This moves information from OMS history files (.his) and stores it in HBase. The process in done in two steps:
- reads OSM data from OMS files and stores them in JSON or comma delimited files.
- reads data from JSON/comma delimited files and stores it in HBase (WIP)
javac -extdirs ../../lib -encoding ISO-8859-1
On LC machines, you can select Java 1.7.0 like this:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-oracle-
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
OSMHBase : IB Performance Processor
OSMHBase <operation> [<args>...] [json/del]
OMSHbase help - Shows this help/usage message.
OMSHbase parseHis /path/to/his/dir - Extract data from OMS '.his' files located in a given path.
OMSHbase parseHis /path/to/hisFile - Extract data from a single '.his'
OMSHbase parseHis <path> json - Writes data in JSON format.
OMSHbase parseHis <path> del - Writes data in delimited format.
On LC machines, you might have to add some arguments:
java -classpath .:../../lib/* OSMHBase parseHis <path> <json/del>
OMSHbase should be renamed to ibperfp in a future commit.
The hbaseLoader will read JSON text and write to HBase - (WIP)