Cryptopia API Wrapper in PHP
- getSymbols() - Returns and array of currency pairs and currency pair ids
- makeStandardSymbol($exchangeSymbolLabel) - Converts currency pairs into only uppercase letters (LTC/BTC or ltc_btc to LTCBTC)
- getExchangeSymbol($standardSymbol) - Recieves the currency pair in only capital letters and returns the exchanges currency pair id
- getPrices() - Returns array with high, low, bid, ask, & last price for each currency pair
- updatePrices() - Reload the array of prices from the exchange
- getBalance() - Returns array of account balance for each crypto currency
- getCurrencyBalance($currency) - Returns the balance for specified crypto currency
- activeOrders() - Retuens array of all of your open buy and sell orders
- cancelOrder($id) - Cancels a specific order given the order id
- cancelAll() - Cancels all of your orders
- buy($symbol, $amount, $price); - Places a buy order (currency pair symbol specified in only capital letter)
- sell($symbol, $amount, $price); - Places a sell order (currency pair symbol specified in only capital letter)
- marketOrderbook($symbol) - Returns an array of all buy/sell orders on the exchanges orderbook for a given currency pair (specified in only capital letter)
- highestBid($orders, $depth default:0, $type default:"Buy")) - Recieves an ordered array of orders and return the highest buy price at a specified depth
- LowestAsk($offers, $depth default:0, $type default:"Sell") - Recieves an ordered array of orders and return the lowest sell price at a specified depth
include 'cryptopiaAPI.php';
try {
$ct = New Cryptopia($API_SECRET, $API_KEY);
$my_btc = $ct->getCurrencyBalance( "BTC" );
echo "BTC Balance: " . $my_btc . PHP_EOL;
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo '' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
sample.php - Sample code to call each function in the API wrapper.
samplebuybot.php - Sample Buy Bot.
Donations are accepted in Monero and BipCoin:
XMR: 49kC7NB3iagZf2T4AhBdL84N9JaugEhvJVJDBEuMEKQSUnrx3xFoDzejpRKiSgX7V1j1im8h8xyRmNXJJSQtBtJS7F25nzs
BIP: bip1WevdQxcaVYr1bRuqEsEqU4vEJ5qFtHsrWANG7hbTYyvTmvTswC8FcX6yAZ2MunWE3Fu1qLpTBVUnf7hDhWpi4BbozDmQJ1