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post |
Navigation using a ListView in JavaFX |
navigation-using-a-listview-in-javafx |
2020-12-05 21:43:00 -0400 |
100-days-javafx |
en |
navigation-using-a-listview-in-javafx |
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The [Schema Editor app]({% post_url 2020-11-14-EN-new-project-json-schema-app %}) I've been working on has two main panes in its UI: the menu on the left and the editor and the center.
In the previous posts we were able to [create a reactive menu]({% post_url 2020-12-03-EN-observable-collection-and-listview-in-javafx %}) and [make the name of the schema editable]({% post_url 2020-12-05-EN-editable-listview-cells-in-javafx %}).
We want the editor view to reflect the correct schema when selecting the schema from the ListView.
This not something you can do in FXML. However you can get a property that tracks the currently selected item: listView.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty()
public class AppController {
@FXML private ListView<Schema> schemaListView;
@FXML private TextArea schemaEditor;
private final ObjectProperty<Schema> selectedSchemaProperty
= new SimpleObjectProperty<>();
public void initialize() throws IOException {
ObservableList<Schema> schemas = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
schemaListView.setCellFactory(param -> new SchemaListCell());
selectedSchemaProperty.addListener((observable, oldValue, newValue) -> {
// Load data
InitialDataLoader dataLoader = new InitialDataLoader();
Don't forget to add fx:id="schemaEditor"
to the TextArea in the .fxml file.
Textarea updates based on the selected item in the ListView.
I worked in the past with RxJava which also have a type called Observable (its sematic varies from the JavaFX Observable though). One of the thing that I enjoy was possibility to use function such as .map()
to transform an observable.
While the Bindings util class offers some tools to do transformation of observables, I am not found of its ergonomics. I prefer to use the EasyBind library instead:
// When the selected schema changes
I could skip using the selectedSchemaProperty
variable altogether:
// When the selected schema changes
Don't forget to add the esybind dependency to your pom.xml
I'm a big fan of monads as they allow to make my code linear, hence easier to read.