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Airflow Airbyte Plugin Demo Example

Running the Script

Simply run to bring up the Airbyte and Airflow containers. You don't need to worry about cleaning up the containers, as we run a docker-compose down -v before attempting to recreate them.

After Airbyte starts running, head over to http://localhost:8000 and set up a connection. The script will then prompt you for an Airbyte connection id. You can find this in the URL after clicking on your connection.

Simple enter that ID into your terminal and a connection will be set up in Airflow for you. Head over to http://localhost:8085 to access the Airflow UI. Enter airflow as your username and airflow as your password. You should see your DAG show up in the UI with no errors if your connection was configured correctly.

Trigger the DAG with the switch in the top right and you should be in business! If it doesn't automatically run, just hit the play button in the top right to kick off the sync.

Setting up Superset

As the script has automatically set up a Postgres container for you, just enter these connection details to set up your destination:

Head over to http://localhost:8088 to get to the Superset UI. Enter admin as your username and admin as your password. Then head to the Data section in the top bar and navigate to Databases. Click +DATABASE and enter the following config:

docker exec airbyte-destination psql -U postgres -c "ALTER TABLE stargazers ADD COLUMN starred_ts timestamp;"
docker exec airbyte-destination psql -U postgres -c "UPDATE stargazers SET starred_ts = starred_at::timestamptz;"

Cleaning Up

Run to clean up the containers. Or run docker-compose down -v here and in the root directory, your call.