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Think of this PS-module as a helper for Microsoft Graph version-management, connectivity and data management using Microsoft Graph.


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I'm really happy to announce my newest PS-module, MicrosoftGraphPS.

Think of this PS-module as a helper for Microsoft Graph version-management, connectivity and data management using Microsoft Graph. It does also support generic Microsoft REST API connectivity and data management like Lastly, it includes new custom cmdlets I use often like Get-MgUser-AllProperties-AllUsers

Function Name Funtionality
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph Version management of Microsoft.Graph PS modules
Installing latest version of Microsoft.Graph, if not found
Shows older installed versions of Microsoft.Graph
Checks if newer version if available from PSGallery of Microsoft.Graph
Automatic clean-up old versions of Microsoft.Graph
Update to latest version from PSGallery of Microsoft.Graph
Remove all versions of Microsoft.Graph (complete re-install)
InstallUpdate-MicrosoftGraphPS Install latest version of MicrosoftGraphPS, if not found
Update to latest version of MicrosoftGraphPS, if switch (-AutoUpdate) is set
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS Connect to Microsoft Graph using Azure App & Secret
Connect to Microsoft Graph using Azure App & Certificate Thumprint
Connect to Microsoft Graph using interactive login and scope
Invoke-MgGraphRequestPS Invoke command with pagination support to get/put/post/patch/delete data using Microsoft Graph REST endpoint.
Connect-MicrosoftRestApiEndpointPS Connect to REST API endpoint like using Azure App & Secret
Invoke-MicrosoftRestApiRequestPS Invoke command to get/put/post/patch/delete data using Microsoft REST API endpoint
Get data using Microsoft REST API endpoint like
Get-MgUser-AllProperties-AllUsers Get all properties for all users
Expands manager information
Excludes certain properties which cannot be returned within a user collection in bulk retrieval

The following properties are only supported when retrieving a single user: aboutMe, birthday, hireDate, interests, mySite, pastProjects, preferredName,
responsibilities, schools, skills, mailboxSettings, DeviceEnrollmentLimit, print, SignInActivity

Download of MicrosoftGraphPS

You can find MicrosoftGraph here - or from Powershell Gallery using this link

Version Management of MicrosoftGraphPS & Microsoft.Graph

Install / Update MicrosoftGraphPS (pre-req to get access to functions)

Just copy the entire script-code below into the beginning of your script - and change the variables according to your needs as outlined below.

Complete Script / Powershell code

# Pre-req script for getting environment ready with Microsoft.Graph and MicrosoftGraphPS

Install and Update MicrosoftGraphPS module
Version management of Microsoft.Graph PS modules


 Install latest version of MicrosoftGraphPS, if not found
 Updates to latest version of MicrosoftGraphPS, if switch ($AutoUpdate) is set to $True

 Installing latest version of Microsoft.Graph, if not found
 Shows older installed versions of Microsoft.Graph
 Checks if newer version if available from PSGallery of Microsoft.Graph
 Automatic clean-up old versions of Microsoft.Graph
 Update to latest version from PSGallery of Microsoft.Graph

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


# Variables
$Scope      = "AllUsers"  # Valid parameters: AllUsers, CurrentUser
$AutoUpdate = $True

# Check if MicrosoftGraphPS is installed
$ModuleCheck = Get-Module -Name MicrosoftGraphPS -ListAvailable -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

If (!($ModuleCheck))    # MicrosoftGraphPS is NOT installed
        # check for NuGet package provider
        [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

        Write-host ""
        Write-host "Checking Powershell PackageProvider NuGet ... Please Wait !"
            if (Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable -Name NuGet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue) 
                    Write-host ""
                    Write-Host "OK - PackageProvider NuGet is installed"
                            Write-host ""
                            Write-Host "Installing NuGet package provider .. Please Wait !"
                            Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Scope $Scope -Confirm:$false -Force
                    catch [Exception] {

        Write-host "Powershell module MicrosoftGraphPS was not found !"
        Write-Host ""
        Write-host "Installing latest version from PsGallery in scope $Scope .... Please Wait !"
        Write-Host ""

        Install-module -Name MicrosoftGraphPS -Repository PSGallery -Force -Scope $Scope
        import-module -Name MicrosoftGraphPS -Global -force -DisableNameChecking -WarningAction SilentlyContinue

# Install/Update/Cleanup Microsoft.Graph and MicrosoftGraphPS

If ($AutoUpdate)
        Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -InstallLatestMicrosoftGraph -CleanupOldMicrosoftGraphVersions -Scope $Scope
        Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -Scope $Scope

You can also download the script here.

You can run the pre-req code as part of your script and it will be able to update to latest version and remove old versions, if desired.

Daily Automatic Update - can be used in a scheduled task

C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file .\Install-Update-MicrosoftGraphPS-Microsoft.Graph.ps1

Updating Microsoft Graph to latest version

# Show details, install latest (if found) and clean-up old versions (if found)
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -InstallLatestMicrosoftGraph -Scope AllUsers


Clean-up older Microsoft Graph versions (except the latest available version)

# Show details, install latest (if found) and clean-up old versions (if found)
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -CleanupOldMicrosoftGraphVersions


Install, Update and Clean-up older Microsoft Graph versions (except the latest available version)

Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -InstallLatestMicrosoftGraph -CleanupOldMicrosoftGraphVersions -Scope AllUsers

Force Re-install current Microsoft Graph version

Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -ForceReinstall

Remove all Microsoft Graph versions

Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -RemoveAllMicrosoftGraphVersions


MgGraph: Connectivity to Microsoft Graph using MicrosoftGraphPS

MgGraph: Connectivity with App & Secret

# Microsoft Graph connect with AzApp & CertificateThumprint
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -AppId $global:HighPriv_Modern_ApplicationID_Azure `
                         -AppSecret $global:HighPriv_Modern_Application_Secret_Azure `
                         -TenantId $global:AzureTenantID

Connecting to Microsoft Graph using Azure App & Secret
Welcome To Microsoft Graph!                         

MgGraph: Connectivity with App & CertificateThumbprint

# Microsoft Graph connect with AzApp & CertificateThumprint
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -AppId $global:HighPriv_Modern_ApplicationID_Azure `
                         -CertificateThumbprint $global:HighPriv_Modern_CertificateThumbprint_Azure `
                         -TenantId $global:AzureTenantID

Connecting to Microsoft Graph using Azure App & CertificateThumprint
Welcome To Microsoft Graph!                         

MgGraph: Connectivity using interactive login and scopes

# Microsoft Graph connect with interactive login with the permission defined in the scopes
$Scopes = @("DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All",`
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -Scopes $Scopes

MgGraph: Show permissions in the current context

# Show Permissions in the current context
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -ShowMgContextExpandScopes


MgGraph: Show context of current Microsoft Graph context

# Show context of current Microsoft Graph context
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -ShowMgContext

ClientId               : 9283fsssssssss9a4f-2a9b521c91f9
TenantId               : be2sssssssssa6-ae25-9b9db2c9061b
Scopes                 : {Agreement.ReadWrite.All, TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All, CustomSecAttributeDefinition.ReadWrite.All, SecurityAlert.ReadWrite.Al
AuthType               : AppOnly
TokenCredentialType    : ClientSecret
CertificateThumbprint  : 
CertificateSubjectName : 
Account                : 
AppName                : xxxxxx - Automation - Azure
ContextScope           : Process
Certificate            : 
PSHostVersion          : 5.1.17763.4644
ManagedIdentityId      : 
ClientSecret           : System.Security.SecureString
Environment            : Global

MgGraph: Get data from Microsoft Graph using 2 methods: MgGraph REST endpoint or MgGraph Cmdlets (if available)

MgGraph - Method 1: Invoke-MgGraphRequestPS GET with REST endpoint (supports pagination)

$Uri        = ""
$Devices    = Invoke-MgGraphRequestPS -Uri $Uri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject

MgGraph - Method 2 (prefered): MgGraph Cmdlets (if available)

$Devices = Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice

REST API: Connectivity to Microsoft REST API Endpoint using MicrosoftGraphPS

REST API: Connectivity with App & Secret

$ConnectAuth = Connect-MicrosoftRestApiEndpointPS -AppId $global:HighPriv_Modern_ApplicationID_O365 `
                                                  -AppSecret $global:HighPriv_Modern_Secret_O365 `
                                                  -TenantId $global:AzureTenantID `
                                                  -Uri ""                        

REST API: Get data from REST API using MicrosoftGraphPS

Get data from REST API like Defender for Endpoint (securitycenter api)

Invoke-MicrosoftRestApiRequestPS -Uri "" `
                                 -Method GET `
                                 -Headers $ConnectAuth[1]


Get all properties for all users Expands manager information Excludes certain properties which cannot be returned within a user collection in bulk retrieval (*)


The following properties are only supported when retrieving a single user: aboutMe, birthday, hireDate, interests, mySite, pastProjects, preferredName, responsibilities, schools, skills, mailboxSettings, DeviceEnrollmentLimit, print, SignInActivity

$Result = Get-MgUser-AllProperties-AllUsers
$Result | fl

Getting all properties from all users in Entra ID (prior named Azure AD) .... Please Wait !

Synopsis for functions


Version management of Microsoft.Graph PS modules

Installing latest version of Microsoft.Graph, if not found
Shows older installed versions of Microsoft.Graph
Checks if newer version if available from PSGallery of Microsoft.Graph
Automatic clean-up old versions of Microsoft.Graph
Update to latest version from PSGallery of Microsoft.Graph
Remove all versions of Microsoft.Graph

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


Scope where MicrosoftGraphPS module will be installed - can be AllUsers (default) or CurrentUser
.PARAMETER CleanupOldMicrosoftGraphVersions
[switch] Removes old versions, if any found

.PARAMETER RemoveAllMicrosoftGraphVersions
[switch] Removes all versions of Microsoft.Graph (complete re-install)

.PARAMETER InstallLatestMicrosoftGraph
[switch] Install latest version of Microsoft.Graph from PSGallery, if new version detected

.PARAMETER ShowVersionDetails
[switch] Show version details (detailed)

None. You cannot pipe objects

Returns the data


# Show details of installed Microsoft.Graph

# Show details of installed Microsoft.Graph including version details
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -ShowVersionDetails

# Show details of installed Microsoft.Graph and install latest (if found)
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -InstallLatestMicrosoftGraph

# Show details of installed Microsoft.Graph and install latest (if found)
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -InstallLatestMicrosoftGraph -Scope CurrentUser

# Show details of installed Microsoft.Graph and clean-up old versions (if found)
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -CleanupOldMicrosoftGraphVersions

# Show details of installed Microsoft.Graph and remove all versions (complete re-install)
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -RemoveAllMicrosoftGraphVersions

# Show details, install latest (if found) and clean-up old versions (if found)
Manage-Version-Microsoft.Graph -InstallLatestMicrosoftGraph -CleanupOldMicrosoftGraphVersions


Install and Update MicrosoftGraphPS module

Install latest version of MicrosoftGraphPS, if not found
Updates to latest version of MicrosoftGraphPS, if switch (-AutoUpdate) is set

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


Scope where MicrosoftGraphPS module will be installed - can be AllUsers or CurrentUser

MicrosoftGraphPS module will be updated to latest version, if switch (-AutoUpdate) is set

None. You cannot pipe objects

Installation / Update status


InstallUpdate-MicrosoftGraphPS -Scope AllUsers -AutoUpdate


Connect to Microsoft Graph (requires PS-module Microsoft Graph minimum v2.x)
Connect to Microsoft Graph using Azure App & Secret
Connect to Microsoft Graph using Azure App & Certificate Thumprint
Connect to Microsoft Graph using interactive login and scope

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


This is the Azure app id
This is the secret of the Azure app

This is the Azure AD tenant id

.PARAMETER CertificateThumbprint
This is the thumprint of the installed certificate

.PARAMETER ShowMgContext
switch to show the current Microsoft Graph context

.PARAMETER ShowMgContextExpandScopes
switch to show the Microsoft Graph permissions in the current context

Here you can define an array of permissions

None. You cannot pipe objects

Connection to Microsoft Graph ("welcome")


# Microsoft Graph connect with AzApp & Secret
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -AppId $global:HighPriv_Modern_ApplicationID_Azure `
                         -AppSecret $global:HighPriv_Modern_Secret_Azure `
                         -TenantId $global:AzureTenantID

# Microsoft Graph connect with AzApp & CertificateThumprint
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -AppId $global:HighPriv_Modern_ApplicationID_Azure `
                         -CertificateThumbprint $global:HighPriv_Modern_CertificateThumbprint_Azure `
                         -TenantId $global:AzureTenantID

# Show Permissions in the current context
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -ShowMgContextExpandScopes

# Show context of current Microsoft Graph context
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -ShowMgContext

# Microsoft Graph connect with interactive login with the permission defined in the scopes
$Scopes = @("DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All",`
Connect-MicrosoftGraphPS -Scopes $Scopes


Invoke command to get/put/post/patch/delete data using Microsoft Graph REST endpoint

Get data using Microsoft Graph REST endpoint in case there is no PS-cmdlet available

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


This is the Uri for the REST endpoint in Microsoft Graph

This is the method to handle the data (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, PATCH)

This is the output type

None. You cannot pipe objects

Returns the data

# Method #1 - REST Endpoint
$Uri        = ""
$Devices    = Invoke-MgGraphRequestPS -Uri $Uri -Method GET -OutputType PSObject

# Method #2 - MgGraph cmdlet (prefered method, if available)
$Devices = Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice


Connect to REST API endpoint

Connect to REST API endpoint like

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


This is the Uri for the REST endpoint in Microsoft Graph

This is the Azure app id
This is the secret of the Azure app

This is the Azure AD tenant id

None. You cannot pipe objects

Connection Header & Token

$ConnectAuth = Connect-MicrosoftRestApiEndpointPS -AppId $global:HighPriv_Modern_ApplicationID_O365 `
                                                  -AppSecret $global:HighPriv_Modern_Secret_O365 `
                                                  -TenantId $global:AzureTenantID `
                                                  -Uri ""


Invoke command to get/put/post/patch/delete data using Microsoft REST API endpoint

Get data using Microsoft REST API endpoint like GET

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


This is the Uri for the REST endpoint in Microsoft Graph

This is the method to handle the data (GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, PATCH)

This is the Header coming from Connect-MicrosoftRestApiEndpointPS

None. You cannot pipe objects

Returns the data

$Result = Invoke-MicrosoftRestApiRequestPS -Uri "" `
                                           -Method GET `
                                           -Headers $ConnectAuth[1]

# Show Result


Performs a Get-MgUser for all users retrieving all properties (except for certain properties which cannot be returned within a user collection). 
Manager property is being expanded

Get all properties for all users
Expands manager information
Excludes certain properties which cannot be returned within a user collection in bulk retrieval (*)


The following properties are only supported when retrieving a single user: aboutMe, birthday, hireDate, interests, mySite, pastProjects, preferredName, 
responsibilities, schools, skills, mailboxSettings, DeviceEnrollmentLimit, print, SignInActivity

Morten Knudsen, Microsoft MVP -


None. You cannot pipe objects

Returns the data


$Result = Get-MgUser-AllProperties-AllUsers
$Result | fl

$Result.ManagerProperties | fl


Think of this PS-module as a helper for Microsoft Graph version-management, connectivity and data management using Microsoft Graph.








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