- ShaderForge unity shader node editor.
- ShaderVariantCollector 一种Shader变体收集和打包编译优化的思路
- ShaderAccessor Define the structure, assign values to shader parameters using C# reflection,work in unity
- InkPainter Texture-Paint on Unity. https://esprogram.github.io/InkPainterDocument/
- TexturePaint Painting directly in mesh textures in Unity 3d with shaders
- UtinyRipper GUI and API library for working with Engine assets, serialized and bundle files
- AssetStudio A tool for exploring, extracting and exporting assets and assetbundles
- UnityEngineAnalyzer Roslyn Analyzer for Unity3D
- ReferenceExplorer ReferenceExplorer will visualize the object and component dependencies
- AssetsReporter [Unity] Report System for Asset Import Settings
- NodeGraphProcessorNode graph editor framework focused on data processing using Unity UIElements and C# 4.6
- xNode Lets you view and edit node graphs inside Unity
- Sleipnir A graph editor framework for Unity's new UIElements system https://redowlgames.com/Sleipnir
- UnityFBXExporter A tool to export any Unity GameObject into a FBX ASCII format
- GLTFUtility Lightweight GLTF importer for Unity
- EncodeToTGA Texture2D.EncodeToTGA (Unity)
- UnityPackedColor Packer for already packed textures at unity game engine - up to 3 times less space.
- unity-texture-packer Utility to combine color channels from different textures into a single output.
- texture_maker A texture maker tool for unity.
- MA_TextureAtlasser Texture atlas creator for Unity
com.pixelwizards.utilities Some Unity utilities (UV tools, resource checker etc) packaged for Unity's Package Manager
Il2CppDumper Unity il2cpp reverse engineer
Graphmesh Graph-based mesh modifiers.
unitysizeexplorer Visualize how much space each asset in your Unity game takes
UnityEventVisualizer A graph editor for viewing all UnityEvents at a glance
Unity-AssetDependencyGraph An Asset Dependency Graph for Unity
NuGetForUnity A NuGet Package Manager for Unity
UnityBezierSolution A bezier spline solution for Unity 3D with some utility functions (like travelling the spline with constant speed/time)
SplineMesh A Unity plugin to create curved content in real-time with bézier curves https://twitter.com/dumas181
Path-Creator Path creation asset for Unity game development
- UnityDrawers 👍 A collection of property and decorator drawers for Unity
- NaughtyAttributes 👍 Attribute Extensions for Unity
- ShaderAccessor Define the structure, assign values to shader parameters using C# reflection,work in unity
- CategoryTool Unity Editor tool to create Categories in the Hierarchy. The Categories work as dividers between GameObjects.
- RapidGUI Unity OnGUI(IMGUI) extensions for Rapid prototyping/development
- unity-toolbar-extender Extend the Unity Toolbar with your own Editor UI code.
- HSV-Color-Picker-Unity HSV color picker for Unity UI
- graphy Graphy is the ultimate, easy to use, feature packed FPS counter, stats monitor and debugger for your Unity project.
- UIEffect UIEffect is an effect component for uGUI element in Unity
- SpriteDicing Extension for Unity game engine to work with diced sprites
- PolyMesh Create 2D shapes in an instant with the PolyMesh editor!
- Unity-MeshMask effient,easy use Mask Component compare to Unity Mask, cost less drawcall and lower pixel fill rate.
- unity-movement-ai A Unity library for common movement AI
- UnityGeneticAlgorithmMaze Modern reimplementation in Unity of Bob's Map from AI Techniques for Game Programming
- ProceduralToolkit Procedural generation library for Unity
- NativeCollections Native Collection Types for Unity https://jacksondunstan.com/articles/tag/native-collection
- UnityNativeScripting Unity Scripting in C++ https://jacksondunstan.com/articles/3938
- Unity-EasingLibraryVisualisation Front end visualisation of 40 common easing equations.
- Graphics-Raycast GPU-based raycaster for Unity which raycasts against MeshRenderers, rather than colliders.
SpecularProbes Bake specular highlights into Unity Reflection Probes, allowing baked lights to cast sharp specular highlights for free
OcclusionProbes Unofficial Occlusion Probes Package, requires Unity 2019.1+
realtime-CSG-for-unity Realtime-CSG, CSG level editor for Unity https://realtimecsg.com