This is a PHP wrapper for Dinero. Forked from lasserafn/laravel-dinero.
- Require using composer
composer require lasserafn/php-dinero
- PHP +5.6
Apply as a developer at Dinero
Get your client id and secret
Find the organisation id when logged into Dinero (bottom left)
Create an API key inside Dinero
Utilize the wrapper as below
$dinero = new \LasseRafn\Dinero\Dinero( $clientId, $clientSecret );
$dinero->auth( $apiKey, $orgId ); // this WILL send a request to the auth API.
$contacts = $dinero->contacts()->perPage(10)->page(2)->get();
// Do something with the contacts.
$invoices = $dinero->invoices()->all();
$products = $dinero->products()->deletedOnly()->all();
You can also use an old auth token, if you dont want to auth everytime you setup a new instance of Dinero.
$dinero = new \LasseRafn\Dinero\Dinero( $clientId, $clientSecret );
$dinero->setAuth($token, $orgId); // this will NOT send a request to the auth API.
$products = $dinero->products()->deletedOnly()->all();
// Create Instance
$dinero = new \LasseRafn\Dinero\Dinero( $clientId, $clientSecret );
// Auth to a Dinero account
$dinero->auth( $apiKey, $orgId );
// Create the contact
$contact = $dinero->contacts()->create([ 'IsPerson' => true, 'Name' => 'Test', 'CountryKey' => 'DK' ]);
// if the request succeeded, $contact will be a \LasseRafn\Dinero\Models\Contact object.