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MPRemoteCommandSample (for iOS, tvOS and macOS)



  • Xcode 8.1 or later
  • iOS 10.0 SDK or later
  • tvOS 10.0 SDK or later
  • macOS 10.12 SDK or later
  • Swift 3.0


  • iOS 10.0 or later
  • tvOS 10.0 or later
  • macOS 10.12.1 or later

About MPRemoteCommandSample

This sample demonstrates how to leverage the MPRemoteCommandCenter and MPNowPlayingInfoCenter APIs to add support for remote control events. Using MPRemoteCommandCenter for remote control events provides the following benefits:

  • The ability to support Media events not previously available with the UIApplication.beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents() API such as skipping forward and backward a specified number of seconds.
  • The ability to support displaying media controls on the Touch Bar with supported hardware on macOS.
  • Finer control of what controls shows up on the Lock Screen, Control Center and CarPlay when your application is playing audio on iOS.
  • The ability to support playback commands via Siri on macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS.
  • The ability for media applications to support the automatic pause and play functionality with the AirPods when taking them in and out of the ear.



MPRemoteCommandSample for iOS is a UITabBarController based application that provides a list of assets to play and the ability to configure which MPRemoteCommand to enable or disable while the app is running.

The main classes that the MPRemoteCommandSample target uses are the following:


  • AssetListTableViewController is a UITableViewController subclass that provides a list of all the m4a files that are in the application's bundle. Playback of a given Asset can be triggered by tapping on the UITableViewCell associated with the Asset.


  • RemoteCommandListTableViewController is a UITableViewController subclass that provides a list of all the supported MPRemoteCommand that are available on MPRemoteCommandCenter to enable or disable. It has its own UITableViewCell subclass called RemoteCommandListTableViewCell which has a UISwitch to toggle the corresponding MPRemoteCommand as enabled or disabled in the RemoteCommandManager while the application is running.


MPRemoteCommandSample-TV is a tvOS single view based application that plays a HTTP Live Stream using AVPlayerLayer. The purpose of this sample is to demonstrate how to add support for Siri playback commands including the "What did they just say?" feature.

The main classes that the MPRemoteCommandSample-TV target uses are the following:


  • InitialViewController is the initial UIViewController that prepares an HLS asset for playback in a PlayerViewController.


  • PlayerView is a subclass of UIView with a layerClass of AVPlayerLayer.


  • PlayerViewController is a subclass of UIViewController with a PlayerView as its view and is used to play the HLS asset.


MPRemoteCommandSample-macOS is a single window Cocoa application that provides a list of assets to play and the ability to configure which MPRemoteCommand to enable or disable while the app is running.

The main classes that the MPRemoteCommandSample-macOS target uses are the following:


  • AssetPlaybackViewController is a NSViewController subclass that lists all the m4a files in the applications bundle that can be played back in the application as well as provides basic metadata about the currently playing Asset. Playback of a given Asset can be triggered by selecting the row associated with the Asset.


  • RemoteCommandConfigurationViewController is an NSViewController subclass that contains a view based NSTableView that lists all the supported MPRemoteCommands that are available to enable/disable. The NSTableView displays its own NSView subclass called RemoteCommandView which has a check box NSButton to toggle the corresponding MPRemoteCommand as enabled or disabled in the RemoteCommandManager while the application is running.


  • WindowController is an NSWindowController subclass that contains an NSToolbar with toolbar items for controlling playback of the currently playing Asset if any.

Main Files

All of the targets use the following classes:


  • Asset is a Swift struct that acts as a wrapper around an AVURLAsset and a String representing the name of the Asset.


  • AssetPlaybackManager is the class that manages the playback of Assets in this sample using Key-value observing on various AVFoundation classes. This class does the following:
    • Manages updating the information displaying in MPNowPlayingInfoCenter based on certain playback events.
    • Provides the necessary hooks for RemoteCommandManager to call when receiving a MPRemoteCommandEvent.


  • RemoteCommandManager is the class that manages configuring the various MPRemoteCommand events that MPRemoteCommandCenter provides. This class does the following:
    • Adding and removing the command handlers when enabling and disabling a MPRemoteCommand respectively.
    • Responding to various MPRemoteCommandEvent calls and calling the appropriate AssetPlaybackManager playback method.

Important Notes

Deciding whether to use MPRemoteCommandCenter or UIApplication.beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents()

In iOS 7.1 and later you should only use the MPRemoteCommandCenter APIs to register for remote control events. When using MPRemoteCommandCenter you do not need to call UIApplication.beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents().

Customizing what controls appear on the Lock Screen and in Control Center

Using the MPRemoteCommand objects vended by MPRemoteCommandCenter, you can customize what controls show up on the Lock Screen and Control Center. Depending on the type of application you have, you may want to support certain commands via Siri but have a subset of those commands display on the Lock Screen and Control Center. To control what commands display on both the Lock Screen and Control Center you should set the isEnabled to true if you want it to display and false if you wish to hide it. Setting isEnabled to false will still allow the MPRemoteCommandEvent to be accessible via Siri while allowing you to customize what displays on the Lock Screen and in Control Center.

Supporting the "What did they just say?" Siri command on tvOS

If your tvOS application is using AVPlayerViewController then you will automatically get this functionality for free. Using AVPlayerViewController will for playback will handle updating MPNowPlayingInfoCenter and registering for remote control events. However, if you are managing your own asset playback using AVPlayerLayer then you will need to register for the skipBackwardCommand in MPRemoteCommandCenter.

How often to update the contents of MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo

It is important to make sure that you only ever update the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo whenever absolutely necessary. Typically the only time you should update MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo is when a change in playback state occurs or if the playback position changes as a result of user action. Some examples of when to update the MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.nowPlayingInfo are:

  • The now playing item changing.
  • User pausing or resuming playback.
  • The playback rate of the player changing.
  • The playback position changing.

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