A repo for developer tools to build lrn polymer elements even faster then stock as well as helping streamline installation issues associated with dependencies on your computer to do so. If you get any errors about permissions along the way you may need administrative permissions on your machine.
copy and paste the following and it'll do everything you need to get started as a lrn developer
cd ~/ && mkdir -p Documents/git/elmsln/LRNWebComponents/ && cd Documents/git/elmsln/LRNWebComponents/ && curl -s https://api.github.com/orgs/LRNWebComponents/repos?per_page=200 | ruby -rubygems -e 'require "json"; JSON.load(STDIN.read).each { |repo| %x[git clone \"#{repo["html_url"]}\" ]}' && cd lrndeveloper
Go to https://nodejs.org/en/ and install the 6.x+ LTS release.
No problem, there's a one liner for that
cd ~/Documents/git/elmsln/LRNWebComponents/lrndeveloper && sudo sh osx-setup.sh
To get the CLI in place type the following:
echo "alias lrndev='bash ~/Documents/git/elmsln/LRNWebComponents/lrndeveloper/lrndev.sh'" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
Now you can run the CLI by typing lrndev
from anywhere and step through the prompts.
After this, to build a new component for lrn type the following:
cd ~/Documents/git/elmsln/LRNWebComponents/lrndeveloper/ && sh lrn.sh element-name
where element-name is the name of your new lrn element. This could be lrn-whatever, lrndesign-whatever, hax-whatever, or lrnsys-whatever. The point is that this will then
- Build a directory for this location by copying a boilerplate element
- rewrite everything to be the right name
- make a new git repo / put everything produced in version control
- do a polymer serve --open to give you a mini serve instance to see what it made
From here, it's your responsibility to build something awesome for education. Make us great!