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Python SDK

import lettria

nlp = lettria.NLP(api_key)
nlp.add_document([sentence_1, sentence_2])

for doc in nlp:
	for sentence in doc:
		print(sentence.token, sentence.pos)

To use our API, you will need a personal key, refered as API_KEY. Get your free API_KEY on your Dashboard.
Install using Python Software Developpement Kit :

pip install lettria

Check the official sources for more information and documentation on how to extract key informations using our SDK :

NLP class

NLP inherits from TextChunk.

NLP is a class designed to give access to relevant data at the different levels (document, sentence, subsentence) in an intuitive way. It allows to perform quick data exploration, manipulation and analysis.
It is also used to perform requests and can save and load the result as JSON objects.

When a response from the API is received it is stored in a hierarchy of classes:
NLP (all data) => Document => Sentence => Subsentence => Token
At each level direct access to inferior levels is possible i.e. nlp.sentences gives access to a list of all the Sentence in the current data, while nlp.documents[0].sentences gives only the Sentence of the first Document.

NLP is iterable and will yield Document instances.

Attributes / Properties

Name Type Description
documents list of Document instances List of all the Document instances.
sentences list of Sentence instances Direct access to all of the Sentences instances.
subsentences list of Subsentence instances Direct access to all of the Subsentence instances.
tokens list of Token instances Direct access to all Token in the subsentence
fields list of string List of all common properties accessible at all levels (token, pos etc.)
client instance of Client Client used for performing request to Lettria's API
Common properties depends on property Properties allowing access to specific data (pos, token etc.)


Data management

add_document() Submits document to API
save_results() Saves data from json file
load_results() Loads data from json file
reset_data() Erase data and reinitialise object
add_client() Adds new client / api_key


add_document(document, skip_document = False, id=None, verbose=True)

Performs a request to lettria API using the API_KEY provided. Results are appended as an additional Document instance to the documents attribute.


Name Type Description Optional
document string or list of string Data to be sent to the API False
skip_document bool Whether to skip the document if there is a problem during processing True
id str Id to identify the document, by default an incrementing integer is assigned. True
verbose bool Whether to print additional statements about document processing.True


save_results(file = '')

Writes current results to a JSON file. If no file is specified the default path is results_X.json with X being next 'free' integer.


Name Type Description Optional
file string Path of file to write in. True


load_results(path = 'results_0', reset = False)

Loads results from a JSON file.


Name Type Description Optional
file string Path of file to load. True
reset bool Whether to erase current data. True



Erase all data inside NLP and reinitialise documents ids.


Name Type Description Optional
file string Path of file to load. True
reset bool Whether to erase current data. True


add_client(client = None, api_key = None)

Replaces current client with provided one, or creates a new client using the provided api_key.


Name Type Description Optional
client instance of Client class Client instance to replace the current one. True
api_key string Key to use for the new client. True


TextChunk is the base class of NLP, Document, Sentence and Subsentence.
It offers different methods that can be accessed through children classes.

Data analysis:

vocabulary() Returns vocabulary from current data.
word_count() Returns word count from current data.
word_frequency() Returns word frequency of current data.
list_entities() Returns dictionaries of detected entities by type.
get_emotion() Returns emotion results at the specified hierarchical level
get_sentiment() Returns sentiment results at the specified hierarchical level
word_sentiment() Returns average sentiment for each word of the whole vocabulary
word_emotion() Returns average emotion for each word of the whole vocabulary
meaning_sentiment() Returns average sentiment for each meaning
meaning_emotion() Returns average emotion for each meaning
filter_polarity() Filters Sentence or Subsentence of the specified polarity
filter_emotion() Filters Sentence or Subsentence of the specified emotions
filter_type() Filters Sentence of the specified types
match_pattern() Returns matches from given patterns.


vocabulary(filter_pos = None, lemma=False)

Returns vocabulary from current data with their associated POStag i.e. if a word appears both as a verb and a noun it will be in two tuples (word, 'V'), (word, 'N'). Allows filtering by POS tags.


Name Type Description Optional
filter_pos list of string Tags to use for filtering. True
lemma string Whether to use lemma or plain words. True


Type Description
list of tuple List of unique tuples (token, POStag).


word_count(filter_pos = None, lemma=False):

Returns count of words from current data with their associated POStag i.e. if a word appears both as a verb and a noun it will be in two tuples (word, 'V'), (word, 'N'). Allows filtering by POS tags.


Name Type Description Optional
filter_pos list of string Tags to use for filtering. True
lemma string Whether to use lemma or plain words. True


Type Description
dictionary dictionary of word counts { (token, POStag): occurences }.


word_frequency(filter_pos = None, lemma=False)

Returns words or lemma frequency, allows filtering by POS tag


Name Type Description Optional
filter_pos list of string Tags to use for filtering. True
lemma bool Whether to use lemma or plain words. True


Type Description
dictionary Dictionary of word frequency



Returns dictionaries of detected entities by type.


Type Description
list of dictionary List of dictionaries of different entities at the specified level.


get_emotion(granularity = 'sentence')

Returns emotion results, granularity defines whether to use emotion by sentence or by subsentence.


Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Level at which emotions are analyzed.
One of 'sentence' or 'subsentence'.


Type Description
list of dict List of dictionaries with emotions as keys and dict {'occurences','sum','average'} as values.


get_sentiment(granularity = 'sentence')

Returns sentiment results, granularity defines whether to use sentiment by sentence or by subsentence.


Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Level at which sentiments are analyzed.
One of 'sentence' or 'subsentence'.


Type Description
list of dict List of dictionaries with polarity as keys and dict {'occurences','sum','average'} as values.


word_sentiment(granularity = 'sentence', lemma = False, filter_pos = None, average=True)

Returns an average sentiment score for each word or lemma. For each sentence or subsentence (granularity parameter), the sentiment score is added to each of the words present. The scores are divided by the number of sentences or subsentences to get an average.


Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True
lemma bool Whether to use lemma or plain words. True
filter_pos list of string POStags to use for filtering. True
average bool Whether to return average or list of values. True


Type Description
dictionary Dictionary with words as keys and sentiment as value
	('patients', 'N'): -0.4917,
	('male', 'N'): -0.4275,
	('age', 'N'): -0.5167,
	('cure', 'N'): 0.6421


word_emotion(granularity = 'sentence', lemma = False, filter_pos = None, average=True)

Returns the average score for each emotion for each word or lemma in the vocabulary. For each sentence or subsentence (granularity parameter), the emotion scores are added to each of the words present. The scores are divided by the number of sentences or subsentences to get an average (or list of values if 'average' == False).


Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Whether to use emotion by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True
lemma bool Whether to use lemma or plain words. True
filter_pos list of string POStags to use for filtering. True
average bool Whether to return average or list of values. True


Type Description
dictionary Dictionary with (words, POS tag) as keys and a dictionary with emotion scores as value.
	('patients', 'N'): {'surprise': 0.753, 'neutral': 0.445},
	('male', 'N'): {'neutral': 0.8},
	('surgery', 'N'): {'sadness': 0.79}


meaning_sentiment(granularity='sentence', filter_meaning=None, average=True)

Returns average sentiment score for each meaning For each sentence or subsentence(granularity parameter), the sentiment score is added to each of the meaning present. The scores are divided by the number of sentences or subsentences to get an average. This can be used with custom meaning to get the sentiment associated with a particular meaning, for example 'customer service' or 'pricing' when analyzing customer reviews.

Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True
filter_meaning list of string Filters results by list of meanings True
average bool Whether to return average or list of values. True


Type Description
dictionary Dictionary with meanings as keys and sentiment as value


meaning_emotion(granularity='sentence', filter_meaning=None, average=True)

Returns average emotion scores for each meaning. For each sentence or subsentence(granularity parameter), the score for each emotion is added to each of the meaning. The scores are divided by the number of sentences or subsentences to get an average. This can be used with custom meaning to get the emotion associated with a particular meaning, for example 'customer service' or 'pricing' when analyzing customer reviews.


Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Whether to use emotion by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True
filter_meaning list of string Filters results by list of meanings True
average bool Whether to return average or list of values. True


Type Description
dictionary Dictionary with meanings as keys and sentiment as value


filter_polarity(polarity, granularity='sentence')

Filters Sentence or Subsentence of the specified polarity.


Name Type Description Optional
polarity string or list of string Polarity, 'neutral', 'positive', 'negative'. False
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True


Type Description
list of instances of Sentence or Subsentence List of instances of objects with the specified polarity.


filter_emotion(emotions, granularity='sentence')

Filters Sentence of the specified emotions.


Name Type Description Optional
emotions string or list of string Emotions to filter, one of 'joy', 'love', 'surprise', 'anger', 'sadness', 'fear' or 'neutral'. False
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True


Type Description
list of instances of Sentence or Subsentence List of instances of objects with the specified emotion.



Filters Sentence of the specified emotions.


Name Type Description Optional
sentence_type string or list of string Types to filter, one of 'assert', 'command', 'question_open', 'question_closed'. False


Type Description
list of instances of Sentence List of instances of Sentence with the specified type.


match_pattern(self, patterns_json, level = None, print_tree=False, skip_errors=False)

Match given pattern (either Token Pattern or Dependency Pattern) on the current TextChunk object.
The 'level' argument specifies on which level the matching should be done, i.e. on the document level (returns matches per document), on the sentence or subsentence level. The default level is one level below in the hierarchy, document for NLP class, sentence for Document class and subsentence for Sentence class.
For more information on patterns look at the dedicated section: Patterns.


Name Type Description Optional
patterns_json dictionary Token Pattern or Dependency Pattern False
level string Level on which matching is done, one of 'document', 'sentence', 'subsentence' True
print_tree bool Whether to print the dependency tree for dependency patterns. True
skip_errors bool Whether to skip errors and continue matching. True


Type Description
list of tuple List of tuple (TextChunk object, match dictionary)

Document Class

Document inherits from TextChunk.

Document stores the information for a document (for example an online review for a product or a news article). The class is iterable and will yield instances of Sentence.

Attributes / Properties

Name Type Description
sentences list of Sentence instances List of Sentences of the document.
subsentences list of Subsentence instances Direct access to list of Subsentence for the document.
id str Id of document, by default sequential integer if not provided.
common properties depends on property Properties allowing access to specific data (pos, token etc.).

Sentence Class

Sentence inherits from TextChunk.

Sentence stores data for a sentence. Sentences are delimited automatically from the input raw text. For longer and more complicated sentences it can be advantageous to further cut the sentences into subsentences.

Sentence is iterable and will yield instances of Token class

Attributes / Properties

Name Type Description
subsentences list of Subsentence instances List of Subsentence in the sentence
tokens list of Token instances List of Token in the sentence
common properties depends on property Properties allowing access to specific data (pos, token etc.)

Subsentence Class

Subsentence inherits from TextChunk.

Subsentence stores data relative to a part of a sentence. For longer and more complicated sentences it can be advantageous to cut it in multiple pieces to have a more detailed analysis.

For example: I liked the park but it was raining and the weather was cold would be cut into:

I liked the park but it was raining and the weather was cold

In this case it allows to perform more precise sentiment analysis than assigning a score to the whole sentence.

Subsentence is iterable and will yield instances of Token class.

Attributes / Properties

Name Type Description
tokens list of Token instances List of Token in the subsentence
common properties depends on property Properties allowing access to specific data (pos, token etc.)

Token Class

Token stores data relative to a specific token. Tokens are delimited according to our Tokenizer.

Attributes / Properties

Name Type Description
common properties depends on property Properties allowing access to specific data (pos, token etc.)

Common properties

These properties are accessible at all analysis levels : NLP, Document, Sentence, Subsentence, Token.

All properties have a _flat variant (token_flat) which flatten recursively the return.

Name type Description
str String Returns sentence as string
original_text String Returns the original token in the input text before modification from the tokenization.
token String Returns token
lemma String Returns lemma
lemma_detail String Returns unmerged lemma
pos String Returns POS (Part-Of-Speech) tags
pos_detail String Returns unmerged POS (Part-Of-Speech) tags
dep String Returns dependency relations
morphology String Returns morphological features
language String Returns detected language
meaning List of Tuples Returns meanings as tuples (SUPER, SUB)
emotion Tuple Returns emotion as tuple (Type, score)
sentiment Dictionary Returns sentiment with positive, negative and total values
sentiment_ml Dictionary Returns sentiment of ml_model without further fine tuning
sentiment_target Tuple Returns 'target' of words with strong sentimental meaning
sentence_type String Returns type of sentence
coreference String Returns reference of token if it exists
synthesis Dictionary Returns synthesis object

Sentiment Class

<!> Sentiment is deprecated as 5.0.2 and may be removed in future releases, all methods are now available at all levels through the functional interface, cf TextChunk. <!>

Sentiment provides methods to perform some specific sentiment and emotion analysis. It takes as input an instance of NLP and uses it to retrieve data.

import lettria
from lettria import Sentiment
nlp = lettria.NLP(api_key)
nlp.add_document(['sentence 1', 'sentence 2'])

sentiment = Sentiment(nlp)

Attributes / Properties

Name Type Description
nlp NLP class Instance of NLP class


Name Description
get_emotion() Returns emotion results at the specified hierarchical level
get_sentiment() Returns sentiment results at the specified hierarchical level
word_sentiment() Returns average sentiment for each word of the whole vocabulary
meaning_sentiment() Returns average sentiment for each meaning
filter_polarity() Filters Sentence or Subsentence of the specified polarity
filter_emotion() Filters Sentence or Subsentence of the specified emotions



Returns emotion results at the specified hierarchical level. For example get_emotion(level='document') will concatenate emotion at the document level and return a list of emotions for each Document.


Name Type Description Optional
level string Hierarchical level at which results are concatened.
One of 'global', 'document', 'sentence', 'subsentence'.


Type Description
list of dict List of dictionaries with emotions as keys and dict {'occurences','sum','average'} as values.



Returns sentiment results at the specified hierarchical level For example get_sentiment(level='document') will concatenate sentiment at the document level and return a list of emotions for each Document.


Name Type Description Optional
level string Hierarchical level at which results are concatened.
One of 'global', 'document', 'sentence', 'subsentence'.


Type Description
list of dict List of dictionaries with polarity as keys and dict {'occurences','sum','average'} as values.


word_sentiment(granularity = 'sentence', lemma = False, filter_pos = None)

Returns an average sentiment score for each word or lemma in the data. For each sentence or subsentence, the sentiment score is added to each of the words in the phrase. The scores are divided by the number of occurences to get an average.


Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True
lemma bool Whether to use lemma or plain words. True
filter_pos list of string POStags to use for filtering. True


Type Description
dictionary Dictionary with words as keys and sentiment as value


meaning_sentiment(granularity='sentence', filter_meaning=None)

Returns average sentiment score for each meaning For each sentence or subsentence, the sentiment score is added to each of the meaning in the phrase. The scores are divided by the number of occurences to get an average. For example, this can be used with custom meaning to get a sentiment associated with customer service or pricing when analyzing reviews.


Name Type Description Optional
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True
filter_meaning list of string Filters results by list of meanings True


Type Description
dictionary Dictionary with meanings as keys and sentiment as value


filter_polarity(polarity, granularity='sentence')

Filters Sentence or Subsentence of the specified polarity.


Name Type Description Optional
polarity string Polarity, one of 'neutral', 'positive', 'negative'. False
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True


Type Description
list of instances of Sentence or Subsentence List of instances of objects with the specified polarity.


filter_emotion(emotions, granularity='sentence')

Filters Sentence of the specified emotions.


Name Type Description Optional
emotions list of string Emotions to filter. False
granularity string Whether to use sentiment by 'sentence' or 'subsentence' for scoring. True


Type Description
list of instances of Sentence or Subsentence List of instances of objects with the specified emotions.

Client Class

Client used to perform requests to our API.

Attributes / Properties

Name Type Description
key string The API_KEY that will be used by the client.


request() Send a request to our API



Performs a request to lettria API using the API_KEY provided.


Name Type Description Optional
text string Text data to be sent to the API False


Type Description
list of dictionary Each of these objects represents the informations collected for a sentence.


Patterns let you find documents, sentences or tokens according to certain rules that will describe token attributes and relations between tokens. Attributes refer to information about a token like postag, raw text, dependency, entity type ...
Patterns follow a dictionary structure and can be loaded from json files.

Token Patterns

Token patterns are simple patterns that do not use dependency parsing. They consist of a sequence of attributes related rules.


Attributes are the properties of a token after analysis by the comprehension API. By defining an attribute in a pattern, only tokens that match the specific attribute will be matched.

Attribute Description
ORTH Text of the token.
TEXT Text of the token.
LOWER Text of the token in lowercase.
LEMMA Lemma of the token.
POS Part-Of-Speech tag of the token.
DEP Dependency tag of the token.
ENT_TYPE Entity type of the token (see NER API).
CATEGORY_SUPER Category "SUPER" of the token (see Meaning API).
CATEGORY_SUB Category "SUB" of the token (see Meaning API).
LENGTH Length of the token.
IS_ALPHA Token is composed of alphabectics characters.
IS_ASCII Token is composed of ASCII characters.
IS_DIGIT Token is composed of digits.
IS_LOWER Token is in lowercase.
IS_UPPER Token is in uppercase.
IS_TITLE Token is in titlecase.
IS_PUNCT Token is punctuation.
IS_SPACE Token is space.
IS_SENT_START Token is the first in the sentence.
LIKE_NUM Token is a number.
LIKE_URL Token has entity type URL.
LIKE_EMAIL Token has entity type email.
OP Operator to modify matching behavior.


Each attribute can map either to a single value or to a dictionary that allows modifiers for more complex behaviors.

Attribute Modifier Description
IN Attribute value is a member of this list.
NOT_IN Attribute value is not amember of this list.
ISSUBSET Attribute value is a subset (part of) this list
ISSUPERSET Attribute value is a superset of this list.
==, >, <, >=, <= For integer comparisons, attribute value is equal, greater or lower.


Operators work similarly as regular expressions operators, they allow to choose how often should a token be matched.

Operator Description
? Pattern step is optional and can match 0 or 1 token.
+ Pattern can match 1 or more tokens.
* Pattern can match 0 or more tokens.
! Pattern is negated, it must match 0 time.
. Default operator, pattern should match 1 token.
## Token Pattern
patterns = {
            {"POS":{"IN":["CD", "ENTITY"]}},
            {"POS":{"IN":["RB", "JJ", "PUNCT", "ENTITY"]}, "OP":"*"},

text = "3416 consecutive patients were reviewed and 1476 finally enrolled (65.9 ± 20.9 years, 57.3% male). 76 (5.1%) patients had NAEs. Of 444 patients, 76% were male. They had a mean age of 69 ± 10 years."

for s, matches in nlp.match_pattern(patterns, level='sentence'):
3416 consecutive patients were reviewed and 1476 finally enrolled (65.9 ± 20.9 years, 57.3% male). 
{'patients': [[3416, consecutive, patients]], 'date': [[20.9 years]]}
76 (5.1%) patients had NAEs.
{'patients': [[76, (, 5.1%, ), patients]]}
Of 444 patients, 76% were male.
{'patients': [[444, patients]]}
They had a mean age of 69 ± 10 years.
{'date': [[10 years]]}

Dependency Patterns

Dependency patterns use dependency parsing which construct a grammatical tree of the sentence to allow complex matching patterns.
Attributes matching is similar to Token Patterns (Only exception is that for operators only "?" is available) but there are also relation operators specific to dependency matching.
Matching between the pattern and the sentence does not use the order of token (like for Token Patterns) but the dependency relations between tokens.

A Dependency Pattern consist of a list of dictionary formated in this way:

Name Description
LEFT_ID Name of the left node in the relation, it must have been defined in an earlier node.
REL_OP Operator that describes the relation between left and right nodes.
RIGHT_ID Name of the right node in the relation (the current node).
RIGHT_ATTRS The attributes that must match with the right node, they are defined similarly as for Token Patterns.

All fields must be completed except for the root node which only needs 'RIGHT_ID' and 'RIGHT_ATTRS' fields. Each pattern must have one root node.

Relation Operators

Relation Operator Description
< A is a direct dependant of B.
> A is the immediate head of B.
<< A is a dependant of B directly or indirectly.
>> A is a head of B directly or indirectly.
. A token directly precedes B: A.idx == B.idx - 1.
.* A token is located before B: A.idx < B.idx.
; A token directly follows B: A.idx == B.idx + 1.
;* A token is located after B: A.idx > B.idx.
$+ A is a sibling of B (same parent/head) and is located directly before B: A.idx == B.idx - 1.
$- A is a sibling of B (same parent/head) and is located directly after B: A.idx == B.idx + 1.
$++ A is a sibling of B and is located before B: A.idx < B.idx.
$-- A is a sibling of B and is located after B: A.idx > B.idx.

Dependency matching should not be used on Subsentence since they don't have a complete dependency tree.

## Dependency Pattern
patterns = {
            "RIGHT_ID": "rootnode",
            "RIGHT_ATTRS": {"LEMMA": {"IN":["banana", "apple", "pear"]}}
            "LEFT_ID": "rootnode",
            "REL_OP": ">",
            "RIGHT_ID": "num",
            "RIGHT_ATTRS": {"POS": "CD", "DEP":"nummod"}

text = "I have 48 bananas, 32 pears and one apple."

for doc, matches in nlp.match_pattern(patterns):
{'fruits': [[bananas, 48], [pears, 32], [apple, one]]}