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Accessing git repository

Lukas W edited this page Oct 18, 2017 · 6 revisions

Anonymous Git

Assuming you have git installed, you first have to get a copy of the Git repository:

git clone --recursive

This will clone the master branch, which can be unstable and have bugs.

If you wish to switch to the current stable branch (for the purpose of compiling LMMS by yourself):

cd lmms
git checkout stable-1.2

For instructions on how to compile LMMS, visit Compiling.

If you want to update your copy simply type

git remote update
git pull
git submodule update --init --recursive

inside lmms-directory. The first step usually can be omitted.

Browse Git code

For browsing the Git repository easily you can also use the Git Web interface.

Fast forward your branch

Assuming you've already cloned your branch to your computer using:

$ git clone -b master
$ cd lmms

Add an upstream remote by doing:

$ git remote add upstream

To sync a personal master based branch with the upstream master branch:

$ git pull --rebase upstream master

This simply pulls everything from the upstream master branch and if there are changes in the currently selected local branch, they get applied on top of upstream. Bear in mind, if you do that after you've already pushed to your github repo, you'll have to do a forced push next time (push -f) or git will complain about non-fast-forwards.

$ git push

The script for stable-x.x is the same, just replace master with stable-x.x. The only thing to be careful about here is to always run the correct branch name or you'll risk totally messing up your local branch... but as long as you keep track of where your changes are headed towards, you should be fine.