All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.26.0 (2021-08-13)
- ci: link in development ssdk common lib (#2655) (4be9ec6)
- clients: only trim xml tag values which contain newline (#2653) (28336f5)
- clients: update clients as of 08/13/2021 (#2674) (de45580)
- credential-provider-imds: support IMDS for IPv6 endpoints (#2660) (c458481)
- lib-storage: use PUT from small uploads (#2605) (7374720)
3.25.0 (2021-08-05)
- md5-js: call fromUtf8 from correct environment (#2641) (affa927)
- middleware-apply-body-checksum: use lowercase content-md5 header (#2645) (e1f2dfc)
- packages: use HashConstructor instead of { new: Hash } (#2638) (6890a47)
3.24.0 (2021-07-29)
3.23.0 (2021-07-23)
- client-sts: duplicate stripInternal entry in tsconfig (#2545) (e7bcbbc)
- clients: allow undefined configuration (#2617) (a004d15)
- smithy-client: export type explicitly (#2598) (e643735), closes #2597
- bump up tslib to 2.3.0 (#2601) (7040faa)
3.22.0 (2021-07-16)
- clients: link to Hash Interface (#2573) (bb7b3ed)
- clients: prefix
for typesVersions TS<4 (#2580) (dff5cd4) - codegen: fix detection of -s for generate-clients (#2588) (c989b76)
- node-http-handler: throw meaningful errors in H2 events (#2568) (160aeba)
- clients: update clients as of 07/16/2021 (#2591) (f231e7c)
- credential-provider-sso: support sso credential when resolving shared credential file (#2583) (9480e70)
- postinstall-node-version-check: util to show NodeDeprecationWarning (#2585) (08c0342)
3.21.0 (2021-07-09)
- clients: update clients as of 07/08/2021 (#2565) (c9bd983)
- node-http-handler: configure disableConcurrentStreams in NodeHttp2Handler (#2553) (9303bf7)
3.20.0 (2021-07-02)
- protocol_tests: add downlevel-dts script to aws-json-10 (#2540) (e77b926)
- replace prepublishOnly script with downlevel-dts (#2537) (63818a1)
3.19.0 (2021-06-24)
- @aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb: correct homepage URL in package.json (#2485) (ff9df37)
- clients: documentation for config.region for new clients (#2468) (3bd30bb)
- clients: parse status code bindings in rest protocols (#2483) (6d4e6b5)
- credential-provider-imds: destroy request handle on promise resolve/reject (#2452) (122c139)
- protocol_tests: format files using prettier v2.3.0 (#2467) (cce6231)
- s3-request-presigner: remove x-amz-user-agent header (#2493) (019292b)
- smithy-client: use uppercase for percent encodings (#2500) (6ef34b5)
- client-s3: add md5 header for operations with httpChecksumRequired trait (#2507) (cec0692)
- clients: update clients as of 06/17/2021 (#2501) (19bd800)
- credential-provider-node: throw cannot load credential error from credentail chain (#2408) (5e0a46a)
- lib: change higher level libs use peer deps on clients (#2516) (2e662cd)
3.18.0 (2021-06-04)
- clients: update clients as of 06/03/2021 (#2464) (14e8fbf)
- support Sigv4 for non AWS services (#2385) (0a251aa), closes /
- clients: add retryModeProvider in runtimeConfig (#2440) (fc0a5da)
- codegen: add user agent for non AWS clients (#2415) (6d1a555)
- middleware-retry: add Adaptive Retry Strategy (#2454) (0c9a143)
- middleware-retry: add client side rate limiter for adaptive mode (#2439) (8ef104d)
- middleware-retry: call retry strategy based on value in retryMode (#2456) (095b990)
3.17.0 (2021-05-26)
- client-ssm-incidents: rename client-commander package to client-ssm-incidents (#2431) (e4f6fea)
- clients: update endpoint resolution as of 05/12/2021 (#2398) (17afcbb)
3.16.0 (2021-05-14)
- client-finspace: update internal dependency versions (#2382) (3cf3b32)
- clients: call decode from HTML entities in XML parser (#2381) (fd6b7eb)
- clients: enable Endpoint Discovery (#2395) (019c099)
- clients: update clients as of 05/10/2021 (#2373) (ed302dc)
- clients: update clients as of 05/14/2021 (#2396) (187c42a)
- endpoint-cache: add EndpointCache for Endpoint Discovery (#2355) (f164177)
- middleware-bucket-endpoint: arn supports fips & handles global regions (#2392) (7b32494)
- middleware-endpoint-discovery: add middleware for Endpoint Discovery (#2369) (7f297dc)
3.15.0 (2021-05-10)
- client-sts: make role assumer source creds refreshable (#2353) (9756954)
- middleware-retry: defaultStrategy handles any error (#2349) (e5b876f)
- node-http-handler: handle NodeHttp2Handler session failure (#2289) (e97e357)
- clients: adding throwable waiters WaitUntil[operationState] (#2302) (f01d5ae)
- credential-provider-node: add web identity provider to credential provider chain (#2260) (3dd31c4)
3.14.0 (2021-04-30)
- clients: typo in README difference -> different (#2314) (9ac1f40)
- middleware-user-agent-header: swap user agent headers for non-browser environments (#2313) (d8c1dc2)
- xml-builder: xml entity encoding for more characters (#2309) (96ff164)
3.13.1 (2021-04-22)
3.13.0 (2021-04-15)
- client-s3: return GetBucketPolicyOutput without parsing (#2236) (3a031d9)
- lib-dynamodb: remove stripInternal=true from tsconfig (#2264) (81f5ccd)
- client-lex-runtime-v2: add http2 support (#2127) (7135cd6)
- clients: update clients as of 04/14/2021 (#2258) (4f9f4a7)
- credential-provider-ini: support credential_source in shared file (#2237) (135a12c)
- remove @aws-sdk/url-parser-native in favor of react-native-url-polyfill (#2229) (d6a67d7)
3.12.0 (2021-04-09)
- credential-provider-cognito-identity: add identityId to return type of fromCognitoIdentity (#2141) (5ae46f6)
- deps: request consumers to install react-native polyfills (#2191) (2d3a7f0)
- s3-presigned-post: type PresignedPost.fields (#1709) (020193b)
- util-user-agent-browser:
can be undefined (#2214) (98b65b9) - util-user-agent-node: should memoize app id (#2223) (fd40114)
- run downlevel-dts in prepublishOnly (#2218) (0745502)
- util-user-agent-browser: react native metadata (#2210) (0e83313)
3.11.0 (2021-04-01)
- clients: trim values in parsed xml only if result is empty (#2194) (a990db7)
- codegen: pass settings to createSymbolProvider (#2196) (94aefce)
3.10.0 (2021-03-26)
- clients: generate jest.config.js (#2172) (95b0e19)
- lib-storage: fix fs error on browsers when using lib-storage upload (#2165) (5d9bc5f)
- credential-provider-ini: call fromTokenFile in assumeRole chaining (#2178) (fb95408)
- credential-provider-web-identity: add fromTokenFile credentials provider (#2177) (88cc65d)
- use ts-jest for running jest tests (#2088) (456002c)
3.9.0 (2021-03-18)
3.8.1 (2021-03-11)
- middleware-signing: memoize temporary credentials (#2109) (cf238b9)
- bump verdeccio - dompurify for sec review (#2114) (e8d9c65)
3.8.0 (2021-03-05)
- deps: pin fast-xml-parser to v3.17.4 (#2102) (c612c75)
- middleware-bucket-endpoint: revert add support for s3 object lamdbas (#2103) (827c7b8)
- call filterSensitiveLog for missing structures (#2089) (1b5cb0f)
- lib-dynamodb: add DynamoDB DocumentClient (#2097) (3fd14d5)
- add support for s3 object lamdbas (01bd1a0)
3.7.0 (2021-02-25)
- codegen: move auth to standalone plugin (#2076) (8d99715)
- gitignore temporary folder .aws-models (#2069) (bb9a9a2)
- write undefined JSON RPC input body (#2075) (a84afb0)
3.6.1 (2021-02-22)
3.6.0 (2021-02-20)
- revert publish v3.5.1-0 (#2058) (af25697)
- client-kinesis-video-signaling: remove retry headers (#1963) (8b35943)
- clients: remove unsupported CORS retry headers in new services (#2041) (82df9d3)
- credential-provider-ini: refactor provider options interfaces (#2048) (34cecf1)
- credential-provider-node: read config and credentials files only once (#2045) (7db14b1)
- deps: add @aws-sdk/middleware-sdk-rds in DocDB and Neptune (#2042) (a0068f3)
- lib-storage: fix typo in Upload.intialize (initialize) (#2025) (16214be)
- middleware-sdk-ec2: add undeclared dependency @aws-sdk/protocol-http (#2043) (6e562ba)
- client-sso:* remove auth dependencies if client doesn't need (#2037) (f1e190c)
- lib-storage: rewrite lib-storage upload (#2039) (2bd8f6a)
3.5.0 (2021-02-12)
- util-dynamodb: state options.wrapNumbers on BigInt error in unmarshall (#2015) (d1c548e)
- util-dynamodb: unmarshall small numbers or those in scientific notation (#2017) (80a8094)
- util-user-agent-browser: use default import from bowser (#1991) (d2e8d4f)
- s3-request-presigner: automatically add host header (#1988) (cd50eeb)
- util-dynamodb: marshall JavaScript Maps (#2010) (569b572)
- util-dynamodb: support marshalling for Object.create (#1974) (a008d23)
- add S3 and S3Control customizations for custom endpoints (#1993) (96c1b99)
3.4.1 (2021-01-29)
- client-ec2: update ec2 model (#1982) (599725a)
- client-forecast:* fix API docs (#1981) (ebd7b2b)
- clients: use TS 3.4 compatible types for TS 3.9 (#1978) (8bced5c)
3.4.0 (2021-01-28)
- allow packages/types in gitignore (#1942) (b4b6fad)
- credential-provider-cognito-identity: remove duplicate declarationDir (#1944) (d75488a)
- generate-clients: call mergeManifest when is Object (#1937) (601c03b)
- middleware-stack: allow adding middleware to override an existing one (#1964) (9c21f14), closes #1883
- util-dynamodb: add option to convert class instance to map (#1969) (1783c69)
- run prettier in parallel in generate-clients (#1949) (878617a)
- use downlevel-dts to generate TS 3.4 compatible types (#1943) (63ad215)
3.3.0 (2021-01-14)
- clients: export explicit dependencies on @aws-sdk/types (#1902) (96f1087)
- clients: lowercase all header names in serializer (#1892) (1308721)
- url-parser: merge browser and node url parser, add rn url parser (#1903) (99be092)
- util-waiters: waiters should call operation once before entering waiting (#1915) (2a6ac11)
3.2.0 (2021-01-09)
- lib-storage: chunk from readable only when defined (#1886) (4cdc08a)
- s3-request-presigner: not to throw when get signed urls concurrently (#1884) (741bb99)
- stop adding command mw repeatedly in resolveMiddleware() (#1883) (d4c302b)
- readme: npm downloads tag (#1870) (1f8baf3)
- readme: remove duplicate @aws-sdk (#1873) (85ae915)
- readme: use latest for npm version badge in template (#1871) (80b57a7)
- readme: use latest in npm version tag (#1872) (b8542d8)
- util-user-agent-*: move @aws-sdk/types to devDependencies (#1879) (ea39ca6)
- util-waiter: expose minDelay and maxDelay for waiters (#1839) (25cb359)
- use lock-threads GH action for inactive issues/PRs (#1881) (fc22682)
- util-dynamodb: enable undefined values removal in marshall (#1840) (314d3b3)
3.1.0 (2020-12-23)
- clients: default region and credential provider (#1834) (bc79ab5)
- clients: populate sdkId in serviceId and default to use arnNamespace as signingName (#1786) (0011af2)
- clients: remove retry headers for several services (#1789) (fc98d2d)
- clients: update endpoint provider (#1824) (64d2210)
- clients: use signing name from auth sigv4 trait (#1835) (e539302)
- codegen: strip names from enums (#1837) (0711503)
- lib-storage: cleanup stream listeners to prevent memory leak (3d36682)
- middleware-user-agent: add middleware to final step of build (#1833) (e7dce39)
- signature-v4: add secrets to signing key cache key (#1776) (8785ad4)
- util-waiter: fix compiling error with waiter (#1812) (ca1f0d6), closes #1803
- log requestId, extendedRequestId, cfId in $metadata (#1819) (f2a47e8)
- credential-provider-node: use credential_process from profile (#1773) (842e2a0), closes #1772
- standardize user agent value (#1775) (388b180)
- cucumber: use waiters in integration tests (#1792) (e151aee)
- middleware-logger: log clientName, commandName, input, output (#1788) (4f9e56f)
3.0.0 (2020-12-15)
1.0.0-rc.10 (2020-12-15)
- clients: waiter code generation (#1784) (c78d705)
- util-waiter: add createWaiter() (#1759) (3d6eb2d)
- update clients as of 12/12/2020 (#1771) (f69ff44)
- update clients as of 12/12/2020 with model fixes (#1774) (54e8715)
1.0.0-rc.9 (2020-12-11)
- codegen: import SENSITIVE_STRING only when used (#1761) (9296283)
- middleware-sdk-sqs: call next() exactly once in sendMessageMiddleware (#1752) (dc63e37)
- shared-ini-file-loader: ignore prohibited profile name (#1764) (a209082)
- add service id config (#1765) (1ba5672)
- update clients as of 12/09/2020 (#1755) (de1a24d)
- update clients as of 12/11/2020 (#1767) (21646e3)
- util-waiter: add waiter utilities package (#1736) (02ad0a4)
1.0.0-rc.8 (2020-12-05)
- client-s3: fix union serialization (#1730) (6437e24)
- client-sts: disable auth for public assumeRole commands (#1706) (891eae2)
- codegen: checkstyle errors in (#1731) (48c02f4)
- middleware-sdk-sqs: Fix MD5 verification on SendMessageBatch. (#1666) (049f45e)
- s3-request-presigner: skip hoisting SSE headers (#1701) (1ec70ff)
- update clients as of 11/20/2020 (#1711) (e932876)
- update clients as of 11/30/2020 (#1734) (a1e8036)
- update clients as of 12/3/2020 (#1741) (58383dc)
- invalid-dependency: add invalidAsyncFunction which rejects with an Error (#1719) (c4c046e)
1.0.0-rc.7 (2020-11-20)
- abort-controller: make AbortSignal WHATWG Spec compliant (#1699) (723ec4d)
- codegen: add aws-iam-traits dependency (#1686) (d6fb1f6)
- fetch-http-handler: omit body for HEAD/GET methods (#1698) (778b305)
- node-http-handler: throw TimeoutError for Node.js timeouts (#1693) (96f61bb)
- change paginators to export paginateOperationName (#1692) (6d02935)
- update clients as of 11/18/2020 (#1700) (8adfed1)
- api-reference: add typedoc plugins for api reference (#1694) (2cb016f)
- ci: add GitHub Action to test codegen (#1684) (41e9359)
- node-http-handler: update timeout code and tests (#1691) (9e58bbb)
- service-error-classification: add 429 response as Throttling (#1690) (9a62c0a)
- change paginators to export paginateOperationName to be consistent with verb nouns across AWS
1.0.0-rc.6 (2020-11-13)
- logger: disable logging of raw HTTP request/response (#1682) (2f1975d)
- do not call next() twice (#1680) (0964faf)
- readme: close comment in a code snippet (#1679) (eee41e8)
- generated new yarn lock file (#1672) (b2d9794)
- update clients as of 11/13 (#1676) (2d934c9)
- codegen: add script to copy models from local directory (#1675) (028a362)
1.0.0-rc.5 (2020-11-09)
- codegen for paginator send commands (#1667) (13f3347)
- node-http-handler: set maxSockets above 0 in test (#1660) (706768d)
- package.json: migrate @aws-sdk/types into devDependencies codegen (#1658) (eb50962)
- migrate dev types for packages and lib into package.json devDeps (#1654) (16d7030)
- client-s3: throw errors with 200 status code (#1657) (abed452)
- clients: update clients as of 11/6 (#1663) (07ac6be)
1.0.0-rc.4 (2020-10-31)
- log requestId, extendedRequestId, cfId in metadata (#1640) (3a2f617)
- client-timestream-*: use correct endpoint prefix (#1643) (f329821)
- credential-provider-cognito-identity: return identityId as part of cognitoIdentityPool (#1635) (de75f7e)
- util-format-url: remove headers or path from input (#1639) (db7aa08)
- clients: update clients as of 10/30 (#1648) (fdd0ddf)
- s3-presigned-post: support S3 object post (#1642) (5fb8918)
- log clientName and commandName (#1637) (79f25ca)
1.0.0-rc.3 (2020-10-27)
- client-cognito-identity: remove auth for UnlinkIdentity (#1621) (c32e5f3)
- codegen: skip awsAuthPlugin when optionalAuth trait is set (#1622) (785272b)
- generate-clients: Invoke prettier relative to client-generation (#1614) (a4136ab)
- polly-request-presigner: add presigned getSynthesizeSpeechUrl() (#1612) (2c9fd94)
- update client description to add keywords (#1631) (93fc586)
1.0.0-rc.2 (2020-10-22)
- storage: add version and downloads badges (#1599) (230d030)
- throw 3XX redirection as errors explicitly (#1591) (76f83f1)