项目背景:目前"边缘云"与"混合云"的架构概念逐渐成为未来云计算的主要部署型态与方向,因此相关的技术也随之兴起。virtual-kubelet 便是其中之一。 virtual-kubelet 是基于 kubelet 的典型特性实现,向上伪装成 kubelet ,从而模拟出 Node 对象,对接 Kubernetes 的原生资源对象;向下提供 API,可对接其他资源管理平台(CRI、公有云资源、自定义扩展等)提供的 Provider 。
- 可启动 Pod 中的业务容器(前提是依赖 containerd 容器运行时,需要事先安装)
- 可执行 bash 脚本
virtual-kubelet 项目图提供 virtual-kubelet项目地址
virtual kubelet 提供一个插件式的 provider 接口,让开发者可以自定义实现传统 kubelet 的功能。
自定义的 provider 可以用自己的配置文件和环境参数。 自定义的 provider 必须提供以下功能:
- 提供 pod、容器、资源的生命周期管理的功能
- 符合 virtual kubelet 提供的 API
// PodLifecycleHandler是被PodController来调用,来管理被分配到node上的pod。
type PodLifecycleHandler interface {
// CreatePod takes a Kubernetes Pod and deploys it within the provider.
CreatePod(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error
// UpdatePod takes a Kubernetes Pod and updates it within the provider.
UpdatePod(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error
// DeletePod takes a Kubernetes Pod and deletes it from the provider.
DeletePod(ctx context.Context, pod *corev1.Pod) error
// GetPod retrieves a pod by name from the provider (can be cached).
// The Pod returned is expected to be immutable, and may be accessed
// concurrently outside of the calling goroutine. Therefore it is recommended
// to return a version after DeepCopy.
GetPod(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string) (*corev1.Pod, error)
// GetPodStatus retrieves the status of a pod by name from the provider.
// The PodStatus returned is expected to be immutable, and may be accessed
// concurrently outside of the calling goroutine. Therefore it is recommended
// to return a version after DeepCopy.
GetPodStatus(ctx context.Context, namespace, name string) (*corev1.PodStatus, error)
// GetPods retrieves a list of all pods running on the provider (can be cached).
// The Pods returned are expected to be immutable, and may be accessed
// concurrently outside of the calling goroutine. Therefore it is recommended
// to return a version after DeepCopy.
GetPods(context.Context) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
// PodNotifier是可选实现,该接口主要用来通知virtual kubelet的pod状态变化。
// 如果没有实现该接口,virtual-kubelet会定期检查所有pod的状态。
// PodNotifier is used as an extension to PodLifecycleHandler to support async updates of pod statuses.
type PodNotifier interface {
// NotifyPods instructs the notifier to call the passed in function when
// the pod status changes. It should be called when a pod's status changes.
// The provided pointer to a Pod is guaranteed to be used in a read-only
// fashion. The provided pod's PodStatus should be up to date when
// this function is called.
// NotifyPods must not block the caller since it is only used to register the callback.
// The callback passed into `NotifyPods` may block when called.
NotifyPods(context.Context, func(*corev1.Pod))
机器 a 为主节点,上有 k8s 集群,机器 b 为边缘节点,需要使用 virtual-kubelet 加入集群中。
- 需要先准备两台连通网的机器,其中一台需要先安装 kubeadm k8s v1.22.0(机器a)。
- 先把机器 b 安装 kubectl 命令行工具,并修改 .kube/config,使其可以连通机器 a 的集群。 如下:机器 VM-0-8-centos 上没有 k8s,但直接连上 VM-0-16-centos 的机器上。
[root@VM-0-8-centos ~]# kubectl get node
vm-0-16-centos Ready control-plane,master 80d v1.22.3
机器 b 上安装 containerd 与 cri 工具(crictl)。
把 .kube/config 拷贝一份到项目根目录的 config 中
➜ config git:(sidecar_fix) ✗ ls
➜ config git:(sidecar_fix) ✗ pwd
- 在机器 b 上执行 go run main.go
go run main.go --provider mynode --kubeconfig ./config/config.yaml --nodename edgenode # provider nodename等参数 可以在./pkg/common中设置,
[root@VM-0-8-centos virtual-kubelet-practice]# go run main.go --provider mynode --kubeconfig ./config/config.yaml --nodename edgenode
ERRO[0000] TLS certificates not provided, not setting up pod http server caPath= certPath= keyPath= node=edgenode operatingSystem=Linux provider=mynode watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] Initialized node=edgenode operatingSystem=Linux provider=mynode watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] Pod cache in-sync node=edgenode operatingSystem=Linux provider=mynode watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] starting workers node=edgenode operatingSystem=Linux provider=mynode watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] started workers node=edgenode operatingSystem=Linux provider=mynode watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] Created pod in provider
INFO[0000] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Pod", Namespace:"default", Name:"critest-857b8c5576-b4x28", UID:"785f2adb-62a4-481d-821b-9d6fec6f4178", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"17604070", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'ProviderCreateSuccess' Create pod in provider successfully node=edgenode operatingSystem=Linux provider=mynode watchedNamespace=
- 可以在主节点(机器 a)上执行 deployment
[root@VM-0-8-centos test]# kubectl get pods | grep critest
critest-857b8c5576-d5dph 1/1 Running 0 27s
- 注:本项目仅支持二进制部署(kubelet 本身也是二进制部署)
[root@VM-0-8-centos virtual-kubelet-practice]# make build
go build -a -o virtual-kubelet main.go
[root@VM-0-8-centos virtual-kubelet-practice]# make run
./virtual-kubelet --provider example-provider --kubeconfig ./config/config.yaml --nodename mynode
ERRO[0000] TLS certificates not provided, not setting up pod http server caPath= certPath= keyPath= node=mynode operatingSystem=Linux provider=example-provider watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] Initialized node=mynode operatingSystem=Linux provider=example-provider watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] Pod cache in-sync node=mynode operatingSystem=Linux provider=example-provider watchedNamespace=
I1009 23:18:05.824749 18681 provider.go:59] 获取pod列表
INFO[0000] starting workers node=mynode operatingSystem=Linux provider=example-provider watchedNamespace=
INFO[0000] started workers node=mynode operatingSystem=Linux provider=example-provider watchedNamespace=
I1009 23:18:05.830693 18681 provider.go:45] 获取name: virtual-kubelet-pod-test-bash namespace: default ,获取pod信息
I1009 23:18:05.832134 18681 provider.go:26] 更新pod请求。
INFO[0000] Updated pod in provider
INFO[0000] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Pod", Namespace:"default", Name:"virtual-kubelet-pod-test-bash", UID:"01da63ed-72ec-4839-a562-752d04b9225c", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"73014532", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'ProviderUpdateSuccess' Update pod in provider successfully node=mynode operatingSystem=Linux provider=example-provider watchedNamespace=
- 对接 etcd or redis,让在边缘节点的请求能得到缓存记录
- 参考阿里 腾讯 华为的 provider 加上一些自己的业务逻辑。