- Python 3.11.3
- Selenium - API for SeleniumWebDriver
- pytest - test runner
- webdriver_manager - for webdrivers (no more driver installations needed)
- Faker - for test data generation
- Allure - for test run reports
Add allure to PATH environment if using Windows.
To get Allure reports you should run tests with the following flag
pytest --alluredir=elements_report elements_test.py
- is a dir with reports fileselements_test
- is a test files for elements page.
To get Allure report from test results use the following command
allure serve allure_results
To run specific test you can use the following command
pytest --alluredir=elements_report .\framework\tests\elements_test.py::TestElements::TestTextBox::test_text_box
To run all tests with Allure report:
pytest --alluredir=allure_results .\framework\tests
You can check my last run of all tests from my framework:
allure serve allure_results