diff --git a/desktop-src/ProcThread/zwqueryinformationprocess.md b/desktop-src/ProcThread/zwqueryinformationprocess.md
index 9f59d916cd6..eab31ecdb19 100644
--- a/desktop-src/ProcThread/zwqueryinformationprocess.md
+++ b/desktop-src/ProcThread/zwqueryinformationprocess.md
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ The type of process information to be retrieved. This parameter can be one of th
- ProcessDebugPort
- 7
| Retrieves a DWORD_PTR value that is the port number of the debugger for the process. A nonzero value indicates that the process is being run under the control of a ring 3 debugger.
It is best to use the CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent or IsDebuggerPresent function.
| - ProcessWow64Information
- 26
| Determines whether the process is running in the WOW64 environment (WOW64 is the x86 emulator that allows Win32-based applications to run on 64-bit Windows).
It is best to use the IsWow64Process function to obtain this information.
| - ProcessImageFileName
- 27
| Retrieves a UNICODE_STRING value containing the name of the image file for the process.
-| - ProcessBreakOnTermination
- 29
| Retrieves a ULONG value indicating whether the process is considered critical.
This value can be used starting in Windows XP with SP3. Starting in Windows 8.1, IsProcessCritical should be used instead.
+| **ProcessBreakOnTermination**
| Retrieves a **ULONG** value indicating whether the process is considered critical.
**Note:** This value can be used starting in Windows XP with SP3. Starting in Windows 8.1, [**IsProcessCritical**](/windows/desktop/api/processthreadsapi/nf-processthreadsapi-isprocesscritical) should be used instead.
| - ProcessProtectionInformation
- 61
| Retrieves a BYTE value indicating the type of protected process and the protected process signer.
diff --git a/desktop-src/Rpc/interface-registration-flags.md b/desktop-src/Rpc/interface-registration-flags.md
index 7c2c551b07f..a719173d23a 100644
--- a/desktop-src/Rpc/interface-registration-flags.md
+++ b/desktop-src/Rpc/interface-registration-flags.md
@@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ The following constants are used in the *Flags* parameter of the [**RpcServerReg
| Constant | Description |
| - 0
| Standard interface semantics.
| When this interface flag is registered, the RPC runtime invokes the registered security callback for all calls, regardless of identity, protocol sequence, or authentication level of the client.
This flag is available starting with Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1. When this flag is not set, RPC automatically filters all unauthenticated calls before they reach the security callback.
| When this interface flag is registered, the RPC runtime rejects calls made by remote clients. All local calls using ncadg_* and ncacn_* protocol sequences are also rejected, with the exception of ncacn_np. RPC allows ncacn_NP calls only if the call does not come from SRV. Calls from ncalrpc are always processed.
This flag is available starting with Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
| When this interface flag is registered, the RPC runtime invokes the registered security callback for all calls, regardless of identity, protocol sequence, or authentication level of the client.
**Note:** This flag is available starting with Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1. When this flag is not set, RPC automatically filters all unauthenticated calls before they reach the security callback.
| When this interface flag is registered, the RPC runtime rejects calls made by remote clients. All local calls using ncadg_* and ncacn_* protocol sequences are also rejected, with the exception of ncacn_np. RPC allows ncacn_NP calls only if the call does not come from SRV. Calls from ncalrpc are always processed.
**Note:** This flag is available starting with Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
| This is an auto-listen interface. The run time begins listening for calls as soon as the first autolisten interface is registered, and stops listening when the last autolisten interface is unregistered.
| Reserved for OLE. Do not use this flag.
| Currently not implemented.
| Limits connections to clients that use an authorization level higher than RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE. Specifying this flag allows clients to come through on the NULL session. On Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, such clients are not allowed. Clients that fail the RPC_IF_ALLOW_SECURE_ONLY test receive an RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED error. Using the RPC_IF_ALLOW_SECURE_ONLY flag does not imply or guarantee a high level of privilege on the part of the calling user. RPC only checks that the user has valid credentials; the calling user may be using the guest account or other low privileged accounts. Do not assume high privilege when RPC_IF_ALLOW_SECURE_ONLY is used.
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows Me/98/95:
| Disables security callback caching, forcing a security callback for each RPC call on a given interface.
This flag is available starting with Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
| Disables security callback caching, forcing a security callback for each RPC call on a given interface.
**Note:** This flag is available starting with Windows XP with SP2 and Windows Server 2003 with SP1.
diff --git a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--digest.md b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--digest.md
index 94e9db71220..805f31b04d8 100644
--- a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--digest.md
+++ b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--digest.md
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ This parameter can be one of the following flags.
| Value | Meaning |
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
**Note:** KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
| When using the Digest SSP, use this flag when the [*security context*](../secgloss/s-gly.md) is set to verify the [*signature*](../secgloss/s-gly.md) only. For more information, see [Quality of Protection](quality-of-protection.md).
diff --git a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--general.md b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--general.md
index 22267ff3259..e02a6c39bb3 100644
--- a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--general.md
+++ b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--general.md
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ This parameter can be one of the following flags.
| Value | Meaning |
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
**Note:** KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
| When using the Digest SSP, use this flag when the [*security context*](../secgloss/s-gly.md) is set to verify the [*signature*](../secgloss/s-gly.md) only. For more information, see [Quality of Protection](quality-of-protection.md).
diff --git a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--negotiate.md b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--negotiate.md
index 5d234ab2d13..91e8a50b8a9 100644
--- a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--negotiate.md
+++ b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--negotiate.md
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ This parameter can be the following flag.
| Value | Meaning |
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
**Note:** KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
## Return value
diff --git a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--ntlm.md b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--ntlm.md
index 66c7efa3e42..42c1ea62281 100644
--- a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--ntlm.md
+++ b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--ntlm.md
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ This parameter can be the following flag.
| Value | Meaning |
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
**Note:** KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
## Return value
diff --git a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--schannel.md b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--schannel.md
index 0b263993652..348979c3012 100644
--- a/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--schannel.md
+++ b/desktop-src/SecAuthN/decryptmessage--schannel.md
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ This parameter can be the following flag.
| Value | Meaning |
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
| The message was not encrypted, but a header or trailer was produced.
**Note:** KERB_WRAP_NO_ENCRYPT has the same value and the same meaning.
## Return value
diff --git a/desktop-src/printdocs/printer-driver-installation-reference.md b/desktop-src/printdocs/printer-driver-installation-reference.md
index e43abf71322..6cb338ab096 100644
--- a/desktop-src/printdocs/printer-driver-installation-reference.md
+++ b/desktop-src/printdocs/printer-driver-installation-reference.md
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ The functions in this section install and configure printer drivers on a compute
| AddMonitor
| The AddMonitor function installs a local port monitor and links the configuration, data, and monitor files.
| AddPort
| The AddPort function adds the name of a port to the list of supported ports. The AddPort function is exported by the port monitor.
-| AddPrinterDriver
| The AddPrinterDriver function installs a local or remote printer driver and associates the configuration, data, and driver files.
For more flexibility in installing or upgrading printer drivers, use the AddPrinterDriverEx function because it allows strict upgrade, strict downgrade, copying of newer files only, and copying of all files (regardless of the file time stamps).
Installing a printer driver without a driver package is no longer recommended. Use InstallPrinterDriverFromPackage instead.
-| AddPrinterDriverEx
| The AddPrinterDriverEx function installs a local or remote printer driver and links the configuration, data, and driver files. Besides having the capabilities of AddPrinterDriver, it also has options that permit strict upgrade, strict downgrade, copying of newer files only, and copying of all files (regardless of file time stamps).
Installing a printer driver without a driver package is no longer recommended. Use InstallPrinterDriverFromPackage instead.
+| [**AddPrinterDriver**](addprinterdriver.md)
| The [**AddPrinterDriver**](/windows/desktop/printdocs/addprinterdriver) function installs a local or remote printer driver and associates the configuration, data, and driver files.
For more flexibility in installing or upgrading printer drivers, use the [**AddPrinterDriverEx**](addprinterdriverex.md) function because it allows strict upgrade, strict downgrade, copying of newer files only, and copying of all files (regardless of the file time stamps).
**Note:** Installing a printer driver without a driver package is no longer recommended. Use [**InstallPrinterDriverFromPackage**](installprinterdriverfrompackage.md) instead.
+| [**AddPrinterDriverEx**](addprinterdriverex.md)
| The [**AddPrinterDriverEx**](/windows/desktop/printdocs/addprinterdriverex) function installs a local or remote printer driver and links the configuration, data, and driver files. Besides having the capabilities of [**AddPrinterDriver**](addprinterdriver.md), it also has options that permit strict upgrade, strict downgrade, copying of newer files only, and copying of all files (regardless of file time stamps).
**Note:** Installing a printer driver without a driver package is no longer recommended. Use [**InstallPrinterDriverFromPackage**](installprinterdriverfrompackage.md) instead.
| AddPrintProcessor
| The AddPrintProcessor function installs a print processor on the specified server and adds the print-processor name to the list of supported print processors.
| AddPrintProvidor
| The AddPrintProvidor function installs a local print provider and links the configuration, data, and provider files.
| CorePrinterDriverInstalled
| The CorePrinterDriverInstalled function reports whether a core printer driver with a specified GUID, date, and version is installed.
diff --git a/desktop-src/printdocs/xps-document-errors.md b/desktop-src/printdocs/xps-document-errors.md
index 18ebd8bc374..18c4f861bdd 100644
--- a/desktop-src/printdocs/xps-document-errors.md
+++ b/desktop-src/printdocs/xps-document-errors.md
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The following table lists all the **HRESULT** values that can be returned by the
- 0x8052000a
| The font URI is not valid, possibly because it contains an empty fragment or characters that are not valid.
- 0x80520000
| The specified language is either not valid or not correctly formatted.
- 0x80520006
| The lookup key name references an object that is not the correct type for the call; for example, if the method returns a brush but the lookup key name refers to a geometry object.
- 0x8052000c
| The markup being read contains an element or an attribute that does not conform to the XML Paper Specification.
To represent floating-point values, the XPS OM uses the FLOAT data type instead of DOUBLE. If an XPS document has an element with floating-point data that does not fit into a FLOAT value, this error will be returned when that value is encountered during deserialization.
| The markup being read contains an element or an attribute that does not conform to the [XML Paper Specification](https://www.ecma-international.org/activities/XML%20Paper%20Specification/XPS%20Standard%20WD%201.6.pdf).
**Note:** To represent floating-point values, the XPS OM uses the **FLOAT** data type instead of **DOUBLE**. If an XPS document has an element with floating-point data that does not fit into a **FLOAT** value, this error will be returned when that value is encountered during deserialization.
- 0x80520001
| The string that was passed is not a valid name, according to the XML Paper Specification.
- 0x8052000f
| Reserved.
- 0x80520003
| The page dimensions contain a page size value that is not valid.
diff --git a/desktop-src/properties/building-property-handlers-property-lists.md b/desktop-src/properties/building-property-handlers-property-lists.md
index 4ebb947e3c4..a96d684da52 100644
--- a/desktop-src/properties/building-property-handlers-property-lists.md
+++ b/desktop-src/properties/building-property-handlers-property-lists.md
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ After you define a property list, you can store that string in the registry thro
| FullDetails | Properties are displayed on the Details tab of the Properties dialog box. This is the complete list of properties that the file type supports. |
| PreviewDetails | Properties are displayed in the Preview Pane. |
| PreviewTitle | Properties are displayed in the title area of the Preview Pane next to the thumbnail for the item. The maximum number of entries is 3. If the property list contains more than the maximum allowable number, the rest of the entries are ignored. |
-| TileInfo | Properties are displayed when the list view is in Tiles view mode. The maximum number of entries is 3. If the property list contains more than the maximum allowable number, the rest of the entries are ignored.[!Note]
This value was present in Windows XP.
+| TileInfo | Properties are displayed when the list view is in **Tiles** view mode. The maximum number of entries is 3. If the property list contains more than the maximum allowable number, the rest of the entries are ignored. **Note:** This value was present in Windows XP.
| ExtendedTileInfo | Properties are displayed for an item when the list view is in Extended Tile view mode. |
-| InfoTip | Properties are displayed in an infotip when a user hovers over an item.[!Note]
This value was present in Windows XP.
-| QuickTip | Properties are displayed when it is difficult to retrieve properties directly from an item, such as when the item must be accessed over a slow network connection. It is recommended that the properties named here, such as Type or Size, do not require opening the file stream to determine their value.[!Note]
This value was present in Windows XP.
+| InfoTip | Properties are displayed in an infotip when a user hovers over an item. **Note:** This value was present in Windows XP.
+| QuickTip | Properties are displayed when it is difficult to retrieve properties directly from an item, such as when the item must be accessed over a slow network connection. It is recommended that the properties named here, such as Type or Size, do not require opening the file stream to determine their value. **Note:** This value was present in Windows XP.