I think we're feature complete for version 1 :). I could use some help with making sure all of these things are good. Please let me know if you find any more issues!
- Improve handling of data changing: Updating the data not working #52,
- Improve onEndReached with data changing: Bug: onEndReached resetting when data changes #45
- Optimize perf after regression from Implement advanced maintainVisibleContentPosition algorithm, add bidirectional scroll list example #43
- Should be a drop in replacement in the Bluesky app
Future features beyond v1
- Web implementation
- Possibly more DX improvements
- More performance testing and optimizations
Things to check
- Are all of the API types correct?
- Are there props from ScrollView that should be omitted?
- Are there still any props/features from FlatList/FlashList that should be added?
- Are there any other bugs that there's not already an Issue for?
- Do more perf testing to make sure it's actually fast in all scenarios, and optimize it more if not
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