Author : Defraine Anthony (Kinaesthesia)
Project to learn more specific technical cryptography skill.
The algorithm is Blowfish.
This is the step to follow :
1. Implementation of blowfish.
2. Test a simple word encryption and decryption.
3. Test a file encryption (32 bytes block encryption with a padding to 64).
The main application is a database of my passwords. It will encrypt and decrypt a file that contains my passwords.
The command syntax :
* ./Ksecret $key $mode $file
Required :
* [$key] The secret key used to decrypt and encrypt the file
* [$file] The path of the file. If no mode is specified, the application will load into memory the decrypted file with the key. If a mode is specified, the application will encrypt/decrypt the file to let the user manage the file.
Optional :
* [$mode] The mode if used to encrypt (--e) or decrypt (--d) the specified file.
Examples :
* ./Ksecret -D -k "MySecretKey" -f ./MyPasswordFile // Decrypt the specified file
* ./Ksecret -E -k "MySecretKey" -f ./MyPasswordFile // Encrypt the speficied file