censored-style.js is a Web Component that allows you to easily apply styles that look as if they are being censored
This is a script that makes areas marked up with certain tags look as if they are being censored.
This script is intended to change the style, not to really censor and remove strings. It only applies styles and does not actually delete information, so censored information can be easily restored. Do not use it for sensitive information.
In order to use this script, the user's browser must support Web Components.
In order to use scripts, you must first load the script, for example, in the head tag.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/Kilimanjaro-a2/censored-style-js@gh-pages/censored-style.js"></script>
Within the area enclosed by the censored-style tag, the censored-style style can be applied by using specific tags. By default, enclosing text with the censored tag will cause the enclosed text to be censored.
<p>This is a normal text.</p>
<p>This is a <censored>censored text</censored>.</p>
You can set the options by specifying arguments to the censored-style tag.
<p>This is a normal text.</p>
<p>This is a <c>censored text</c>.</p>
MIT License