as your diskless server, you can only
install share trees for 32 bit platforms. If you have a 64 bit server,
you can install either a 32 or a 64 bit share tree.
Do you want to install a share tree for all client platforms (y or n): y
Which version would you like:
1. 32bit
2. 64bit
Choose one (1 or 2): 1
Storing share tree configuration file at /var/boot/6.5.22.dat
Example for 6.5.22 32 bits:
# cd /var/boot
# ./share_inst -r 6.5.22
About to install shared tree at /mnt/diskless/share/6.5.22......
Enter confirmation (y/Y):y
Which installation tool would you like to use:
1. inst
2. Software Manager
Your choice (1 or 2): 1
13. admin
15. load filename
Load selections from file: irix@rbpi:i/6.5.22.txt
11 done
Inst> keep *
Inst> install maintenance
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client
Inst> conflicts
Overlay product nfs.sw.dskless_client (1289434520) cannot be installed
because of missing prerequisites: base product nfs.sw.dskless_client
1a. Do not install nfs.sw.dskless_client (1289434520)
1b. Also install base product nfs.sw.dskless_client (1274627335) (see
ONC3/NFS VERSION-3 FOR IRIX 6.2 THROUGH 6.5 CD) from an additional
distribution -- insert another CD or specify another software
java2_plugin.sw32.mozilla_freeware cannot be installed because of missing
2a. Do not install java2_plugin.sw32.mozilla_freeware (1278918520)
2b. Also install fw_mozilla.sw.mozilla (1278327220 - 2147483647) from an
additional distribution -- insert another CD or specify another
software distribution.
Resolve conflicts by typing "conflicts choice choice ..."
or try "help conflicts"
Inst> conflicts 1b 2a
Note: this operation opens a distribution and selects all
of its default or upgrade products for install. If you
wish to open just a single product, append the product
name to the distribution name, as in /CDROM/dist/eoe.
See the "distribution" help topic for more information.
Enter new distribution from list:
Install software from: irix@rbpi:i/IRIX/irix65x/nfs/dist
Inst> conflicts
nfs.sw.dskless_client cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites:
1a. Do not install nfs.sw.dskless_client (1289434520)
1b. Also install nfs.sw.nfs (1289434520).
Resolve conflicts by typing "conflicts choice choice ..."
or try "help conflicts"
Inst> conflicts 1b
No conflicts
Inst> go
if /diskless is a NFS share, this message is displayed:
Pre-installation check .. 7%
The installation request will install or remove files in the following nfs-mounted filesystems:
Please cancel or confirm the request.
1. Cancel the installation request
2. Continue the installation request
Please enter a choice [1]: 2
Inst> quit
Example for Indy:
# ./client_setup
This program will help you create a client tree configuration file for the
client you would like to install.
Choose the CPU board:
1. IP20
2. IP22
3. IP28
4. IP30
5. IP32
6. IP35
Choose one (1 2 3 4 5 6 ): 2
>> IP22 selected.
Choose the CPU architecture:
1. R4000
2. R5000
Choose one (1 2 ): 1
>> R4000 selected.
Choose the graphics board:
Choose one (1 2 3 4 ): 3
>> NEWPORT selected.
Choose the video card:
1. Not installed
Choose one (1 2 ): 2
>> VINO selected.
You have defined a client class with these components:
Specify a size in MB for swap.
Swap size (Default is 64m - <Enter> for default):
Enter your NIS domain name (hit <Enter> for no domainname):
Specify a name for your client tree configuration file (no extension
please): indy
Creating file indy.dat
# ./client_inst -h IRIS2 -r 6.5.30 -c octane2
# ./client_inst -h IRIS -r 6.5.22 -c indy
Client tree = /diskless/client/IRIS, shared tree = /diskless/share/6.5.22
Enter confirmation (y/Y) :y
Create 64m swap file ........
Which installation tool would you like to use:
1. inst
2. Software Manager
Your choice (1 or 2): 1
13. admin ...
15. load filename
Load selections from file: irix@rbpi:i/6.5.22.txt
11 done
Inst> keep *
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client
Inst> conflicts
c++_eoe.sw.lib, compiler_eoe.sw.cpp, compiler_eoe.sw.lboot,
compiler_eoe.sw.lib, compiler_eoe.sw.unix, eoe.sw.base, eoe.sw.efs,
eoe.sw.gfx, x_eoe.sw.Server, x_eoe.sw.Xfonts and x_eoe.sw.eoe are required
and must be installed
1a. Also install c++_eoe.sw.lib (1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw.cpp
(1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw.lboot (1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw.lib
(1279199410), compiler_eoe.sw.unix (1279199410), eoe.sw.base
(1289434520), eoe.sw.efs (1289434520), eoe.sw.gfx (1289434520),
x_eoe.sw.Server (1289434520), x_eoe.sw.Xfonts (1289434520) and
x_eoe.sw.eoe (1289434520)
Overlay product nfs.sw.dskless_client (1289434520) cannot be installed
because of missing prerequisites: base product nfs.sw.dskless_client
2a. Do not install nfs.sw.dskless_client (1289434520)
2b. Also install base product nfs.sw.dskless_client (1274627335) (see
ONC3/NFS VERSION-3 FOR IRIX 6.2 THROUGH 6.5 CD) from an additional
distribution -- insert another CD or specify another software
nfs.sw.dskless_client cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites:
3a. Do not install nfs.sw.dskless_client (1289434520)
3b. Also install eoe.sw.base (1289434520).
Resolve conflicts by typing "conflicts choice choice ..."
or try "help conflicts"
Inst> conflicts 1a 2b 3b
Install software from: irix@rbpi:i/IRIX/irix65x/nfs/dist
Inst> conflicts
nfs.sw.dskless_client cannot be installed because of missing prerequisites:
1a. Do not install nfs.sw.dskless_client (1289434520)
1b. Also install nfs.sw.nfs (1289434520).
Resolve conflicts by typing "conflicts choice choice ..."
or try "help conflicts"
Inst> conflicts 1b
No conflicts
Inst> go
Let's have a look to some files on Octane2 to understand /etc/bootparams and /etc/exports on Reanimator:
# ls -l /var/boot/IRIS/
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 107 Apr 30 15:52 README
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 43 Apr 30 15:52 unix -> /diskless/share/6.5.22/sbin/stand/sash.ARCS
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 26 Apr 30 15:52 -> /diskless/client/IRIS/unix
# ls -l /var/boot/IRIS2
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 107 Apr 30 16:53 README
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root sys 27 Apr 30 16:53 unix -> /diskless/client/IRIS2/unix
# cat /etc/bootparams
6.5.22 root=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.22 sbin=octane2: swap=octane2:
IRIS root=octane2:/diskless/client/IRIS sbin=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.22/sbin usr=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.22/usr var_share=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.22/var/share swap=octane2:/diskless/swap/IRIS
6.5.30 root=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.30 sbin=octane2: swap=octane2:
IRIS2 root=octane2:/diskless/client/IRIS2 sbin=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.30/sbin usr=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.30/usr var_share=octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.30/var/share swap=octane2:/diskless/swap/IRIS2
# cat /etc/exports
# NFS exported filesystem database (see exports(4) for more information).
# Entries in this file consist of lines containing the following fields:
# filesystem [ options ] [ netgroup ] [ hostname ] ...
# Filesystem must be left-justified and may name any directory within a
# local filesystem. A backslash (\) at the end of a line permits splitting
# long lines into shorter ones. Netgroup(4) and hostname refer
# to machines or collections of machines to which filesystem is exported.
/diskless/share/6.5.22/usr -mandlock,ro #class=6.5.22
/diskless/share/6.5.22/sbin -mandlock,ro #class=6.5.22
/diskless/share/6.5.22/var/share -mandlock,rw #class=6.5.22
/diskless/client/IRIS -mandlock,rw=IRIS,access=IRIS,root=IRIS #host=IRIS
/diskless/swap/IRIS -rw=IRIS,wsync,access=IRIS,root=IRIS #host=IRIS
/diskless/share/6.5.30/usr -mandlock,ro #class=6.5.30
/diskless/share/6.5.30/sbin -mandlock,ro #class=6.5.30
/diskless/share/6.5.30/var/share -mandlock,rw #class=6.5.30
/diskless/client/IRIS2 -mandlock,rw=IRIS2,access=IRIS2,root=IRIS2 #host=IRIS2
/diskless/swap/IRIS2 -rw=IRIS2,wsync,access=IRIS2,root=IRIS2 #host=IRIS2
Reanimator provides preconfigured /etc/bootparams and /etc/exports. Edit them using Reanimator's menus according to your configuration.
# # clone /diskless/client/IRIS, using indy as client tree configuration file, 6.5.22 as shared tree configuration file and host names contained in IRIS3.txt
# # IRIS3 must be and identical machine to IRIS
# ./clone_client -f IRIS3.txt -r 6.5.22 -c indy -clone /diskless/client/IRIS
# # delete hostname IRIS
# ./client_inst -h IRIS -r 6.5.22 -c indy -d
# # create client IRIS (contained in IRIS.txt)
# ./clone_client -f IRIS.txt -r 6.5.22 -c indy -clone /diskless/client/IRIS3
Example using configuration C1 and scp to copy Octane2-->RBPi:
# tar cvf /diskless.tar /diskless
# scp /diskless.tar pi@
Example using configuration C2 and NFS to copy Octane2-->RBPi, the usb drive must be mounted:
# tar cvf /diskless.tar /diskless
# mount /mnt
# cp /diskless.tar /mnt
# umount /mnt
Example using configuration C3, creating the file diskless.tar on a NAS shared resource. This is the fastest method according to my experience:
# mount NAS_IP:/path /mnt
# tar cvf /mnt/diskless.tar /diskless
# umount /mnt
Warning: if C3 is used, copy to Reanimator /var/boot/client_name on /home/irix/i or /home/irix/i/sda1:
# cd /var/boot
# tar cvf IRIS.tar IRIS IRIS2
# scp IRIS.tar pi@
Copy using NFS:
# cd /var/boot
# tar cvf IRIS.tar IRIS IRIS2
# mount /mnt
# cp IRIS.tar /mnt
# umount /mnt
Restoring on Reanimator:
# restoring on RBPi
pi@rbpi:/home/irix/i/diskless $ sudo tar xvf IRIS.tar
# restoring on VirtualBox
sgi@debian:/home/irix/i/diskless $ sudo tar xvf IRIS.tar
Watch the contents of these directories:
pi@rbpi:/home/irix/i/diskless $ ls -l IRIS
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 107 Apr 30 14:52 README
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root sys 43 Apr 30 14:52 unix -> /diskless/share/6.5.22/sbin/stand/sash.ARCS
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root sys 26 Apr 30 14:52 -> /diskless/client/IRIS/unix
pi@rbpi:/home/irix/i/diskless $ ls -l IRIS2
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root sys 107 Apr 30 15:53 README
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root sys 27 Apr 30 15:53 unix -> /diskless/client/IRIS2/unix
The easiest way to make these paths work is mounting NAS_IP:/path/diskless on /diskless, for example for my NAS:
sudo mount /diskless
All the links will work now.
You can clean on Reanimator the hosts from diskless/client/IRIS/etc/hosts and diskless/client/IRIS2/etc/hosts, they are not used. Make sure to update the hosts files, for example:diskless/client/IRIS/etc/hosts original file:
# WARNING: As shipped by SGI this system has no passwords on the following
# accounts: root, lp, nuucp, EZsetup, demos, OutOfBox, guest.
# If you leave these or any other accounts open when you enable
# networking, your system will be at significant risk for malicious
# attacks. Use the EZsetup GUI to close open accounts, or use
# passwd(1) to accomplish the same thing from the command line.
# See passwd(1), or EZsetup(1M) for more information.
# IP address-hostname database (see hosts(4) for more information).
# Default IP address for a new IRIS. It should be changed immediately to
# the address appropriate for your network.
# (The '192.0.2' network number is the officially blessed 'test' network.) IRIS
# This entry must be present or the system will not work. localhost
# Assigned multicast group addresses listed in RFC-1060 ("Assigned Numbers").
# These entries can be deleted if you don't want them.
# (They are also available via the Internet DNS name servers.)
diskless/client/IRIS/etc/hosts modified file:
# WARNING: As shipped by SGI this system has no passwords on the following
# accounts: root, lp, nuucp, EZsetup, demos, OutOfBox, guest.
# If you leave these or any other accounts open when you enable
# networking, your system will be at significant risk for malicious
# attacks. Use the EZsetup GUI to close open accounts, or use
# passwd(1) to accomplish the same thing from the command line.
# See passwd(1), or EZsetup(1M) for more information.
# IP address-hostname database (see hosts(4) for more information).
# Default IP address for a new IRIS. It should be changed immediately to
# the address appropriate for your network.
# (The '192.0.2' network number is the officially blessed 'test' network.)
# This entry must be present or the system will not work. localhost
# Assigned multicast group addresses listed in RFC-1060 ("Assigned Numbers").
# These entries can be deleted if you don't want them.
# (They are also available via the Internet DNS name servers.)
diskless/client/IRIS2/etc/hosts original file:
# IP address-hostname database (see hosts(4) for more information).
# Default IP address for a new IRIS. It should be changed immediately to
# the address appropriate for your network.
# (The '192.0.2' network number is the officially blessed 'test' network.)
# This entry must be present or the system will not work. localhost
# Assigned multicast group addresses listed in RFC-1060 ("Assigned Numbers").
# These entries can be deleted if you don't want them.
# (They are also available via the Internet DNS name servers.) octane2 indy rbpi IRIS IRIS2
diskless/client/IRIS/etc/hosts modified file:
# IP address-hostname database (see hosts(4) for more information).
# Default IP address for a new IRIS. It should be changed immediately to
# the address appropriate for your network.
# (The '192.0.2' network number is the officially blessed 'test' network.)
# This entry must be present or the system will not work. localhost
# Assigned multicast group addresses listed in RFC-1060 ("Assigned Numbers").
# These entries can be deleted if you don't want them.
# (They are also available via the Internet DNS name servers.) IRIS2
Edit on Reanimator diskless/client/IRIS/etc/fstab and diskless/client/IRIS2/etc/fstab and other clients to boot from Reanimator or a NAS.
Original file on Octane2:
# cat /diskless/client/IRIS/etc/fstab
octane2:/diskless/client/IRIS / nfs rw 0 0
octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.22/usr /usr nfs ro 0 0
octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.22/sbin /sbin nfs ro 0 0
octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.22/var/share /var/share nfs rw 0 0
octane2:/diskless/swap/IRIS /swap nfs rw 0 0
# cat /diskless/client/IRIS2/etc/fstab
octane2:/diskless/client/IRIS2 / nfs rw 0 0
octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.30/usr /usr nfs ro 0 0
octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.30/sbin /sbin nfs ro 0 0
octane2:/diskless/share/6.5.30/var/share /var/share nfs rw 0 0
octane2:/diskless/swap/IRIS2 /swap nfs rw 0 0
Modified file on Reanimator to boot using C1. RBPi/VirtualBox(change IP to working as bootp server and NFS server:
$ cat diskless/client/IRIS/etc/fstab / nfs rw 0 0 /usr nfs ro 0 0 /sbin nfs ro 0 0 /var/share nfs rw 0 0 /swap nfs rw 0 0
$ cat diskless/client/IRIS2/etc/fstab / nfs rw 0 0 /usr nfs ro 0 0 /sbin nfs ro 0 0 /var/share nfs rw 0 0 /swap nfs rw 0 0
Modified file on Reanimator to boot using C2. (RBPi only) bootp+NFS+external hard disk connected to an USB port on RBPi:
$ cat diskless/client/IRIS/etc/fstab / nfs rw 0 0 /usr nfs ro 0 0 /sbin nfs ro 0 0 /var/share nfs rw 0 0 /swap nfs rw 0 0
$ cat diskless/client/IRIS2/etc/fstab / nfs rw 0 0 /usr nfs ro 0 0 /sbin nfs ro 0 0 /var/share nfs rw 0 0 /swap nfs rw 0 0
Modified file on Reanimator to boot using C3. RBPi/VirtualBox working as bootp server and using a separated NFS NAS as storage:
$ cat diskless/client/IRIS/etc/fstab
# modify NAS IP and drive path /path according to your NAS configuration
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/client/IRIS / nfs rw 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/share/6.5.22/usr /usr nfs ro 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/share/6.5.22/sbin /sbin nfs ro 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/share/6.5.22/var/share /var/share nfs rw 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/swap/IRIS /swap nfs rw 0 0
$ cat diskless/client/IRIS2/etc/fstab
# modify NAS IP and drive path /path according to your NAS configuration
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/client/IRIS2 / nfs rw 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/share/6.5.30/usr /usr nfs ro 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/share/6.5.30/sbin /sbin nfs ro 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/share/6.5.30/var/share /var/share nfs rw 0 0
NAS_IP:/path/diskless/swap/IRIS2 /swap nfs rw 0 0
Run in Comand Monitor (example for Indy using C1):
>>setenv verbose on
>>setenv diskless 1
>>setenv netaddr
>>setenv OSLoader /unix
>>setenv SystemPartition bootp():diskless/client/IRIS
>>setenv OSLoadPartition bootp():diskless/client/IRIS
Run in Comand Monitor (example for Octane using C2):
>>setenv verbose on
>>setenv diskless 1
>>setenv netaddr
>>setenv OSLoader /unix
>>setenv SystemPartition bootp():sda1/diskless/client/IRIS2
>>setenv OSLoadPartition bootp():sda1/diskless/client/IRIS2
Run in Comand Monitor (example for Octane using C3):
>>setenv verbose on
>>setenv diskless 1
>>setenv netaddr
>>setenv OSLoader /unix
>>setenv SystemPartition bootp():diskless/IRIS2
>>setenv OSLoadPartition bootp():diskless/IRIS2
To set default configuration, run in Command Monitor:
- 1. Read the troubleshooting section of "Diskless Workstation Administration Guide"
- 2. Check the variables in Command Monitor.
- 3. Check the names and the client IP in the file /home/irix/i/diskless/client/client_name/etc/hosts before booting. Keep in mind that the client IP will be assigned using DHCP on boot and updated in the hosts file, this will create boot problems. After booting, disable DHCP running "chkconfig autoconfig_ipaddress off" on the diskless client, and fix the IP address in Command Monitor, in hosts file and on the diskless client using
- 4. Check the paths and the server IP in file /home/irix/i/diskless/client/client_name/etc/fstab.
- 5. If this message appears:
/var/share: Unmounted NFS server localhost (nsd) not responding still trying
Reboot and try again checking netaddr in Command Monitor, I don't know why it happens, I think it's related to DHCP.
- 6. If the boot process is frozen for half an hour, proceed as in case (5)
- 1. The first time my Indy boots, it takes about 30 minutes to complete the process using a RBPi 2 as server. It also reconfigures the operating system on boot (about 20') and the new kernel on shutdown (about 10'). These times are roughly halved if booting from a NAS. After these processes, the shutdown time is about 2 minutes.
- 2. Some errors are displayed on boot: "not found", "cannot open", "Read-only file system", ... can they be avoided ?
- 3. I installed the entire system (install maintenance) on the shared tree and just nfs.sw.dskless_client on the client tree, but IRIX diskless desktop appears too simple, it is necessary to install the maintenance branch on the client tree ?
- 4. For my Octane2, "Automatically reconfiguring the operating system" takes about 8 minutes, but no desktop is started, it shows "The system is ready". The phase "Reconfiguring kernel, please wait" took about 7 minutes. After these processes, the boot time is about 1 minute. No desktop is shown, why ?
- 5. After these results, a lot of tests and hours of fun are necessary to complete the table below. Please, send your feedback to
- 6. If your network card supports at least 100 Mbps, diskless workstation could be suitable for your system.
- 7. Check some pictures about these remarks
Client | Server | boot time | shutdown time | share_inst | client_inst | problems | user |
Indy | RBPi 2 | 10' | 2' | Inst> keep * Inst> install maintenance Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client |
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client | Simple desktop. Error on shutdown using Toolchest | Linux-RISC |
Indy | GNU/Linux NAS | 5' | 1' | Inst> keep * Inst> install maintenance Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client |
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client | Simple desktop. Error on shutdown using Toolchest | Linux-RISC |
Octane2 | GNU/Linux NAS | 1' 10'' | <1' | Inst> keep * Inst> install maintenance Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client |
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client | No desktop started | Linux-RISC |
Octane2 | GNU/Linux NAS | " | " | Inst> keep * Inst> install standard Inst> install incompleteoverlays Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client |
Inst> install nfs.sw.dskless_client | No desktop started | Linux-RISC |
To boot from disk 1, run in Command Monitor:
>>setenv SystemPartition dksc(0,1,8)
>>setenv OSLoadPartition dksc(0,1,0)
>>setenv OSLoader sash
>>setenv OSLoadFilename unix