This addon enhances the display and management of experience, reputation, honor, and artifact power bars in World of Warcraft. It provides real-time updates and customization options for these bars, allowing players to track their progression more effectively.
Experience Bar:
- Tracks current experience, rested experience, and remaining experience to level up.
- Supports customization of bar width, height, and text format.
- Updates dynamically based on in-game events like gaining experience or resting.
Reputation Bar:
- Displays the current reputation status with the watched faction.
- Shows details such as current reputation level, percentage to the next level, and remaining reputation needed.
- Supports bar customization including width, height, and text format.
Honor Bar:
- Activates when watching honor as experience.
- Indicates current honor points, percentage to the next level, and remaining honor needed.
- Allows customization of bar width, height, and text format.
Azerite Bar:
- Appears when an Azerite item is equipped.
- Displays current Azerite power level, current and maximum Azerite power, and progress percentage.
- Supports customization options for bar display.
Artifact Bar:
- Appears when an Artifact is equipped.
- Shows current artifact power level, progress towards the next trait, and remaining artifact power needed.
- Updates based on artifact power gains and customization settings.
To use this addon effectively, install it in your World of Warcraft addons folder and enable it from the in-game addon menu. Customize the display settings through the interface options to suit your preferences.
- Enable Experience: Toggle to enable or disable the experience bar.
- Show Bubbles: Toggle to show or hide bubbles on the experience bar.
- Bar Width: Adjust the width of all progress bars.
- Bar Height: Adjust the height of all progress bars.
- Bar Text Format: Choose from different formats for the text displayed on the bars.