- Python 3.8
- ElasticSearch 8.1
In the root directory execute:
python setup.py install
or, using pip:
pip install .
For a production deployment, before installing the module, run
pip install -r requirements.txt -r requirements-production.txt
to install the specific versions of the tested Python libraries.
Documents can be bulky inserted into ElasticSearch using:
geoss_search init <path-to-documents-json> --with-schema <path-to-schema-yaml>
where <path-to-documents-json>
is the full path to the json file containing the documents to be inserted, and <path-to-schema-yaml>
is the full path of the YAML file describing the schema of documents.
Start the service running:
geoss_search run
For more information about the available cli commands, run
geoss_search <command> --help
with command one of run
, init
The following environment variables are available:
- APP_NAME: The service name [default: geoss_search]
- FASTAPI_ENV: FastAPI environment [default: development]
- ELASTIC_NODE*: URL of the ElasticSearch node.
- CA_CERTS*: Path to CA certificate files.
- ELASTIC_PASSWORD*: ElasticSearch password.
- MODEL_PATH*: Path to Torch model.
- QUANTIZE_MODEL: Whether to quantize model [default: False].
- ELASTIC_INDEX*: Name of ElasticSearch Index to use.
- RESULTS_PER_PAGE: Number of results per page in query responses [default: 5].
- INIT_DATA: Data to initialize search engine, in JSON format [If not set, engine will not be initialized].
- INIT_DATA_SCHEMA: Schema of the data, in YAML format (see example in tests/test_data/schema.yml) [if empty, default datatypes will be created in search engine].
* Required.
and configure. -
to your needs (e.g. specify volume source locations, etc.).Using the same configuration of the given compose file, you need to create a
and alogs
directory in the root path:mkdir volume logs
path should contain the following sub-directories:certs
: will contain the CA certificate and certificates for each ElasticSearch node (content will be created automatically on first deployment),esdata01
: data paths for the three ElasticSearch nodes,kibanadata
: data path for Kibana.
Build with:
docker-compose build
- Start application:
docker-compose up
This procedure will result in the service container, a 3-node cluster of ElasticSearch, and Kibana running in port 5601 (exposed to host).
In case the environment variable INIT_DATA is set, the data is ingested to the search engine before the search service starts running.
Run nosetests using an ephemeral container with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose-testing.yml -p eiffel_geoss_search-testing run --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" nosetests -v
When finished, remove also the ElasticSearch container created for testing purposes with
docker container rm -f elasticsearch-single > /dev/null
docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up
uvicorn model_inference:app --workers 1
https://towardsdatascience.com/speeding-up-bert-search-in-elasticsearch-750f1f34f455 https://huggingface.co/climatebert/distilroberta-base-climate-f https://towardsdatascience.com/elasticsearch-meets-bert-building-search-engine-with-elasticsearch-and-bert-9e74bf5b4cf2 https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/machine-learning/master/ml-nlp-deploy-models.html#ml-nlp-select-model