Imported Libraries:
- tweepy
- pandas
- csv
Purpose: It can extract tweets from a specific user or using a specifc keyword.
Steps Taken:
- Retrieved API tokens from twitter develepor account.
- Added them to a csv file, saved it on drive and used tokens by specifying the path.
- Twitter has a rate limit of about 900 tweets/15 minutes (could vary), it gives an error if you exceed it, hence added code to handle the error
- Created function user_tweets, which uses api.user_timeline to extract tweets from a specific user.
- Created function keyword_tweets, which uses to extract tweets using a search query, i.e a keyword.
- Wrote the extracted tweets in a csv file, which gets created and saved in drive automatically.
- The main driver function: gave user option to choose how they wished to extract tweets and executed the code.
- Printed the hence created csv file.
- Get a twitter developer account by registering at
- Mount Google drive
- Run the code.
Pragya Khanna