sc2 is a library for simulating and training agents in the StarCraft II learning environment.
To install the package, run the following commands:
git clone
cd sc2
pip install -e .
Algorithm | Module | Class | Reference |
Monte-Carlo Policy Gradient | reinforce | REINFORCE | arXiv:1701.07274 |
Advantage Actor-Critic | a2c | A2C | arXiv:1602.01783 |
Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic | a3c | A3C | arXiv:1602.01783 |
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients | ddpg | DDPG | arXiv:1509.02971 |
Proximal Policy Optimization | ppo | PPO | arXiv:1707.06347 |
Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning | gail | GAIL | arXiv:1606.03476 |
State-Action-Reward-State-Action | sarsa | SARSA | arXiv:1701.07274 |
Deep Q-Network | dqn | DQN | arXiv:1312.5602 |
Algorithm | Module | Class | Reference |
Tabular SARSA | table | Table | arXiv:1701.07274 |
Tabular Q-Learning | table | Table | arXiv:1701.07274 |