A cabal package for finite automata in haskell.
Use cabal repl
to initiate the interactive REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop).
There are two types of finite automata implemented:
- deterministic finite automata (DFAs)
- non-deterministic finite automata (NFAs)
Determines if a word is accepted by the automaton or not.
Automaton accepts words ending with True
>>> -- Deterministic finite automaton with two states labeled `False` and `True`. It starts in state `False` and accepts a word if and only if it ends up in state `True`. Words are of the type [Bool].
>>> -- transition function: Go from state `q` by reading a symbol `s` to state `s`.
>>> -- t :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
>>> t q s = s
>>> singleton creates a set with one element
>>> dfa = MkDFA t False (singleton True)
>>> -- accepts
>>> accepts dfa [False]
>>> accepts dfa [False, True]
Automaton accepts any word from the alphabet {False, True}
>>> -- Deterministic finite automaton with one state `()` accepting any word from the alphabet {False, True}.
>>> -- transition function: Go from the unit state `q = ()` by reading a symbol `s` to the unit state.
>>> -- t :: () -> Bool -> ()
>>> t q s = ()
>>> dfa :: DFA () Bool
>>> dfa = MkDFA t () (singleton ())
>>> -- accepts
>>> accepts dfa [False]
>>> accepts dfa [False, True]
>>> -- empty word
>>> e = [] :: [Bool]
>>> accepts dfa e
Gives an insight on the state transfer when reading a single symbol.
Automaton accepts words ending with True
>>> -- Deterministic finite automaton with two states labeled `False` and `True`. It starts in state `False` and accepts a word if and only if it ends up in state `True`. Words are of the type [Bool].
>>> -- transition function: Go from state `q` by reading a symbol `s` to state `s`.
>>> -- t :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
>>> t q s = s
>>> singleton creates a set with one element
>>> dfa = MkDFA t False (singleton True)
>>> -- from a given initial state read a symbol and determine the new state
>>> -- staring in state `False` read `True`
>>> readSymbol dfa False True
>>> readSymbol dfa True True
>>> readSymbol dfa True False
Gives an insight on the state transfer when reading a word
Automaton accepts words ending with True
>>> -- GHC extension needed:
>>> :set -XFlexibleContexts
>>> -- Deterministic finite automaton with two states labeled `False` and `True`. It starts in state `False` and accepts a word if and only if it ends up in state `True`. Words are of the type [Bool].
>>> -- transition function: Go from state `q` by reading a symbol `s` to state `s`.
>>> -- t :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
>>> t q s = s
>>> singleton creates a set with one element
>>> dfa = MkDFA t False (singleton True)
>>> -- from a given initial state read a symbol and determine the new state
>>> -- staring in state `False` read `True`
>>> readWord dfa [True] :: Bool
>>> readWord dfa [True, False] :: Bool
>>> -- empty word
>>> e = [] :: [Bool]
>>> readWord dfa e :: Bool
Convert between equivalent DFAs and NFAs which accept exactly the same words.
Automaton accepts words ending with True
>>> t q s = s
>>> dfa = MkDFA t False (singleton True)
>>> :t dfa
dfa :: DFA Bool Bool
>>> nfa = dfaToNfa dfa
>>> :t nfa
nfa :: NFA Bool Bool
>>> -- accepts
>>> accepts nfa [False]
>>> accepts nfa [False, True]
Use dfa' = nfaToDfa nfa
for an equivalent inverse conversion.
NFAs behave like DFAs where the states become sets of states:
>>> t q s = s
>>> dfa = MkDFA t False (singleton True)
>>> :t dfa
dfa :: DFA Bool Bool
>>> nfa = dfaToNfa dfa
>>> :t nfa
nfa :: NFA Bool Bool
>>> -- read a symbol starting at the given initial states
>>> -- fromList converts a list to a set
>>> readSymbol nfa (fromList [False, True]) True