Convert between various image, audio and video formats using the context menu. The addon is written in Python and available for Nautilus and Nemo file viewers. It adds a new option to the context menu to create an easy way to convert between a huge amount of file types.
The program offers many options to customise the appearance of its context menu. There are also a few extra formats which can be added by installing optional dependencies.
The tool has a built-in auto-update function to make sure the newest version is always installed.
Note that the Nemo port is quite new and not as well tested as the Nautilus version. If you experience any problems, please report them on the issue page.
flowchart TD
A[Supported Image Files]
B[Supported Audio Files]
C[Supported Video Files]
D["JPEG<br/>PNG<br/>BMP<br/>GIF<br/>WEBP<br/>JXL²<br/>TIFF<br/>AVIF³<br/>Different square sizes<br/>Different wallpaper sizes"]
A --> D
B --> E
C --> F
¹ Needs pyheif.
² Needs jxlpy.
³ Needs pillow-avif-plugin.
Please head over to the installation page for your file manager:
If the script is installed in the home folder or has permissions to write in it's dictionary, it will update automatically as long as automatic updates aren't disabled.
If automatic updates are disabled, you can run the installation commands again to update the program.
Just right-click on any supported file and choose the "Convert to..." option. In this sub menu you can select any file type you want to convert to.
Converting a file can take some time. There is no indicator when the process is done.
If you experience any issues with the extension, please report it on the issues page.
Contributions are always welcome! If you want to contribute to this project, take a look at the open issues and at issues with help-wanted tag or propose other edits to the program using a pull-request. The code of the project is partly commented and relatively self explaining. If you're curious about the way something is accomplished in the code, you can always ask about it in an issue and if you think there is a better way to do it, you're welcome to edit the code or share your ideas in another issue.
If anything is not clear...
If you have a problem...
If you need a specific feature...
If any of your files are not supported...
Check if anyone had the same issue before on this page or feel free to open a new GitHub issue!
- Linus Tibert
Maintenance, issues, support - derVedro
Pull requests, issue solving - D10f
Pull requests